Update: what’s new in December 2019

13 janeiro, 2020
Olga Voytikhovich

Today’s article is all about the flagship applications NimBus, Hecterra, Fleetrun, and the Wialon app for iOS and Android. The Wialon Hosting team updated the system as well, but this time the added enhancements and optimizations are purely technical and hardly noticeable for a regular user.


Bulk operations with routes

We added the ability to perform bulk operations with routes: activate, deactivate, or delete several or all the selected routes. This feature is useful when you need to quickly delete routes imported by mistake, or disable several routes that are temporary or unnecessary at the moment.


Visit our forum and discover more about NimBus.


Synchronization results with error details

Synchronization with Wialon is the simplest and fastest way to add fields to Hecterra. But this process is not always smooth. Previously, the reasons for synchronization failure were not clear right away.

Now, you can see why exactly it happened (self-intersections, non-polygon type of the field, or the field area exceeded 1,000 hectares), how many geofences were not synchronized, and the names of these geofences.


A new algorithm for area calculation

We changed the area calculation logic. The new algorithm improved the accuracy of the cultivated area, omissions, and overlaps calculations. You can try it for both new and old cultivations.

In the latter case, you should delete the previously registered cultivation and then register it again. But be aware that after its recalculation with a new algorithm, you won’t be able to restore its previous state.


Line items import

We added the ability to import line items from the .csv and .xlsx files to the line items library. Now, instead of manually entering data, you can import line items in a couple of clicks and save a whole lot of time.

The new function will come in handy for the users who keep maintenance records in Excel or work with other solutions but plan on switching to Fleetrun. The line items import feature will also be helpful when the client expands the fleet with vehicles that haven’t been previously used.

Another, more frequent use example: the company gets an order from the maintenance station in electronic format and imports the line items into the Fleetrun library to use them when working with services.

More details on the import process are in the documentation.


Optimization of notifications settings

More often than not, the direct users of Fleetrun are not the fleet administrators (as per the app’s hierarchy). At the same time, it is in their clear interest to perform timely maintenance, which implies access to the notifications settings. 

Now, the non-administrators can create, edit, and delete notifications without the need to address the fleet administrators for that. To do so, they should be granted the corresponding access right at the “Access rights” tab.


Wialon app for iOS and Android

New Geofences tab

We added the tab for creating, editing, and deleting geofences. Now, these operations are available in a mobile interface, which is super handy when there is no access to a desktop version of the system.

At the new tab, you can:

  • view geofences on the map;
  • create new geofences and notifications for them;
  • edit, copy, delete already existing geofences;
  • set up the geofence visibility;
  • search geofences by their names.

NimBus NimBus

Use example: on the weekend, several vehicles of the logistics company got stuck at the border. The designated employee creates the geofence around the port of entry and sets up the notifications triggered when the vehicles leave the geofence. All these operations are done easy and fast on the smartphone. Now, the company will know if its vehicles crossed the border and when.

More details on Wialon app updates are on the Gurtam forum.

In a month, we will prepare the review of January features. Meanwhile, feel free to try and test the new functionality of the platform and apps and leave your comments on the Gurtam forum as well.

Olga Voytikhovich
Olga Voytikhovich
A Olga é a Content Editor da Gurtam. Ela revisa os materiais de outros autores e também escreve sobre os produtos Gurtam, apresenta casos de uso de parceiros da melhor maneira possível e fala sobre as atualizações do sistema. Na verdade, a Olga ajuda com o conteúdo de quase todos os recursos da Gurtam.


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