Wialon: TOP-5 partner use cases in 2021

24 dezembro, 2021
Alena Kuptsova

In 2021, the Wialon partners worked hard to create effective solutions for their clients. We can only guess how many projects have been implemented this year. Imagine that more than 100 applications were submitted just for the IoT project of the year 2021 contest!

Now, the time has come to take stock of the year and find out which projects have been viewed most of all in our use cases library. It turns out that the most popular Wialon use cases belong to quite different areas, from classic fleet monitoring to waste management. This diversity proves once again that everything is possible with Wialon!

In this article, read about this year’s most relevant Wialon-based solutions. Let’s start our countdown!

No.5. Improving transportation of mining site employees in Tanzania

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Rampart Security Services, a Wialon partner from Tanzania, opens our top 5 list with a full-scale solution for employee transportation. It provided improved timing, increased safety, and helped avoid fines.

Their client Isamilo, a provider of corporate transportation services for a mining company, faced certain challenges. They wanted to eliminate delays in the transportation of the staff to the job site and reduce fines due to speed limit violations. Rampart Security Services offered Wialon as the turnkey monitoring system.

The partner installed Teltonika trackers with ID keys support on the end user’s vehicles. The ID keys, assigned to each driver, help monitor the compliance with the schedule and speed limits. Data coming from the trackers is sent to Wialon, and, in case of overspeeding, the monitoring platform generates alerts that are forwarded as emails or mobile notifications.

Inspired by the results, the transportation company is now planning to use the NimBus application to monitor their buses.

No.4. Monitoring waste management in Russia

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The number four on our list is a monitoring and reporting system for waste management from NSC, a Wialon partner from Russia. It is a comprehensive record-keeping system that optimizes processes and reduces operational costs.

The partner’s client deals with waste collection and management. They needed more information for decision-making, and wanted their routine processes to be automated.

NSC created from scratch a system for monitoring, management, and reporting based on Wialon Hosting. The partner’s specialists set up directories for the existing waste container sites. New sites can be added by synchronizing with the Wialon geofences. The partner also integrated the directories with the regional operator’s software through the Wialon SDK and API. The solution made it possible to automate and significantly speed up work processes, such as assigning transport to different types of work, keeping waste collection schedules, and generating job completion acts.

A nice bonus is that the client has cut its costs because of reduced fuel consumption, fewer vehicles used per site, and salary savings. In the future, the company plans to expand the solution with the Logistics app.

Though this project was presented in 2020 at the IoT project of the year contest, our readers still appreciate its value today.

No.3. Fleet management solution for postal service

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The third position goes to the winner of IoT project of the year 2021 in the nomination “Local deliveries.” The project was implemented by Inetum for the major Spanish postal service provider, Correos. The end-user now takes advantage of better intercity parcel delivery.

Due to the client’s size and leading role in the industry, they work with numerous users, have a large fleet, and cope with force-majeure events frequently. They needed a single solution to control their entire fleet.

Inetum elaborated a three-year fleet-management plan to create a shared environment integrated with Wialon. After the completion, Correos will be able to choose and customize features in this environment according to their business needs. 

Currently, the partner is designing modules to extend Wialon’s functionality. For example, they are working on the integration of the solution with other information systems, and on the development of Single Sign-On (SSO) application, advanced reports, and custom alarms.

No.2. Managing the multibrand refrigerated trucks fleet

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We are almost at the top of our list, and here is another project from 2020 which is still very much viewed today. Quarta Technologies built an online monitoring solution for a large goods transportation company.

The client had already used Wialon to determine their fleet location. However, they decided to use Wialon’s analytical tools as well. The end-user wanted to control the transportation of temperature-sensitive goods, and monitor fuel consumption, and the overall state of the fleet.

Quarta Technologies equipped the refrigerator semi-trailers with iQFreeze hardware and connected all the vehicles to Wialon. Now, refrigerators from different manufacturers can be tracked on a single platform, which was impossible earlier.

The partner developed an all-inclusive tool to control filling and fuel сonsumption. They installed sensors on the vehicles and connected them to Wialon. Then the fuel control complex was remotely configured and integrated with the client’s own fuel cards system to yield full data on fuel. 

Over the 6 months of the pilot project, the end-user has significantly speeded up their processes and decreased fuel expenses by 18%.

No.1. Monitoring oil transport vehicles in Africa

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The winner of our popularity rating is a fleet control project that made it possible for the end-user to reduce fuel consumption by 40% and prevent fuel thefts.

An African oil transportation company had problems with monitoring its vehicles on the roads. The tracking system they had was ineffective, and a Wialon partner offered them a special Wialon-based solution in cooperation with the connectivity provider BICS.

The combination of BICS and Wialon ensures continuous GPS signal reception. This solved the client’s problem of low coverage and enabled real-time data sending.

The partner installed Ruptela GPS trackers on the vehicles and set up Wialon geofences around high-risk areas. This helps monitor the driver’s behavior and compliance with the routes. In case of deviation, overspeeding, or harsh driver behavior, the end-user receives alerts and can act accordingly.

Based on the data from the fuel level sensors, Wialon generates reports with the statistics on fuel consumption, including refueling and thefts. Now the client has a powerful tool to prevent fuel thefts.

Read about other Wialon-based projects in various industries in our use cases library and blog.

Next year, we will carry on and keep you posted on how Wialon can boost businesses. If you have a project to share, feel free to send it to marketing@gurtam.com, and we may write about it. Who knows, maybe it is your solution that will top up the list in 2022!

Alena Kuptsova
Alena Kuptsova
Alena é a Copywriter da Gurtam que cria conteúdo claro e instrutivo em diversos formatos. Ela escreve artigos, visões gerais e casos de uso, além de contribuir com materiais de marketing web e impressos para tornar a experiência com os produtos Gurtam fácil e benéfica para a comunidade Wialon.


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