What’s new in November: Wialon Hosting, NimBus, and WiaTag

5 dezembro, 2018
Kirill Yakynin

We got three of our major solutions updated for the last month: the monitoring system, niche solution, and mobile application. Read in this article for the functionality added, how to use it, and what for.

Wialon Hosting

Resource selection in notification and job dialogs

The system can automatically send reports to your e-mail with the help of both notifications and jobs. We added the resource selection field and the “All available” item in a dropdown list in the corresponding dialogs. Upon selecting it, you can set up an automatic sending of reports from all resources available to you.

The similar is true to geofence notifications as well. Select the resource or “All available” resources in the corresponding field and receive notifications on all geofences that are in these resources.

Wialon Hosting

Additional information on units in User Settings

In the second block of “General Settings,” you can select the additional information to be displayed in the unit list and a tooltip. Now, it’s much easier to find the needed data. We divided the block into three parts and grouped the settings in the same way you see the information in the tooltip.

Wialon Hosting



In Wialon, you can share the unit’s location through Locator link. Administrator of “Depot” in NimBus can do more with the same tool: they can show what transport visits this or that stopping point, what route it takes, and when the next vehicle arrives.

In November, Locator became more user-friendly. From now on, the receiver of the Locator link can define their own location and center the map on themselves. It will help the passenger to find the right transport in an unfamiliar place.

Lifehack: use iframe and add the Locator window to your website to stream the public transportation movements to a big number of people. 


We added more statistics to the reports on the rides in regard to units and routes: 

  • Total number of planned, fulfilled, and skipped rides for the specified route and unit;

  • Average deviation for all fulfilled rides;

  • The number of rides with maximum delay, hurry and the ones fulfilled according to the schedule (with not critical delays and hurries).

Wialon Hosting

While exporting the report to an Excel file, a new tab with this data is created.

WiaTag iOS

Good news for those who got the app shut up at times – it is not going to happen again. We added the following function: if the app unexpectedly stops, it will automatically turn on in the background in 100-200 meters from the last captured point.

That’s all for November. The next portion of the system’s enhancements is expected by the New Year’s Eve. Meanwhile, use the new functionality in your projects and share the results with us at marketing@gurtam.com

Kirill Yakynin
Kirill Yakynin
O Kirill é o Brand Manager da Gurtam. Ele mantém a integridade da marca em todas as iniciativas de marketing e comunicações da empresa e garante que os produtos Gurtam tenham repercussão entre os clientes atuais e potenciais.


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