How to support your business: Gurtam relief plan

30 março, 2020
Tatsiana Bravina

According to the partner survey, the Wialon community is one of the values that partners appreciate the most while working with Gurtam. The truth is we know many of you personally, we’re aware of your business stories, difficulties, and successes. That is why our wish to strengthen our community in this challenging situation is absolutely natural. And we are fully committed to helping you not just through words but through actions.  

Below you will find the measures we are taking for you to survive all this coronacrisis time with the least disruption.

“Freezing of the units”: anti-crisis option in Wialon 

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, your clients may limit or stop their businesses. In this case, it makes sense for them to re-evaluate their expenses. Although such a step on the part of the clients is fully justified, it is becoming more and more challenging for the Wialon partner to pay Gurtam for non-functioning units. Deleting them now when there's still a chance for end-users to get back will not be a wise business decision.

We needed to find the solution which, on the one hand, would allow partners and their customers to suspend monitoring of units without additional expenses, and on the other hand, to maintain relations between partners and clients so that both could resume activity when the coronavirus leans back.

Some Wialon partners are already familiar with a feature that allows you to temporarily deactivate vehicles that are not used all year round (for example, agricultural or snow-clearing equipment). According to current rules, you can suspend up to 50% of your units for no more than 90 days.

We decided to use this functionality in this crisis and remove the limitation for the number of deactivated units and “freezing” duration. It means that now you can disconnect more than 50% of your units. The limit of 90 days has been also turned off until further notice. Gurtam will keep these limits off within the whole duration of COVID-19-related crisis.

The most significant benefit of the tool is that “frozen” units will not be removed from the system. All settings and received messages will remain on the Wialon servers, and these units won’t be displayed in the account, and you won’t be charged for them. They will stay in this condition until you activate them. New messages won't be registered for deactivated units.

This tool will allow gracefully getting out of difficult situations with clients who are temporarily unable to pay for services due to force majeure. Thus, we intend to help not only our partners but also give them tools to help businesses of the end-users.

Please send your requests for the activation of this tool to or your personal manager.

flespi to fight against coronavirus

The team of developers of the flespi innovative backend platform consists of talented professionals who simply could not stand aside without coming up with ideas on how to stop coronavirus from spreading. 

Thanks to flespi, now we have an interactive map to learn about the impact of coronavirus on the global transport industry.

More to that, the flespi team led by Aliaksei Shchurko, Chief Gurtam Architect, wants to help local governments, companies, and integrators control and restrain the spread of coronavirus. They are ready to do the following immediately and for free: 

  • to give a commercial flespi account for the development of anti-COVID-19 projects;
  • technical consulting, guidance, and coordination of anti-COVID-19 projects;
  • development of the applications for anti-COVID-19 projects. 

More about the flespi team initiative is described on their blog.

Head of Wialon Division

Aliaksandr Kuushynau, Сhief Wialon Officer, Head of Wialon Division

“Every day, the epidemic demonstrates how vulnerable our business is. And at the same time, it shows that although we are not allowed to be close in the physical sense, we still can become stronger.

Gurtam is a family. This insight is of particular value now. This crisis is about all of us, and we will collectively deal with it, too. We are committed to mutual assistance within the Wialon partner community and have already taken steps to demonstrate it. And no matter how the situation develops in the future, Gurtam will continue to support you, your business, and the businesses of your clients. Even if we have never experienced anything like this before, it's high time we showed how effective we can be even in times of crisis”.

The community stays together and online: we invite you to participate in a new format of partnership meetings – Gurtam meetups. Last week, hundreds of partners took part in three online meetings in Russian, English, and Spanish. They shared how their countries are experiencing the pandemic, discussed the new opportunities for currently emerging IoT projects, talked about the threats and the upcoming challenges. We are going to continue this new tradition of our online meetings until, finally, the epidemic is over and we can meet again, as before, at our offline conferences. In the meantime, follow the announcements of the new meetups! 

The Doing business from quarantine: how to maintain strong telematics market positions in times of pandemic guide is also available for download.

Tatsiana Bravina
Tatsiana Bravina
A Tatsiana é a Content Marketing Specialist da Gurtam e escreve sobre assuntos relevantes para a comunidade Wialon. Ela cria conteúdo para o blog, apresentações de produtos e materiais impressos que nossos parceiros utilizem em suas atividades comerciais.


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