
Forum Discussion

Number of units

Features TotalFinder:
  • 4G/LTE
  • Blackbox
  • BLE enabled
  • GLONASS support
  • Magnetic mounting
Supported in Wialon:
  • Digital sensors

The following data should also be added to TotalFinder unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: TotalFinder
Unique ID: serial

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration TotalFinder for use in Wialon Hosting :

Server port: 21159

114 units of TotalFinder device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0.09% of all Asset trackers connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units
reset_data type of reset / reason
pwr_int battery voltage [*0.01V+2V] V
temper temperature °C

atmospheric pressure [*0.01hPa+1000hPa]

battery battery charge state [%] %
nogsm bit set if GSM not in network
nogprs bit set if GPRS not attached
gsm_signal GSM signal quality [0..32] CSQ
lac GSM Location Area Code
cell_id GSM Base Transceiver Station
humid humidity [*100%/256]
reg_state registration state (0 none, 1 home, 2 search, 3 denied, 4 unknown, 5 roam)

event code:
0 long braking
1 long idling
2 high rpms
3 clutch too long
4 rapid acceleration
5 speed too high
6 ride with neutral
49 XY protection (smaller roadway bump)
50-52 decceleration/braking
53-55 acceleration
56-58 left-curve
59-61 right-curve
62 roadway bump (bigger - hole / speed bump)
63-68 reserved (events based on GPS speed)
70 high g-force
77-79 horizontal force (FW 6.05)
100 tachograf state change
101 retarder state change
102 set in motion
103 driver(s) identification

acc_x X-acceleration [0.02g] g
acc_y Y-acceleration [0.02g] g
acc_z Z-acceleration [0.02g] g

maximal acceleration in relevant axis [0.02g; evt 50..61, 77..79]

hgf_acc_x X-acceleration [0.04g] g
hgf_acc_y Y-acceleration [0.04g] g
hgf_acc_z Z-acceleration [0.04g] g
total_gf total g-force [0.04g] g
d1sta driver #1 working state (rest,avail,work,drive)
d2sta driver #2 working state (rest,avail,work,drive)
vehmot vehicle motion
d1time driver #1 time states
d1card driver #1 card
overspd vehicle overspeed
d2time driver #2 time states
d2card driver #2 card
mode mode
bra brake-assist
gear gear when motion detected
pedal deepest acc. pedal position [0.4%] %
drvid1 indentifier of 1. driver - as text
drvid2 indentifier of 2. driver - as text
odometer GPS odometer [m] m
count_2 counter #2
count_3 counter #3
pwr_ext external/main power [0.01V] V

CAN odometer [m]

g16 groups 16-23
pwr1 external/main power [0.01V] V
pwr2 battery/secondary power [0.01V] V
cntr2 counter #2
cntr3 counter #3
can_fuel_cons CAN total fuel consumption [mL] mL
can_fuel_lvl CAN fuel level [FMS: 0.4%; VW: 1L + highest bit indicates reserve]
mamps chargning power (negative value means consumption) [mA] mA

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