The Gurtam podcast, episode 3: marketing in telematics during the coronacrisis

8 abril, 2020
Tatsiana Bravina

We have released the third episode of the Gurtam podcast. This time, we have held an informative conversation with Gurtam experts on one of the most sensitive topics – the crisis caused by coronavirus pandemic. They have discussed what should be done by marketers in this regard. 

Who talks?

Head of Marketing Department at Gurtam

Anastasiya Eroho, Head of Marketing Department, Gurtam

Anastasiya has been responsible for marketing at Gurtam for almost three years. She determines the global marketing strategy and tactical plans and works with the international telematics community to achieve the marketing synergy not only at Gurtam but among the Wialon partners as well. 

Partner Success Manager at Gurtam

Ekaterina Kim, Partner Success Manager, Gurtam 

Ekaterina has been with the company for a little bit over a year. She works mainly with the partners in the US and Canada. Daily, Ekaterina communicates with the partners, assists them with their questions, advises on their projects, personally goes into detail on complicated technical issues.

What’s the talk about?

While listening to this podcast episode, you’ll explore what to do with marketing costs during the crisis and find out the Gurtam plans in this regard.

The Head of Marketing at Gurtam also shares her insights on what steps should the businesses take to enhance their content marketing strategies and suggests the Gurtam materials that are worth to study while in quarantine:

Why listen to it?

This podcast episode will help you to:

  • have an idea of what to do with marketing expenses in crisis times;
  • understand how to keep in touch with the clients when you are totally online;
  • get the insights on which steps should be taken to enhance marketing in 2020;
  • figure out how to benefit from the quarantine.

We’ll appreciate any insightful feedback on this edition and your suggestions on the topics of the future episodes. Find the previous podcast editions on our Youtube channel.

Tatsiana Bravina
Tatsiana Bravina
A Tatsiana é a Content Marketing Specialist da Gurtam e escreve sobre assuntos relevantes para a comunidade Wialon. Ela cria conteúdo para o blog, apresentações de produtos e materiais impressos que nossos parceiros utilizem em suas atividades comerciais.
