Wialon Logistics - New Order Management Solution by Gurtam

3 março, 2016
Kirill Yakynin

Wialon Hosting winter updates prepared the system for the implementation of a new order management service from Gurtam. Today the new product has become available for all Wialon users.

Wialon Logistics is a universal program designed to control all stages of delivery and field services operations. The application allows to perform a wide range of tasks in the area of logistics and delivery:

  • Transportation arrangements;
  • Transport processes optimization;
  • Cost saving.

The new service comprises web-version for dispatchers and mobile application for drivers.

Wialon Logistics web-version

Web-version ensures effective operating procedures management: orders placement, planning and allocation, route optimization, delivery process monitoring and coordination. The version for dispatchers is available as an app in Wialon system interface or at logistics.wialon.com. There are several stages of order management. begin`1


In the beginning a dispatcher must enter detailed information in “Orders” tab:

  • Name and cost;
  • Address, time interval and radius;
  • Client information (name, phone number, e-mail);
  • Characteristics and product description;
  • Unloading time.

Filling of all the mandatory fields is necessary for prompt search and filtration of orders in future. Detailed information contributes to effective dispatcher-driver-client communication, helps to avoid misunderstandings during direct interaction with clients and ensures more accurate shipping time estimation. 

An option to attach files of various types when creating an order allows you to always have the necessary document at hand, be it a consignment note, payment confirmation, goods list or client’s photo. Files attached to the order can be viewed at all times. 

Wialon Logistics also provides a possibility to import data. When importing orders from .csv files, the system reads the necessary data and returns preliminary analysis results. The function prompts and simplifies the process of orders creation for major companies that utilize third-party accounting systems for order generation. 


Route planning

Route planning stage involves 3 steps– orders selection, vehicle selection and preliminary orders distribution. 

“Planning” tab enables to visualize orders in a tabular form with the option to view target addresses on the map. For user convenience we designed various order filters, including shipping time and regions binded to a particular warehouse.


Binding units and geofences to warehouses ensures adequate allocation of company fleet resources in the region and, therefore, minimizes shipping time and fuel expenses. 

Warehouses management is realized in “Settings” tab, where you can also set default characteristics for new orders. Thus, if you often create a large number of similar orders, you won't need to configure each from scratch. 

Furthermore, a dispatcher can choose the vehicle to complete the order. Data on the available units is presented in a tabular form with the opportunity of filtering by vehicle type. At the same time unit locations are displayed on the map. 


On the third stage the system automatically distributes selected orders among the selected vehicles, with the following distribution criteria: routing (minimal time and distance), time interval and unloading time, optimal loading based on carrying and effective capacity. 

Order distribution function provides a dispatcher with preliminary routes comprising data on estimated arrival time and mileage. Until the routes are saved a dispatcher can review order distribution quality and introduce relevant adjustments, including order reassignment to another unit, deleting it from the order list and sequences change. If a dispatcher is satisfied, he applies order distribution and gets the working route.

Route control

This mode allows for orders execution monitoring and timely reaction to emerging issues through phone calls or text messaging with the driver. 

The routes are presented in a tabular form and are displayed on the map with all the necessary information available: orders sequence, variations between estimated and actual route duration (advance deliveries and delays), confirmed and rejected orders. 

Comprehensive information on routing allows for utilizing system analytical capabilities to a full scale for route lists and order reports generation. The automation of such processes allows office workers to save more time and takes some burden from field workers.

Wialon Logistics Mobile App

Mobile version is designed for delivery men and other mobile employees. The app is designed for Android OS and is expected to be released on iOS very soon. After phone number authorization, the system starts searching for a driver and checks if he’s bound to the vehicle. 


Whenever the vehicle is detected, detailed information on orders and their location on the map are displayed in the application. After getting all the necessary information the driver can immediately get down to work. At that, the new app allows a mobile worker to turn his/her smartphone into a GPS tracker, allowing the dispatcher to control unit movements even in case when specialized hardware is missing. 

Furthermore, a driver can inform a dispatcher on order status (confirmed or cancelled delivery), send photos and comments, chat with the dispatcher and even call a client if the telephone number is available. Photo sharing function is also available via chat. Established communication between the company and the client will help to address any issue, emerged during shipping, be it delay or damage to goods. 


App settings allow for choosing map layers and photos quality. Moreover, a driver can focus a map on the vehicle or view the entire route, look through orders for the specified period of time and switch between routes.


Apart from mobile version, we released Wialon Logistics for tablets with the option to simultaneously look through orders in tables and on the map. Thus, at any moment the driver knows vehicle location, distance to order and route completion status. 


We hope the new tool will improve intercommunications between the office and the filed and will simplify relevant business processes. Try Wialon Logistics from Gurtam and leave your comments and suggestion on our forum. If you have any questions, please contact Gurtam techsupport .

Kirill Yakynin
Kirill Yakynin
O Kirill é o Brand Manager da Gurtam. Ele mantém a integridade da marca em todas as iniciativas de marketing e comunicações da empresa e garante que os produtos Gurtam tenham repercussão entre os clientes atuais e potenciais.


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