GITEX pre-party: Gurtam Partner Conference in Dubai

26 outubro, 2018
Anastasiya Eroho

The day before GITEX Technology Week – the major industry event in the Middle East – Gurtam partners and hardware manufacturers team up with Wialon and flespi crews on the annual Pre-GITEX Partner conference. Trending topics discussed: telematics market, the IoT, and development directions. Here are the highlights for those who have missed it all.

Gurtam speaking

“This year we registered 90 people vs 50 attendees in 2017.” – states Alexander Smirnov, the Business Development Director for the Middle East in his welcoming speech. And it's not the only growth point.

  • A while ago we connected 100 000th unit in the Middle East;

  • Instead of a standard booth on GITEX, Gurtam creates the telematics hub to unite 10 more community members;

  • Gurtam magnificent six – Dubai team – moved to the new office in Jumeirah Lake Towers business district.

Gurtam speaking

Wialon keeps evolving. Wialon implementation consultants Nishad Kaippally and Tim Scherbakov spoke on the top new functions of 2018.

WiaTag authorization has become simpler. We launched website where you can generate a login QR code for your employees. NimBus acquired Locator functionality and was integrated with a stopping point display. Find all that and much more in our presentation on

Gurtam speaking

Gurtam community now comprises 1000 partners in 130 countries which makes it a great source of ideas from telematics professionals globally. Gurtam business development team showcased Wialon changing the essence of public transportation in Beirut and enhancing fuel control in a Bulgarian railway company. Plus, tracking vessels in the Amazon, automating printed materials delivery in the USA, making Colombia the safest place for school bus transportation – employ the experience of our partners to implement Wialon in your country!

Gurtam speaking

Anastasiya Eroho from Marketing Department shared 6 killer marketing case-stories from the CIS countries. Don't underestimate their expertise – check out the presentation to boost your marketing.

Aliaksandr Smirnou awarded two companies ranking in Wialon TOP 50 Global rating who missed Telematics 2018 in Minsk. Electro Profile from Kuwait and GGRCO from Iran got their statuettes in person in Dubai.

Partners news

Gurtam partners are the businessmen to take after. So take their experience and do it.

Take Milan Suletic from Codes Zone, Serbia, for example. He is a consultant and a developer of Wialon-based solutions promoting the importance of custom developments. The core ideas are:

  • Each service provider works with a great number of business-verticals; 

  • Each vertical contains its own range of tasks and demands; 

  • If we multiply the number of industries by the quantity of tasks – the figure will be scaring.

Gurtam speaking

Often, the whole industry can't be addressed with one ready-made solution. And whatever you develop – a single report, algorithm, data export, system integration, external database, mobile app (or everything at once) – the value it brings remains your core goal.

According to Milan, custom developments succeed when your company aggregates valuable knowledge, has special background and personnel expertise, clients’ structure and market condition, and strategic partnerships. Such conference is a great chance to acquire it all.

Gurtam speaking

Hot! We finally found the famous lost slide from Milan's presentation being searched for by the whole community.

Sameer Obeid from Traklink, Jordan, spoke on how to engage with big brands like Nestle, Del Monte, and Hertz. The UAE-based Sicuro Group working in almost any flashpoint globally shared risk management experience in the company and beyond. SpaceLink from Kuwait elaborated on non-standard use of WiaTag in line with Zitaat – a most popular food delivery platform in the country.

Gurtam Partner Conference in Dubai

The report by Raaft Salih – Integrated Solutions, Iraq – arose the interest in weight control, especially when it comes to roads with weight restrictions. Weight sensors are mostly used in that case, but the installations and calibrations are time-consuming and the sensors cost much. Raaft offers the alternative – stationary weight sensors installed on the platform. The truck moves through it – Voi la!

Gurtam blog star – KLOUDIP from Sri Lanka – presented their Wialon-based development. KLOUD-Attendant solution designed for hospitals, NimBus-based Shuttle mobile app for passengers, and WiaTag-based KLOUD-Guard Security Patrol complex.

Gurtam speaking

Panel discussion “The role of Wialon in telematics and the IoT” involved top Gurtam partners from various business-areas and having different approaches to telematics. The whole action was moderated by Aliaksandr Kuushynau who asked a single question resulting in an hour-long discussion. Is Wialon associated with IoT in any way or it's a pure satellite monitoring platform? 

Raaft from Integrated Solutions voiced the idea which was on our minds for a long time. If Wialon is not IoT, than what's IoT? It ended with the round of applause. And that's where we came:

  • Community members are not mere integrators, but service providers offering complete solutions for every business domain which goes beyond standard satellite monitoring;

  • Transport telematics is also the IoT of its kind. Still, Wialon can be used in other directions, for instance, in the area of industrial automation.

  • The Middle East market constantly grows so there's a place for everyone keen on new technologies and developments.

Gurtam speaking

Right after that, the mic goes to Anastasiya Filippova from Mielta Technology speaking about the IoT in agriculture. Then, Maxim Revyakin takes his turn to discuss the challenges of the telematics market and the ways to address them as seen by Galileosky. Jack Jiang from Howen Technologies showcased the future of video telematics.

The section ended with the presentations by Kseniya Dyachkova (Neomatica) presenting new wireless sensors and Tim Almaev (Escort) elaborating on fuel economy.

You can download all the presentations from and watch the photos on Facebook.

Gurtam speaking

– You managed to gather the optimum number of people to make the event highly professional and preserve warm atmosphere. – adds Milan Suletic, Codes Zone.

The conference ended with networking and dinner in Sheraton Hotel sponsored by Teltonika. 

And GITEX was coming on the next day. But that's another story to be told.

Anastasiya Eroho
Anastasiya Eroho
A Anastasiya é a Head of the Marketing Department da Gurtam. Seus 8 anos de experiência em marketing e comunicação, conteúdo, aquisição de usuários e pesquisa de mercado permitem que ela desenvolva produtos técnicos B2B complexos através da construção de comunidades profissionais.


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