Updates: what’s new in April 2021

19 maio, 2021
Olga Voytikhovich
April update

Today we will tell you about new functions that appeared in Wialon Hosting as well as in NimBus, Hecterra, Fleetrun, and Logistics last month. This time we added new columns in Hosting reports, extended the Online 2.0 functionality in NimBus, and introduced new crop rotation rules in Hecterra. Find all the details below.

Wialon Hosting

In April, we made changes to the tables that customers use to create the report templates they need. We added new columns which were missing in the user’s work.

Driver column

Among the report templates, there is one generated on driver groups where a column with the information about a driver was missing.

We have added the Driver column which displays the driver’s name in the following tables: Bindings, Custom fields, Driver activity, Infringements. 

Driver column

Trailer column

We’ve added the Trailer column to the Bindings and Custom fields tables for the Group of trailers report template, which displays information about the trailer. 

Passenger column

We have added the Passenger column to the Bindings table for the Group of passengers report template, which displays passenger information. 

Event type column

We have added the Event type column to the Events table in the Unit and Unit group reports. 

If an event is registered manually – this can be done through the Events Registrar or by registering any event from the online notifications window – the user assigns it one of the 5 proposed types.

If the event is generated automatically, then it will be assigned one of the event types described here.

User column 

The user is the one who registered the event manually or the one who created the resource, for which the event was generated automatically.

The User column has been added:

  • to the Events table for the Unit and Group of units report types;
  • to the Infringement table for the Unit and Group of units report types.

NB: the user must have at least minimum rights to view the item and its main properties. If he/she doesn’t have them, a dash is displayed in the column.

Initial mileage, Final mileage, Initial engine hours, Final engine hours columns

The request to add such columns to the Geofence table for the Unit and Unit group report types and the Unit table for the Geofence and Group of geofences report types looked very reasonable to us.

Now the user can see the parameters of the mileage sensor and the absolute engine hours sensor at the time of entering and leaving the geofence.

New columns

This is it for the new system features. Register on the forum and learn about Wialon Hosting updates on a dedicated topic.


Relative schedules

We added new massive functionality to the Online 2.0 mode: the ability to create relative schedules. It considerably extends the NimBus scope of applications as now you can monitor rides without schedules. It means efficient monitoring of:

  • shuttle vans that normally work without fixed schedules;
  • transport that departs only when there are enough passengers;
  • public transport in the regions where work scheduled operation is unavailable.

Within the new functionality, rides are created upon the visit of the first stop without being time-bound. Users can create relative schedules or change the type of schedules created before.

Relative schedules

Note: relative schedules work only with the automatic assignment of units activated. 

Based on the relative schedule, the system creates a one-time schedule where the time of stops visits counts off starting the moment of the ride’s activation. The one-time schedule is displayed wherever the ride time is indicated. Also, data on the ride events is formed according to this schedule (hurry, delay, no-show, and so on). 

Visit the forum and share your thoughts on the new features in NimBus.


Expanding the crop rotation functionality

We introduced some significant changes in the work with the crop rotation in the app:

  • Using future dates both for sowing and harvesting. It allows using crop rotation as a sort of planning tool as well as filling in data at the planning step without waiting for actual field works to be done.
  • Sowing more than one crop within one year. Sometimes it happens that in temperate latitude after harvesting a winter crop, they still have time to grow another crop. Besides, in warm countries, the climate allows for a few harvests a year. In case of crop loss, they sow something else. Now, these agricultural processes can be recorded in Hecterra.
  • Specifying the harvest date in any year and the ability to not specify the harvest date at all or to remove the previously specified harvest date.  It allows you to assign the crop for a long period, for example, grass or fruits and berries.

New rules apply to the crop rotation specified through the field settings, quick specifying, cultivation registration.

Find more on the new features, as well as comments on the app processing and user experience on the Wialon forum.


Changes in Dashboard sections

  • Units, Drivers, Trailers, Intervals

These sections are more compact now so that more of the important information fits into the screen. Click on the line with the required category to go to the corresponding page with the filter activated.

Units, Drivers, Trailers, Intervals blocks

  • Services

The section became more compact too. Now the information in it is represented in the form of a pie chart which shows the ratio of due and overdue services and the ones in progress. Click on the required chart sector or category in the legend to go to the Services page with the filter activated.

Services block

  • Cost

The section contains info about the fleet expenses: how much the owner spends on fuel fillings as well as fuel fillings and services together. In the left part of the section, we added a histogram showing the percentage of the total cost of services and that of the fuel.

Wialon Hosting

Find more details on Fleetrun new features in Wialon Help Center. Your requests and suggestions are discussed in the forum topic.


The What’s new window 

We added the window displaying up to five latest news. It comes in handy when you are short of time to read the blog or forum. To navigate the news, use the arrows to the right and left of the update date.

The What’s new window

Navigation bar

We added the ability to collapse the navigation bar and see more information both on the map and in the table. The bar is not collapsed by default.

Navigation bar

Language selection and help tips

Previously, the application language depended on the language selected in the user settings in Wialon. Now you can change it on the General tab of the application settings.

Language selection and help tips

We have also improved the logic for displaying help tips. Now you can enable help tips (in the application settings) or disable them (in the settings or in the help tip itself) at any time.

Visit the forum or Wialon Help Center to read more about the new Logistics options. Please share your experience with the updated functionality.

In a month, we’ll prepare a recap of May’s features. Meanwhile, feel free to try and test the new features of the platform and apps, as well as leave your comments on the Wialon forum.

Olga Voytikhovich
Olga Voytikhovich
A Olga é a Content Editor da Gurtam. Ela revisa os materiais de outros autores e também escreve sobre os produtos Gurtam, apresenta casos de uso de parceiros da melhor maneira possível e fala sobre as atualizações do sistema. Na verdade, a Olga ajuda com o conteúdo de quase todos os recursos da Gurtam.


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