Shout Nano

Shout Nano
Manufacturer: NAL Research
Forum Discussion

Number of units

Features Shout Nano:
  • Satellite terminal

The following data should also be added to Shout Nano unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: Shout Nano
Unique ID: imei

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration Shout Nano for use in Wialon Hosting :

Server port: 20662

155 units of Shout Nano device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0.77% of all Personal trackers connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units

Communication channel:
0 - iridium
1 - GPRS


Position dilution of precision:
0 - pdop <= 1.0
1 - 1.0 < pdop <= 2.0
2 - 2.0 < pdop <= 5.0
3 - 5.0 < pdop <= 10.0
4 - 10.0 < pdop <= 20.0
5 - 20.0 < pdop <= 40.0
6 - 40.0 < pdop <= 70.0
7 - 70.0 < pdop


Bit parameter:
bit0 - 3D GPS fix
bit1 - emergency
bit2 - emergency acknowledged
bit3 - motion


Message format:
0 - 10-byte message
1 - 30-byte message

hdop Horizontal dilution of precision
vdop Vertical dilution of precision

Range from 0 to 99:
0: Tracking Report and Test Report
2: Poll Request/Response
3: Free Text
5: Check In
6: Waypoint
9 – 12: Reserved
13: Cancel Emergency
14-29: Reserved
30-99: User specified


Bit parameter:
bit0 - 2D-Fix
bit1 - Address Routing (see section below)
bit2 - Valid Position Fix
bit3 - Free Text (see section below)
bit4 - Emergency Alert
bit5 - Motion sensor triggered report
bit6 - Emergency Acknowledgement Received:
0 - when emergency mode is started
1 - after an emergency acknowledgement is received
bit7 - Secondary Emergency Alert

vert_vel Vertical velocity
addr0 Additional routing information. Email
addr1 Additional routing information. IMEI
addr2 Additional routing information. SMS

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