Infographic: 2,500,000 units on Wialon in figures

6 novembro, 2020
Leonid Losich

Recently, the 2,500,000th unit has been connected to Wialon, our platform for GPS tracking and IoT. The jubilee car is the merit of one of our Spanish partners.

Therefore, Wialon became the first platform in the world to publicly announce that it had reached the 2.5 million tracked units mark. Today we will tell you about what’s behind this glorious achievement. And, for that, we have prepared an infographic revealing Wialon in figures.

Wialon's units in numbers

Let's recall who connected anniversary units earlier: 

Leonid Losich
Leonid Losich
O Leonid é o PR Manager da Gurtam e desenvolve toda a estratégia de promoção da marca para mercados novos e existentes. Ele também molda e trabalha a imagem da empresa, bem como as imagens de seus principais produtos.


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