Geneko FOX Lite

Geneko FOX Lite
Manufacturer: Geneko
Forum Discussion

Number of units


The following data should also be added to Geneko FOX Lite unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: Geneko FOX Lite
Unique ID: serial

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration Geneko FOX Lite for use in Wialon Hosting :

Server port: 20278

41 units of Geneko FOX Lite device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0% of all AVL Hardware connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units
pwr_ext External power
rpm Revolutions per minute
fuel Fuel measuring
en_temp Engine temperature
mileage Mileage
fuel_lvl Fuel level
avg_speed Average speed
max_speed Maximal speed
avg_rpm Average RPM
max_rpm Maximal RPM
avg_fuel_consumption Average fuel consumption
max_fuel_consumption Maximal fuel consumption
axel_weight Axel Weight
avg_turbo_press Average turbo pressure
max_turbo_press Maximal turbo pressure
min_eng_temp Minimal engine temperature
max_eng_temp Maximal engine temperature
avg_accel_pedal Average acceleration pedal
max_accel_pedal Maximal acceleration pedal
avg_torque Average torque
max_torque Maximal torque
total_fuel_used Total fuel used
cruise_fuel_used Fuel used at cruise
drive_fuel_used Fuel used at drive
total_idle_time Total idle time
total_time_pto Total Time PTO
time_cruise Time cruise
eng_on Engine On
time_torque Time torque
avg_out_shaft_speed Output Shaft Speed (avg)
max_out_shaft_speed Output Shaft Speed (max)
avg_vechicle_speed Vehicle Speed (avg)
max_vechicle_speed Vehicle Speed (max)
md Motion detected
os Overspeed detected
di Direction
tp Tacho performance
hi Handling information
ev Tachograph event
d1a Driver1 info (present)
d1ws Driver1 working state
d1ts Driver1 time state
d2a Driver2 info (present)
d2ws Driver2 working state
d2ts Driver2 time state

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