Wialon to become the largest fleet monitoring platform

21 agosto, 2020
Leonid Losich

Wialon, the telematics platform for GPS tracking and IoT developed by Gurtam, became the first one to reach 2.5 million vehicles being tracked.

The anniversary car was connected in Spain.

Previously, no other company in the transport monitoring sphere has publicly announced reaching the 2.5 million assets threshold.

Over the last two years, more than a million assets were connected to Wialon: 480,100 in 2018, and 523,200 in 2019.

Russia and countries of the former USSR remain the largest market for the platform with more than 1,5 million connected vehicles. In Latin America, Wialon has 300,000+ assets and over 190,000 in Europe.

Aliaksandr Kuushynau, Head of Wialon Division

Aliaksandr Kuushynau, Head of Wialon Division, Gurtam

"Here, at our company, we highly appreciate transparency and honesty. Since the product release, we collect the connections data, which is always available on our website. Together with us, anyone can track the dynamics of how we create and conquer the global IoT market. It’s a great honor to become the first company in the world to connect 2.5 million assets to its platform. We were doubly pleased to reach this fantastiс number through the organic growth of our client base, rather than mergers or acquisitions of other companies. Each of our dealers in 130 countries where we operate, each vehicle fleet, each car connected to our system, is a little piece of a much larger community that is constantly growing. And despite the crisis caused by the coronavirus, we continue to grow and expect to reach the 3 million mark next year." 

Gurtam is a Belarusian software development company with offices in Minsk, Moscow, Boston, Dubai, and Buenos Aires. The company’s core product is Wialon, the platform for GPS tracking and IoT, with over 2.5 million assets connected worldwide. According to the Berg Insight analytical agency, Wialon is the largest platform by the number of connected vehicles in the CIS and Eastern Europe.

Leonid Losich
Leonid Losich
O Leonid é o PR Manager da Gurtam e desenvolve toda a estratégia de promoção da marca para mercados novos e existentes. Ele também molda e trabalha a imagem da empresa, bem como as imagens de seus principais produtos.


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