Scheduler is an app that facilitates the creation of routes and the assignment of activities to the executors. To accomplish this, the app uses the preloaded information of the clients to generate an optimized route that the supervisor can edit, accept or reject. These routes can be assigned to the dispatcher via doForms or, failing that, via Wialon-based Logistics.
Ares Sun
The application allows to automatically create routes and assign a date to an order
Ares Sun
The application allows to massively import geofences to Wialon Hosting using an Excel file, from a GPS device
Ares Sun
The application allows the user to monitor and control fuel consumption in their fleet
Ares Sun
App evaluates driving habits, categorize risks and determine a critical level of faults during driving
Descartes MacroPoint™ consolidates logistics tracking data from carriers into a single integrated platform
Route4Me route planner is a route planning and optimization service that provides navigation and related features
Visibility platform and data integrator focused on European road freight
Streamline deliveries through efficient fleet management and route planning