Wialon Hosting in June: updated desktop, mobile and WiaTag

14 junho, 2018
Kirill Yakynin

Telematics conference is approaching, but while getting ready for it, we never forget to work on the system. Today, it will be retranslators, weather overlay for the map, and LBS coordinates in reports. Don’t miss it!


97,000 units in Wialon retranslate their data to one or several third-party servers. This is where “Retranslators” that you create in CMS Manager come into play. The units in retranslators transfer data through the selected protocol to the specified port server.


Each unit added to the retranslator gets a new ID. And that was where the problem laid. You had to click on each unit to learn its retranslation ID. The recipients didn’t know as well what unit was sending data and the manual process of finding it out was requiring quite some time and effort. We enhanced the process: now you can export the data in .xlsx files. 


After that you will have a handy Excel table with several columns: 

  • “Retranslator” 

  • “Creator” 

  • “Account” 

  • “Protocol” 

  • “Server” 

  • “State” 

  • “Units for retranslation”

  • “Unit unique ID” 

The table is the summary of the retranslator’s characteristics and the list of the unit names with their new IDs.

You just have to: open the table → use Ctrl+F hotkey to find the necessary ID in the table → view the adjacent column to get to know what unit it is. That’s it! Forget about trying to relate received data to corresponding units one by one.

Pay attention that if a certain filter is applied to the table in CMS, only filtered retranslators will be exported.

This feature can’t be underestimated when we speak about data reconciliation by inspection authorities, for example. We are sure that many of you or your friends are going to visit Russia during FIFA World Cup. To provide security, all data from the fans buses will be retranslated to the servers of supervisory authorities. If any issues arise, local employees will be able to quickly track the troubled unit ID, name, and type.

Weather overlay for the map

A long-awaited weather overlay is here! We supported two weather services in Wialon: AerisWeather and OpenWeatherMap.

It means you can view units on the map in real time alongside with the current weather in the region. Benefits:

  • Construction and service companies can now determine the best time to send units to the construction site; 

  • Transport companies can quickly and timely inform drivers on inclement weather to optimize their routes and make them safer.

To decipher the overlay, look in the right lower corner. There you will see the colors responsible for temperature, wind speed, precipitation, and sea level pressure.


To activate this feature at your DNS, address our technical support.

LBS in report tables

From now on, you can build an informative report based on messages with LBS coordinates. All types of tables support this option. LBS accuracy is not really high but it is a great way out when GPS positioning data is unavailable.

This enhancement is of crucial importance to the partners working in the sphere of container shipping where GPS is of no use. They track the fact of the good’s arrival at a certain transitional point and not its precise location. It means that you build the report in the form of “port - customs - warehouse” table, for example. The exact location of the goods doesn’t really matter in that case. 

Mobile apps

Today, you will get to know our mobile apps’ new features as well. 

Let’s start with Wialon mobile app:

  • Those who have Google Maps for desktop Wialon got them in the mobile version too; 
  • The users can synchronize the unit work lists in web and mobile versions of the system to avoid being messed up. Now you have two monitoring lists to switch betweeb them in a click;
  • We added the option of opening the unit’s location in other navigation apps. The long press on the map does it right away. Build routes wherever it is handier for you.

And proceed with WiaTag:

  • Starting from June, WiaTag with some remote control commands are available on Garmin Fleet 790 in Garmin’s store;

  • Chat and Remote Control options are now supported on devices without Google Play Services such as TomTom Bridge, Garmin Fleet 790, etc.;

  • Now, you can generate and download a QR code to get a quick access to WiaTag on wiatag.comRetranslators

We also updated our Terms of Service in compliance with GDPR. Using our applications, remember that you accept the user agreement terms.

That’s all for this month. Next time there will be more new useful features.

Kirill Yakynin
Kirill Yakynin
O Kirill é o Brand Manager da Gurtam. Ele mantém a integridade da marca em todas as iniciativas de marketing e comunicações da empresa e garante que os produtos Gurtam tenham repercussão entre os clientes atuais e potenciais.


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