Updates: what’s new in August 2020

10 setembro, 2020
Tatsiana Bravina

August has been rich in positive events. Last month, we hosted two online ceremonies: GPS Hardware Manufacturers TOP 10 and Wialon TOP 50 Global. Also, last month we summed up the results of the IoT project of the year competition. 

Also, throughout August, our team continued working on improving the functionality of our flagship applications, but this time, the system update remained unnoticed for ordinary users. Find out how that turned out right now.


Developer mode

In the user settings, we added the opportunity to enable developer mode to see the ID of elements in the system depending on the user’s access rights: IDs of stops, routes, units, and rounds. By default, the mode is not active.

Developer mode in user settings of NimBus

The new option will be beneficial for developers who make improvements using the API.

Developer mode in NimBus enabled

Visit our forum and share your thoughts on the new functionality of the NimBus application.


Fuel consumption rate in a cultivation 

For registering a cultivation, we added the new field – fuel consumption rate. This value is the fuel volume rate consumed by the unit per hectare. It is manually indicated by the user for each cultivation. 

Fuel cinsumtion rate in a cultivation

Please note that if the fuel consumption rate is not specified in the registered cultivation, you will see a dash in the report. 

The point is that the fuel module available in Wialon Hosting does not show the fuel consumption in the required l/ha format. It thus became necessary to indicate the fuel consumption rates exactly inside the Hecterra app. Now it is possible to compare the factual amount of fuel consumed by the machinery and the fuel consumption rate. And it means that you can detect cases of excessive fuel consumption without leaving the application.

Measuring distance and area tool

On the map on the cultivation page and an already created field page, there is a tool for measuring distance and area. The tool is enabled by clicking on the corresponding icon and works as follows:

  • click on the points between which you want to measure the distance and wait for the tooltip to measure distance;
  • mark the contour of the required area and click on the first point in the end to measure area or perimeter.

Click on the tool button again to clear the measurements.

Measuring distance and area tool in Hecterra

Previously, to measure distance, you could use a ruler that appeared on the map when you enabled developer mode. However, there was no functionality for measuring area and perimeter in the application. With this tool, you can measure both distance and area immediately and without leaving the application.

Find more on the new features, as well as comments on the app processing and user experience on the Gurtam forum.


Adding custom fields to a service list

If the services of units have custom fields, their columns are also shown in the table. You will find the new column with a custom field name:

  • on the Services page (Upcoming, In progress, Archive tabs);
  • on the Units page (Upcoming, In progress, Archive tabs);
  • in the .csv tab.

Custom fields in a service list in Fleetrun

Thanks to this feature, you don’t have to open each service to see the values of custom fields for several services at once.

Adding custom fields to service import

On the Import service page, you will discover: 

  • the new Custom field section provided that at least one custom field has been created in the vehicle fleet;
  • the Custom field name dropdown list.

Now services will be imported with the specified custom fields, which means that the imported services data will be even more complete. More to that, you won’t have to spend your time to manually fill in custom fields after importing.

Custom fields in service import in Fleetrun

Increasing text limit in notifications

In the administration panel, on the Notifications tab, in the Notification text field, we changed the character limit in notifications from 500 to 1,000. As the number of characters in notifications increases, now you can create more informative messages. So, you no longer need to think about how to shorten the text so that it does not exceed the limit and stays meaningful. 

Removing the restriction for  email duplicates in notifications

We added the ability to specify the same email addresses for different notifications. Previously, as you could specify the same email address in the notifications only once, you only received the same type to the corresponding address. Now the notifications of different types will be sent to the same email address.

Find more details on Fleetrun new features in this forum topic.


The estimated and actual routes 

In the reports, you will find a new option for displaying the estimated and actual routes on the map. 

The estimated and actual routes in Logistics

Now, when you find a discrepancy between the estimated and actual mileage in the report, you can click on the Display route button and see the route tracks on the map. More to that, when you click on the order icon on the map, you can see the detailed information about the selected order.

The estimated and actual routes option in Logistics enabled

Thanks to the new functionality, you will be able to analyze the information in detail and figure out why the estimated route has not coincided with the actual one.

Custom fields in orders

We added the ability to create custom fields with any additional information. You can do it right in the orders. Custom fields can be added, removed, and their values can be edited at the planning stage in the active and planned routes. The added fields will be located in a separate block in the order creation/modification dialog.

Custom fields in orders in Logistics

Also, the added custom fields can be displayed on the orders tab at the planning stage. To activate this functionality, you need to enable the corresponding line in the tab visibility settings.

 By enabling the display of custom fields in the orders table, you will have all the necessary data at hand that makes the planning process even more effective. 

Visit the forum and read more about the new Logistics options. Please share your experience with the updated functionality.

The next recap of the September coming features will appear in a month. But for now, test the fresh functionality of the applications and share your impressions on the Gurtam forum.

While waiting for the autumn update, as well as the new season of Gurtam meetups, you can watch the recorded award ceremony of the Wialon partner community: GPS Hardware Manufacturers TOP 10, Wialon TOP 50 Global, IoT project of the year. Boost your positive level and welcome the autumn being in a good mood!

Tatsiana Bravina
Tatsiana Bravina
A Tatsiana é a Content Marketing Specialist da Gurtam e escreve sobre assuntos relevantes para a comunidade Wialon. Ela cria conteúdo para o blog, apresentações de produtos e materiais impressos que nossos parceiros utilizem em suas atividades comerciais.


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