2,700,000 units connected to Wialon. The record was set in Ukraine

31 março, 2021
Leonid Losich

Recently, another 100,000th unit was connected to Wialon. The Ukrainian company LogicTrail helped the community reach a record-high 2,700,000. Its CEO Oksana Korzhova spoke to Gurtam about the jubilee unit, business principles, and ways of surviving the pandemic.Oksana Korzhova, LogicTrail

Congratulations on your achievement! Have you been watching the counter?

Thanks! I used to pay more attention to the number of units connected, but I don’t watch it closely now. My colleagues are monitoring this matter with more attention. I know that companies from all over the world have been the winners lately.

Let's then tell the whole world about LogicTrail. Could you please introduce your company?

The LogicTrail company is over 10 years old. The head office is located in Kyiv, but we have employees who have been working remotely right from the start. When the pandemic began, many were worried (especially our VIP clients) if we would be able to provide quality service in such conditions. Our eight-year experience of remote work reassured them.

Our core members of the team have been working together for over 15 years. Previously, we specialized in the implementation of WMS and BI solutions. In 2010, we launched our startup. Many of our former colleagues and partners were surprised that we chose this market: more than 200 companies provided monitoring services in Ukraine at that time. They asked us how we would differ from them. Our answer was the focus on quality. And for 10 years since then, we have been trying to stick to this principle. Since we are constantly growing, that principle we adopted proved it has its place.

LogicTrail trophie

On business dreams and choosing a niche

Why did you choose telematics in the first place?

Unlike many other companies, we understand how everything should be arranged not only at the level of monitoring but also at the level of ERP systems. Therefore, it is pretty easy for us to work with corporations and help them painlessly implement such solutions. Wialon allows us to ensure the quality of our services: the feature-rich system integrates well with other software, is nicely documented, and very stable.

Do you have a business dream?

My goal is to find a module for creating a fully-fledged logistics solution. We are glad that Wialon has a Logistics module now, as it brings us closer to our dream: to provide our customers with complex logistics solutions. Regarding our services, we move from the bottom to the top and aim at being fully in charge of the logistics chain at all levels.

On the market and the pandemic

How are you dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic?

The pandemic and state restructuring in Ukraine has shifted our focus to retaining our customers. Many of them have been with us for more than 8 years, so we very much wanted to keep them. Our main task is to ensure the quality of the services. We see that the conditions in the market are changing. The more it goes on, the more significant the changes are. So we strive to follow what is happening and analyze the needs of our clients. For example, now they are drawing their attention to video monitoring.

LogicTrail working

You have said that everything is changing. How are the customers changing, by the way?

These changes are considerable. Customer requirements for the quality of maintenance and system support are growing (praise to Wialon: it allows us to provide high-quality services effortlessly). Other aspects are also becoming important: price, the opportunity to streamline workflow, and so on.

What about the competitors?

Our company pursues a slightly unusual approach: we do not participate in tenders while most of our competitors do. It would bring us low income, and we are not interested in that. So we do not face intense competition. We carefully calculate the project figures before starting it. There are no more cherries left to pick in the monitoring market. It is heated enough, but if you position yourself correctly, then there are prospects for growth. The competing products still exist. Yes, Wialon is not cheap, but those engaged in sales know that if you market yourself correctly, then the price is not the main thing.

Some of the clients are ours, some of them are not – we understand it clearly. We are also OK with the fact that we just can’t work with some customers. We do not work for the money flow – we work for cost-effectiveness.

A year in the pandemic. How has the market changed?

We have been familiar with remote work from the very beginning, and it has helped us a lot to adapt to new conditions. Speaking of our partners’ projects, the new conditions affected different industries in various ways. For example, delivery services are experiencing increased demand, while the taxi situation is the opposite. So we followed a case-by-case approach. We had clients whose business was almost dying and supported them, for example, by extending payment periods for them. We were happy to help those who said that they needed a system for their business. So we worked in manual mode: controlling and managing individual points help retain customers immensely.

Could you give some tips on how to survive under challenging conditions?

Do not panic, and carefully listen to your customers and partners. Only healthy nerves and an optimistic view of life will help you survive the current situation.

Follow these links to check out the other lucky Wialon partners:

Leonid Losich
Leonid Losich
O Leonid é o PR Manager da Gurtam e desenvolve toda a estratégia de promoção da marca para mercados novos e existentes. Ele também molda e trabalha a imagem da empresa, bem como as imagens de seus principais produtos.
