
Manufacturer: Fort-Telecom
Forum Discussion

Number of units

Features Fort-111:
  • Blackbox
  • Built-in odometer
Supported in Wialon:
  • ADC sensors
  • Digital sensors
  • Communication via TCP

The following data should also be added to Fort-111 unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: Fort-111
Unique ID: imei

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration Fort-111 for use in Wialon Hosting :

Server port: 20502

793 units of Fort-111 device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0.03% of all AVL Hardware connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units
ans Command answer
pwr_int Internal power voltage V
pwr_ext External power voltage V
gsm GSM signal level dBM
wifi Wi-Fi signal level dBM
llsN Data from digital fuel level sensor with number N
temp_sens1 Digital temperature sensor 1 °C
temp_sens2 Digital temperature sensor 2 °C
temp_sens3 Digital temperature sensor 3 °C
temp_sens4 Digital temperature sensor 4 °C

Vehicle status (bitwise parameter):
bit 1 - ignition ON
bit 2 - chassis disabled
bit 3 - mode "ferry-train"
bit 4 - mode "Not applicable"
bit 5 - Backlight on


Driver activity:
0 - Rest
1 - Availability
2 - Work
3 - Driving


Driver card slot:
0 - No card
1 - Not autorized
2 - Autorized
3 - Failed to extract


Сompanion activity:
0 - Rest
1 - Availability
2 - Work
3 - Driving


Сompanion card slot:
0 - No card
1 - Not autorized
2 - Autorized
3 - Failed to extract

card_num_1 Driver 1 card number
drv_name_1 Driver 1 name
card_num_2 Driver 2 card number
drv_name_2 Driver 2 name

Data mask (bitwise parameter):
bit 1 - Total load on the axle of the vehicle
bit 2-4 - Number of fuel sensor values
bit 5 - Mileage from the odometer
bit 6 - Engine hours
bit 7 - F
uel consumption
bit 8 - Engine speed

can_speed Speed from CAN km/h
engine_speed Engine speed from CAN
fuel_cons Fuel consumption from CAN 0.5 l
moto_hours Engine hours from CAN 0.05 h
odometr Mileage from the odometer 5 m
fuel_level Fuel level from CAN 0.4%
axle_load Total load on the axis 0.5 kg
valid Data valid status
counter_N Counter values with number N

Bit 1 – PCW (Pedestrian Collision Warning),
Bit 2 - SLR (Speed Limit Recongnition),
Bit 3 – SDA(Safety Distance Alert),
Bit 4 - FCW (Forward collision warning),
Bit 4 - Camera view limited,
Bit 5 - left turn signal is on,
Bit 6 - right turn signal is on

movon_ttc TTC(Time to Crash) sec
movon_ah_dist Ahead Distance m
movon_ah_speed Ahead Speed km/h
ble_freq_# Frequency ble, # - number of sensor Hz
ble_temp_# Temperature ble, # - number of sensor C

Fault mask, # - number of sensor


Total fuel consumption, # - number of sensor

ble_lev_# Battery level, # - number of sensor %
ble_press_# Pneumatic system pressure, # - number of sensor kPa
ble_angle_# Deflection angle, # - number of sensor deg
ble_bat_# Battery voltage, # - number of sensor V

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