Updates: what’s new in April 2020

11 maio, 2020
Olga Voytikhovich

April has already passed, but we are still working from home just like many of you. However, it doesn’t preclude us from making the system even more user-friendly. Today, we are going to explore the range of new features of Wialon Hosting, Hecterra, NimBus, and a new app Distance Tag. Read on to learn about viewing the photo through the external link, the geofence report enhancements, and new maps.

Wialon Hosting

Enhancements of the reports by geofence

In new reports by geofence and groups of geofences, we added:

  • new filters: by duration, mileage, speed, driver, trailer, parkings, stops;
  • The following sensors’ values in reports: average, min, max, initial, final temperature, initial and final counter, cargo weight, etc. (see the full list in the documentation);
  • the Trailer column in the Geofence table;
  • the Geofence column with the name of the geofence, so that the user could understand which geofences the specified intervals belong to.

All of this will help make reports even more informative and user-friendly. Now, you can get the data on transportation within the geofence. For example, you can find out if the temperature inside the truck with pharmaceuticals was right when the truck was being stuck in traffic downtown.

New columns for the reports by geofence

The ride track from the group report

In group reports by units, we added the ability to mark the selected trip interval with a red line and center the map on it when turning on the display of all the ride tracks or messages on the map. The interval can be viewed in the Trips, Engine hours, Rides, Speedings tables for the report by unit groups, and in the Rides table for the report by driver.

The feature will come in handy for the quick analysis of the work of the machinery group for a specific period, for example. It spares you the need to deal with multiple similar tracks simultaneously.

The ride track from the group report

Coordinates adjustments on the Amap maps

In December 2019, we supported the Chinese Amap maps, but the coordinates we received were with minor shifts which was the peculiarity of the Chinese developer. To fix this, we came up with the algorithm of turning these shifted coordinates into the correct ones.

Track on the Amap map before the coordinates adjustment

Before the coordinates adjustment

Track on the Amap map after the coordinated adjustment

After the coordinated adjustment

You can activate the Adjust Chinese coordinates option in the user settings, but only if the Amap maps are connected to your service.

Wialon integration with Namaa map service from Iran

Now Wialon supports the maps of the Iranian provider Namaa. Users can make use of the routing and reverse geocoding features as well as use the traffic layer.

Retaining of the monitoring settings in Locator

In Locator, we have the option of centering the map on the selected units. Previously, it was turned on by default after reloading the page. Not all users found it useful because they had to turn it off all the time when reloading the page multiple times (non-stable internet connection, viewing from the mobile device).

Now, you have to do it just once – when reloading the page, this Locator setting will retain.

Viewing the photo through the external link

We added the option of opening photos via external links. Previously, this option was available for video only.

If we receive data not directly from the device, but from the manufacturer’s server, we often get it in the form of links and not files themselves. To view them, we needed this enhancement. It is essential for Wialon integration with third-party video platforms.

New column in the Orders report with the time of entering the geofence

In the Orders report by unit, group of units, driver, group of drivers, we added the column showing the actual time when the courier entered the order geofence. It will help distinguish between the confirmation of the fulfilled order and visiting the order geofence. Now the dispatcher will see if the courier confirmed the order fulfillment before even entering the needed geofence.

A similar column will appear in the Orders reports in Logistics.

New column in the Orders report

A small reminder: on May, 14, at 5 p.m. (UTC+3), we hold an online meetup on Wialon. Aliaksandr Kuushynau, Head of Wialon Division, and Mariya Starikova, Wialon Product Manager, will answer all your burning questions on the system. By the way, you can and should send them through the special form.

There is a special topic where the Gurtam forum users can learn about the new Wialon Hosting features. Get registered if you haven’t done it yet.

Distance Tag

In April, we released Distance Tag, the new solution for quarantine monitoring. To flawlessly work, this effective and reliable Wialon-based solution needs just a smartphone and a plain Bluetooth bracelet. The creators of the app have already shared all the details during the online meetup on Distance Tag.


Filtration on the Rides page

We added new filters by rides on the Rides page:

  • all rides;
  • active now;
  • overlapping;
  • with no unit.

This kind of filtration will allow users to quickly locate the troubled rides (not only the ones with no units but also overlapping in time that have the same assigned unit) and take corresponding measures like assigning another unit. It also helps view the rides that are being fulfilled at the moment.

Filtration on the Rides page in NimBus

The filtration is available for all types of rides grouping: by routes, units, and blocks.

Locator mobile version: viewing the map when clicking on the link or searching

Now, when you click on the Locator link or search for the stop or route on the mobile device, you will view the map right away with the necessary route or stop instead of the sidebar with the schedule like it was before. Besides, if the link leads to the selected stop, the map will automatically zoom so you could see nearby stops too.

This small enhancement makes the app even more user-friendly as the users won’t have to spend time on closing the sidebar with the schedule.

Visit our forum and discover more about NimBus.


Showing all cultivations on the map in reports

Previously, when viewing the cultivations from the report on the map, you could see only one of them simultaneously. Now, we added the option of viewing all the cultivations from the report on the map simultaneously. 

It will help visually assess the amount of work done (by driver, shift, or certain operation).

Showing all cultivations on the map in reports

Adjustable perimeter coefficient for candidates search

Previously, to exclude the small rides across the field from the number of potential candidates, the cultivation mileage had to be at least 80% of the field perimeter. However, we found out that this rule was not always workable because:

  • all cultivations are important because the specialist’s salary depends on their number;
  • small cultivations can appear when the works are finished on the next day, for example;
  • due to the large size of the field, the cultivation can be performed by lots of machinery which reduces the perimeter coefficient for each cultivation.

So that the users could register the smaller cultivations too, we let them specify the necessary perimeter coefficient in the resource settings. Now you can select from 80%, 60%, and 40%.

Adjustable perimeter coefficient for candidates search

Field names on the map

To make the map more informative, we added the field names there. Now, reading the map became even easier. 

The feature is available for the maps displaying more than one field:

  • the Field page 
  • the map showing all the cultivations in the report

Field names on the map in Hecterra

More details on the Hecterra new features are in this topic. A little while ago, we also reviewed the app functionality during an online Gurtam meetup dedicated to Hecterra. 

In a month, we will prepare the review of May features. Meanwhile, feel free to try and test the new and improved functionality of the platform and apps as well as leave your comments on the Gurtam forum.

We also recommend joining our weekly online meetups to listen to expert opinions from the telematics community and Gurtam on various topics and get some fresh ideas for business development even under the challenging circumstances of the pandemic.

Olga Voytikhovich
Olga Voytikhovich
A Olga é a Content Editor da Gurtam. Ela revisa os materiais de outros autores e também escreve sobre os produtos Gurtam, apresenta casos de uso de parceiros da melhor maneira possível e fala sobre as atualizações do sistema. Na verdade, a Olga ajuda com o conteúdo de quase todos os recursos da Gurtam.


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