Cellocator CelloTrack

Cellocator CelloTrack
Manufacturer: Pointer Telocation
Forum Discussion

Number of units

Features Cellocator CelloTrack:
  • Blackbox
  • Built-in odometer
Supported in Wialon:
  • ADC sensors
  • Remote management via GPRS
  • Digital sensors
  • Communication via TCP

The following data should also be added to Cellocator CelloTrack unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: Cellocator CelloTrack
Unique ID: serial
Password to access the object: Configuration password to access the object

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration Cellocator CelloTrack for use in Wialon Hosting :

Server port: 20217

954 units of Cellocator CelloTrack device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0.04% of all AVL Hardware connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units
adc Analog input sensor
mcc Mobile Country Code
mnc Mobile Network Code
lac Location Area Code

cell ID

flag Current GSM Operator (2 nd and 3 rd Nibbles)

0 bit - Communication with GPS is 1 - available / 0 - not available
1 bit - Network (0 - Home, 1 - Roam)
2 bit - Correct Time (1 - Invalid/estimated time stamp, 0 – Valid time stamp)
3 bit - Source of Speed (0 – GPS, 1 – Pulse frequency input)

reason Transmission Reason Specific Data
reason_data Transmission Reason

The voltage on the internal battery


External power supply voltage


Bit 0 - Actual GNSS antenna selected (0 – Internal, 1 – External). (Relevant only for Cello GNSS variants)
Bit 1 - Trailer status indication. (0 – Trailer Disconnected, 1 – Trailer

Bit 2 - 4 - CFE Type.

Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 CFE Type
0 0 0 Not Applicable (Legacy state)
0 0 1 CFE is not connected
0 1 0 CFE BT is connected
0 1 1 CFE Basic is connected
1 0 0 CFE I/O is connected
1 0 1 CFE premium is connected
1 1 1 Undefined CFE Type


Unit Mode of Operation. The functioning of the unit can be generalized as a finite state machine model, with a few "stages" of operation. The "current stage" is referred to as "unit mode", or "mode of operation", as following:

Value Unit Mode Description
0x00 Standby Engine On
0x01 Standby Engine Off
0x02 Passive Arming (for security modifications)
0x03 Pre-Arming (for security modifications)
0x04 Alarm Armed (for security modifications)
0x05 Silent Delay (for security modifications)
0x07 Alarm Triggered (for security modifications)
0x0E Garage Mode
0x0F Transmissions Delay (for FW versions older than 25)
0x10 Towed mode (same as Standby Engine On, but with ignition off)

mode1, mode2

MODE 1 and Mode 2
These fields are generated by the GPS and transparently monitored in the outgoing message from the unit. The fields define the validity of GPS data in the message. The unit considers the valid fix according to the "Enable Tight GPS PMODE Filter" parameter (address 509, bit 7):
 If "Enable Tight GPS PMODE Filter" is enabled, the unit considers the GPS data as valid only if Mode 1 = 3 or 4 AND Mode 2 = 2
 If "Enable Tight GPS PMODE Filter" is disabled, the unit considers the GPS data as valid only if Mode 1 =2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

odom Mileage Counter (Odometer)

Prefix the naming of the parameters from the message of type 8 (Forwarded message).
If the protocol of the connected device provides for the transfer of the model name, it will be added to the prefix. For example: t8fwd_modelName_#.
Last part of the parameter name is the name of the parameter that the device sends.

curr_odo_count Current Odometer Count

Current Trip Fuel Consumption (100 ml resolution)


Fuel Tank Level (100 ml resolution)


Fuel Tank Level

dlt_eng_hours_trip Delta engine hours in this trip Minutes

Inputs status (Bits 1 - 32):
1 Bit - Door;
2 Bit - Shock;
3 Bit - 5 Bit - reserv;
6 Bit - Driving Status (Ignition or accelerometer based)
7 Bit - 14 Bit - reserv;
15 Bit - Accelerometer status;
16 Bit - Ignition port status;
17 Bit - 18 Bit - reserv;
19 Bit - Grad. Stop;
20 Bit - GPS Power;
21 Bit - 24 Bit - reserv;
25 Bit - LED out;
26 Bit - 27 Bit - reserv;
28 Bit - Blinkers;
29 Bit - reserv;
30 Bit - Standard Immobilizer;
31 Bit - reserv;
32 Bit - Charger status.


Outputs status (Bits 1 - 16):
1 Bit - 2 Bit - reserv;
3 Bit - Grad. Stop;
4 Bit - GPS Power;
5 Bit - 8 Bit - reserv;
9 Bit - LED out;
10 Bit - 11 Bit - reserv;
12 Bit - Blinkers;
13 Bit - reserv;
14 Bit - Standard Immobilizer;
15 Bit - reserv;
16 Bit - Charger status.


Speed. (Fractional value)


Course (Fractional value)


Vehicle driver code


Calibration Status: 0-Ready, OR 1-Currently Calibrating


Type of the incomming message


This field monitors a timestamp, when the GPS was last in navigation mode.

NOTE: The easiest way to define if the GPS data in the message is valid and updated, or historical, is to compare between the time of the timestamps and UTC time

Format: day-hour-minute


Sequence number of message


This is a bitmapped field, which contains flags that provide information about the message and the situation in which it was originated. For more information, see the protocol.


Unit’s hardware version (full data)


Legacy HW ID (Please see description in the protocol: Unit’s Hardware, Firmware and Protocol Versions )


HW Type (representation in decimal form)


Unit’s software version (representation in decimal form)


Modem code


Unit’s software version

[Firmware version][Firmware sub-version], where firmware version
usually defines the unit family and the sub-version defines the list of supported features.

For example, 30a:

Version – 30

Sub-Version – a


Protocol Version


AR Functionality Enabled

0 - Fleet base

1 - AR functionality added to Fleet


Feature package:

0 = Old/Legacy (not to be used in new units)

1 = "IQ30"

2 = "IQ40"

3 = "IQ50"




Time represented in seconds (0-59), minutes (0-59), and hours (0-23), based on internal timer of the unit


Validation of system time

1 - valid

0 - invalid

hw_type, modem_code

Unit HW (PCB) version and the ID of the modem embedded in it.

(8 bits)
Legacy HW ID
(5 bits)
Product name Modem Code
(3 Bits)
Modem Type
225 1 CR300 7 GE864-QUAD-V2
2 2 CFE 0 No modem
170 10 CelloTrack 1 Output 5 Enfora 3
235 11 CR300B 7 GE864-QUAD-V2
172 12 CelloTrack 5 Enfora 3
78 14 Cello-IQ GNSS 2 GE910 QUAD V3
18 18 CelloTrack T (2G) 0 Telit GE910 QUAD (V2) (V3)
82 18 CelloTrack T (3G) 2 Telit HE910 NAD
114 18 CelloTrack T (3G) 3 Telit UE910 EUD
19 19 CelloTrackPower T (2G) 0 Telit GE910 QUAD (V2) (V3)
83 19 CelloTrackPower T (3G) 2 Telit HE910 NAD
115 19 CelloTrackPower T (3G) 3 Telit UE910 EUD
20 20 Cello-CANiQ (NA) 0 UE910 NAR
52 20 Cello-CANiQ (EU) 1 UE910 EUR
84 20 Cello-CANiQ (2G) 2 GE910 QUAD V3
183 23 CelloTrack Power 5 Enfora 3
216 24 Cello-F (Telit) 6 Telit GE864, automotive
249 25 Cello-F Cinterion 7 Cinterion BGS3
221 29 CR200 6 Telit GE864, automotive
222 30 CR200B 6 Telit GE864, automotive
223 31 Cello-IQ 6 Telit GE864, automotive
38 6 Cello-D 1 UE910 NAR
70 6 Cello-D 2 UE910 EUR
136 8 CelloTrack Nano 10 GNSS 4 Cinterion BGS2-W
168 8 CelloTrack Nano 10 3G GNSS 5 Cinterion EHS6A
9 9 Cello-CANiQ CR (NA) 0 UE910 NAR
41 9 Cello-CANiQ CR (EU) 1 UE910 EUR
73 9 Cello-CANiQ CR (2G) 2 GE910 QUAD V3
105 9 Cello-CANiQ CR (2G) - Car Sharing 3 GE910 QUAD V3
169 9 Cello-CANiQ CR (3G) - Car Sharing 5 UE910 NAR
201 9 Cello-CANiQ CR (NA) – Aux 6 UE910 NAR
233 9 Cello-CANiQ CR (EU) – Aux 7 UE910 EUR
43 11 CR300B 3G NA GNSS 1 UE910 NAD
75 11 CR300B 3G EU GNSS 2 UE910 EUD
107 11 CR300B 2G 3 GE910 QUAD V3
139 11 CR300B 2G SIRFV 4 GE910 QUAD V3
77 13 Cello-IQ CR GNSS 2 GE910 QUAD V3
116 20 Cello-CANiQ (2G) – Car Sharing 3 GE910 QUAD V3
212 20 Cello-CANiQ CV 6 CE910 Dual V
244 20 Cello-CANiQ CS 7 CE910 Dual S
53 21 PointerCept Base Station 1 No modem
26 26 CelloTrack Nano 20 0 Cinterion BGS2-W
122 26 CelloTrack Nano 20 3G Worldwide 3 Cinterion EHS6A


Horizontal dilution of precision

HDOP Value Rating Description
<1 Ideal Highest possible confidence level to be used for applications demanding the highest possible precision at all times.
1-2 Excellent At this confidence level, positional measurements are considered accurate enough to meet all but the most sensitive applications.
2-5 Good Represents a level that marks the minimum appropriate for making accurate decisions. Positional measurements could be used to make reliable in-route navigation suggestions to the user.
5-10 Moderate Positional measurements could be used for calculations, but the fix quality could still be improved. A more open view of the sky is recommended.
10-20 Fair Represents a low confidence level. Positional measurements should be discarded or used only to indicate a very rough estimate of the current location.
>20 Poor At this level, measurements are inaccurate

CAN Bus Status

Byte 0: Module 24 - CAN Bus Status

Byte 1-2: Length of module 6
Byte 3: OBDII CAN Bus State

  • 0 - Unknown
    1 - Disconnected
    2 - Connected

Byte 4: CAN Bus Rate

  • 0 - 125 Kbps
    1 - 250 Kbps
    2 - 500 Kbps
    3 - 1 MbpsByte

Byte 5: CAN Bus Format

  • 0 - 11 bits
    1 - 29 bits

Byte 6: Spare
Byte 7: Spare
Byte 8: Spare

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