Wialon lifehacks: 10 platform features you didn't know about

27 maio, 2020
Olga Voytikhovich

We have already stated multiple times that, in most cases, only 40-50% of Wialon capabilities are used at best. And that’s only when the project involves the use of a non-standard solution. In all other cases, the basic functionality is usually enough.

However, there are obvious and advanced life hacks of the system that you haven’t noticed before, making the work easier and faster. They will become the topic of our next webinar – Wialon lifehacks: 10 platform features you didn't know about.

Our specialist who has been training partners to master Wialon for almost 6 years already and whose knowledge is priceless, prepared the top 10 Wialon lifehacks: 5 pairs, each featuring one obvious and one advanced trick that you didn’t know. Join the webinar and tell us which pair is the most useful in your opinion.

Host: Oleg Zharkovsky, Wialon Trainers Team Lead, Gurtam

Date and time: June 4, 5 p.m.(UTC+3)

Language: English

We invite all the interested partners to join the meetup! Here is the registration link.

You can find the records of previous meetups (panel discussions, webinars, QA sessions) on our YouTube channel. This week, we are discussing telematics hardware and its application during the crisis.  Sign up to the Gurtam blog updates and never miss any important events in the community’s life.

Please, feel free to watch this webinar recorded.

Olga Voytikhovich
Olga Voytikhovich
A Olga é a Content Editor da Gurtam. Ela revisa os materiais de outros autores e também escreve sobre os produtos Gurtam, apresenta casos de uso de parceiros da melhor maneira possível e fala sobre as atualizações do sistema. Na verdade, a Olga ajuda com o conteúdo de quase todos os recursos da Gurtam.
