2,600,000 units on Wialon. New milestone from Chile

11 dezembro, 2020
Leonid Losich

The Wialon community sets a new record! 

This November, we reached a new milestone – the next 100,000 units were connected to Wialon, which means that now we have more than 2,600,000 units under Wialon's control. This number is only a part of the 2020 story: what is more important, we’re growing despite the second wave of coronavirus, repeated lockdowns and restrictions, and the economic consequences that start to hit the countries and businesses worldwide.

GPS7000 from Chile is a company that connected unit #2,600,000. That is why we reached the company's CEO Angelo Mosso to talk about the achievement.

First of all, congratulations! What do you feel about the achievement? Did you follow the numbers, or was it a surprise for you?

Yes, I do follow the numbers and how the Wialon community is growing worldwide. We at GPS7000 are happy to contribute to increasing these impressive numbers.

Could you please tell the audience a bit more about your company? 

GPS7000 was founded in 2010 in Santiago, Chile. We started with 40 units, and then we increased the units thanks to an aggressive marketing focus on small and medium enterprises. By that time, we just offered track-and-trace. That was what the market needed, basically.

Now we are also operating in Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala and are thinking of expanding our business to other countries in South and Central America. And, of course, we are now offering much more than just basic monitoring: drivers and passengers control, cargo monitoring, staff tracking, and other telematics services.

How did you learn about Gurtam and Wialon? 

By 2014, we were looking for a platform that can give us more tools and help us open other markets' needs.

We chose Wialon because it is a very friendly platform, easy to use and to administrate.

Angelo Mosso

Do you remember your first communication with the Gurtam employees? What impressions did you have?

I do remember it perfectly. I had a very nice impression of Sergei Leuchanka (who was VP of Business Development, North America then), and he promptly helped us with all we needed by that time.

What was the first project you launched on Wialon? Could you tell us about it?

More than a specific project, our first task with Wialon was to migrate 4k units in 1,000 accounts without having a bad response from our customers. Gurtam people did a great job helping us with that process.

Could you tell us about the most exciting or unusual project you have implemented on Wialon?

Our most exciting project is offering a solution to control and notify parents when their kids are transported on the school bus. Based on Wialon, we created an app for the drivers where they can report the events.

Could you share with our community any insights inspired by the partnership with Gurtam?

What is great about Gurtam, apart from Wialon, is the huge community where we can share solutions, use cases, projects with companies like us all around the world. That's a great advantage. Meetings in Minsk are always days of inspiration to continue growing and offering solutions that help our customers and society.

Several years ago, Angelo was very kind to participate in our project dedicated to Mother language day and said a couple of lines in Belarusian, the native language of Gurtam

Thanks to Angelo for answering our questions! We’re wishing GPS7000 the best of luck for 2021. Now, let's recall who connected the anniversary units earlier: 

Thanks for joining us in this brief talk! Don’t forget to subscribe to our blog to receive stories about the Wialon community’s success.

Leonid Losich
Leonid Losich
O Leonid é o PR Manager da Gurtam e desenvolve toda a estratégia de promoção da marca para mercados novos e existentes. Ele também molda e trabalha a imagem da empresa, bem como as imagens de seus principais produtos.
