Concox GT06E

Concox GT06E
Forum Discussion

Número de unidades

Features Concox GT06E:
  • 3G
Supported in Wialon:
  • Sensores digitais
  • LBS
  • Gerenciamento remoto via SMS
  • Botão de alarme
  • Modificação do parâmetro "velocidade"
  • Comunicação via TCP

The following data should also be added to Concox GT06E unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: Concox GT06E
ID único: imei

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration Concox GT06E for use in Wialon Hosting :

Porta do servidor: 21143

18983 units of Concox GT06E device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0.78% of all AVL Hardware connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units

Alarm status:

1: SOS

2: Power cut alarm

3: Vibration alarm

4: Enter fence alarm

5: Exit fence alarm

6: Over speed alarm

9: Displacement alarm

10: Enter GPS dead zone alarm

11: Exit GPS dead zone alarm

12: Power on alarm

13: GPS First fix notice

14: Low battery alarm

15: Low battery protection alarm

16: SIM change notice

17: Power off alarm

18: Airplane mode alarm

19: Disassemble alarm

20: Door alarm

21: Shutdown alarm due to low power

22: Sound alarm

23: Pseudo base-station alarm

24: Open cover alarm

25: Internal low Battery Alarm

32: Sleep mode alarm

33: Reserve

34: Reserve

35: Fall alarm

36: Insert charger alarm(Asset tracker)

41: Harsh acceletation alarm

48: Harsh braking alarm

42: Sharp Left Turn Alarm

43: Sharp Right Turn Alarm

44: Sharp Crash Alarm

45: Vehicle Rolling alarm

75: Tilting alarm

76: Sharp turn alarm

77: Abrupt lane switching alarm

78: Vehicle stability

79: Vehicle angle abnormality

254: ACC On alarm


Alarm status:
0: Normal
1: Shock Alarm
2: Power Cut Alarm
3: Low Battery Alarm
4: SOS

mcc Mobile Country Code
mnc Mobile Network Code
lac Location Area Code
cell_id Cell Tower ID

Voltage degree 0-6:
0: Lowest power and power off
1: No enough power to dial a call or send messages.
2: Low power and alarm
3: Lower power but can work normally
3~6: Work in good condition

gsm GSM signal strength degree
pwr_ext External power voltage V

Bitwise parameter (1 - ON, 1 - OFF):
bit1 - SMS Alarm
bit2 - Phone Alarm
bit3 - Network Alarm
bit4 - Displacement Alarm
bit5 - SMS Alarm
bit6 - Phone Alarm
bit7 - Network Alarm
bit8 - Vibration Alarm


Bitwise parameter (1- ON, 0 - OFF):
bit1 - SMS Alarm
bit2 - Phone Alarm
bit3 - Network Alarm
bit4 - Low Battery Alarm
bit5 - SMS Alarm
bit6 - Phone Alarm
bit7 - Network Alarm
bit8 - Low Battery Alarm


Bitwise parameter (1 - ON, 0 - OFF):
bit1 - SMS Alarm
bit2 - Phone Alarm
bit3 - Network Alarm
bit4 - Power Off Alarm
bit5 - SMSAlarm
bit6 - Phone Alarm
bit7 - Network Alarm
bit8 - Overspeed Alarm


Bitwise parameter (1 - ON, 0 - OFF):
bit1 - SMS Alarm
bit2 - Phone Alarm
bit3 - Network Alarm
bit4 - Power Off Alarm
bit5 - SMSAlarm
bit6 - Phone Alarm
bit7 - Network Alarm
bit8 - Overspeed Alarm

sos_numN SOS Number
center_num Centre Number
fence Fence

Fuel/Electricity, Cutoff Status

mode Mode
mileage Mileage

Bitwise parameter:
bit 0 - Door Status: 1 - ON, 0 - OFF
bit 1 - Triggering Status: 1 - High triggering, 0 - Low triggering
bit 2 - IO Status: 1 - High, 0 - Low


DriveraId (transparent): function code:
0x36 - Event (Warning) Report


DriveraId (transparent): warning id:
0x00: not available,
0x01: start flag,
0x02: end flag
The byte is only for warning or event type that have both start and end flag; if no start or end flag, the byte is not available, input 0x00.


DriveraId (transparent): warning type:
0x01: Fatigue driving warning,
0x02: Calling warning,
0x03: Smoking warning,
0x04: Distraction warning


DriveraId (transparent): Fatigue degree, Indicates the degree of fatigue, ranging from 1 to 10, the greater the value, the more severe the fatigue

veh_state DriveraId (transaprent): Vehicle state

DriveraId (transparent): Multimedia type:
0x00: picture,
0x01: audio,
0x02: video

mult_id_# DriverId (transport): Multimedia ID
rfid_track_1 Data from rfid track 1
rfid_track_2_prm_1 Data from rfid track 1 param 1
rfid_track_2_prm_2 Data from rfid track 2 param 2
rfid_track_3 Data from rfid track 3

Terminal status:

1: defense Activated(1), defense Deactivated(0)

2: ACC high(1), ACC low(0)

3: Charge On(1), Charge Off(0)

4-6: See alarm_status

7: GPS tracking is on(1), GPS tracking is off(0)

8: oil and electricity disconnected(1), oil and electricity connected(0)

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