RC mini

RC mini
Manufacturer: Resurscontrol
Forum Discussion

Number of units

Features RC mini:
  • Blackbox
Supported in Wialon:
  • Accelerometer
  • ADC sensors
  • Remote management via GPRS
  • Digital sensors
  • Communication via TCP

The following data should also be added to RC mini unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: RC mini
Unique ID: serial

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration RC mini for use in Wialon Hosting :

Server port: 21567

2176 units of RC mini device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0.09% of all AVL Hardware connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units

Coordinates validity:
0 - not valid
1 - valid


Reason for sending a package:
0 - by timer
1 - by speed change
2 - by moving vector change
3 - by sleep mode entering
4 - by sleep mode exit
5 - by ignition off
6 - by GSM state change
7 - by stop
8 - by start
9 - by alarm
16 - by frequency change
17 - by analod input data change
18 - by digital input data change
19 - by accelerometer change
23 - by temperature change
24 - by event CAN (FMS data)
25 - by read iButton
26 - by power off
27 - by power on

28 - by event CAN (user data)
29 - by event MODBUS

126 - last_breath event
127 - by resert (power on)

pwr_ext External power voltage V
adc1 Analog input 1 voltage V
pwr_int Internal power voltage V
d_freq Frequency Hz
d_counter Сountable input status
ant_state Antenna state
acc_x Acceleration along the X axis
acc_y Acceleration along the Y axis
acc_z Acceleration along the Z axis

0 - off
1 - on


Digital input 1:
0 - off
1 - on

is_stop Move state

0 - off
1 - on

temp_int Internal temperature 0.01 °C
tempN Temperature sensor data with N number °C

Temperature sensor identificator with N number


Network registration status:
0 - no
1 - home
5 - roaming


GSM signal level:
255 - not exist

modem_imei Modem IMEI
iccid ICCID active SIM-card
imsi IMSI active SIM-card
operator_name Operator name
operator_id Operator ID
sim_state SIM-card state
active_sim Active SIM-card number
active_srvr Active server number
lac Location area code
cell_id Cell ID
cmd_id The command identifier used when sending a command to the device
cmd_data Command result
fuel_lvl_fN Fuel sensor frequency with N number
fuel_lvl_nN Fuel sensor level with N number
fuel_tempN Fuel sensor temperature with N number
fuel_net_addrN Fuel sensor network address with N number
adc_add Analog input data of the additional board V
d_freq_add Frequency input data of the additional board Hz
d_counter_add Сounting input data of the additional board
d_state_add Digital input state of the additional board

Bitmask (bitwise parameter):
bit1 - 0 = actual data, 1 = blackbox data

field_name_# CAN data field name, where # - number
field_value_# CAN field name, where # - number
reg_cnt Modbus number of 16bit words
error_code Modbus error code
net_addr Modbus network address
cmd Modbus command
start_reg Modbus start register
collate32 Modbus 32-bit data flag
mbus_data_# Modbus data, where # - number
is_clutch Clutch flag
is_brake Brake
is_cruise Cruise flag
rat RAT - raio access technology (2G/3G)
fuel_temp_# Fuel temperature, where # - number
fuel_temp_single Fuel temperature single sensor
freq_# Frequency, where # - number


v_1224 v_1224
vbat_prc Battery voltage %
ow_data_# ow_data_#, where # - number
fuel_data_# fuel_data_#, where # - number
fuel_data_single fuel_data_single
fuel_freq_# fuel_freq_#, where # - number
fuel_freq_single fuel_freq_single
counter_# counter_#, where # - number
fms_fuel_lfc FMS fuel LFC
fms_fuel_prc FMC fuel PRC
fms_rpm FMS rpm
fms_hours FMS hours
fms_milage FMS milage
fms_engine_temp FMS engine temperature
fms_amb_temp FMS amb temperature
fms_fuel_rate FMS fuel rate
fms_engine_load FMS engine load
fms_service_distance FMS service distance
fms_gross_weight FMS gross weight
fms_taho_status FMS taho status
fms_taho_speed FMS taho speed
iqf_mt IQF mt
iqf_sp IQF sp
iqf_ambt IQF ambt
iqf_afzt IQF afzt
iqf_rpm IQF rpm
iqf_conf IQF conf
iqf_state IQF state
iqf_dr IQF dr
iqf_batv IQF batv
iqf_bata IQF bata
iqf_alc IQF alc
iqf_al# IQF al#, where # - number
iqf_in IQF in
ibut_time ibut_time
canlog_# canlog_#, where # - symbol
fms_current_gear FMS current gear
fms_selected_gear FMS selected gear
can_veh_w_axle_# can vehicle w axle, where # - number
fms_fuel_prc2 FMS fuel prc2
fms_fuel_rate_acc FMS fuel rate acc
ppp_sess_cnt ppp_sess_cnt
ppp_bytes_in ppp_bytes_in
ppp_bytes_out ppp_bytes_out
tcp_sess_cnt tcp_sess_cnt
tcp_bytes_in tcp_bytes_in
tcp_bytes_out tcp_bytes_out
ibut_id ibut_id


sim2_iccid sim2_iccid

RC mini предназначен для дистанционного отслеживания местоположения объектов и подойдёт для любого транспорта или спецтехники. Подключение дополнительных датчиков, ежесекундная передача данных и исключительная точность определения местоположения гарантируют получение вами актуальной и достоверной информации.

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