Forum Discussion

Number of units

Features GNX-6:
  • 3G
  • 4G/LTE
  • Blackbox
  • GLONASS support
Supported in Wialon:
  • ADC sensors
  • Garmin support
  • Remote management via GPRS
  • Driver identification
  • Digital sensors
  • Communication via UDP
Can be supported upon request:
  • Accelerometer
  • Communication via TCP

The following data should also be added to GNX-6 unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: GNX-6
Unique ID: serial

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration GNX-6 for use in Wialon Hosting :

Server port: 21188

547 units of GNX-6 device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0.02% of all AVL Hardware connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units
accel_calib Accel Calibration
avg_speed Speed average used for state determination km/h
bus_odo_delta Delta odometer, based on bus values m
bus_status Vehicle bus status
calls_supported Current services supported by the cellular modem
delta_odometer Delta odometer from prior event m
ext_adc External A2D convertor input voltage. May be used for peripherals such as temperature sensor V
ext_oil_lvl External 1wire humidity sensor
ext_temp_1 Temperature of external probe connected to input #1 of Sensatronics IT temperature model F RS232 convertor °C
ext_temp_2 Temperature of external probe connected to input #2 of Sensatronics IT temperature model F RS232 convertor °C
ext_sw_sum Eexternal 1 wire temp sensor values
fw_vers Firmware version
gps_snr The received signal strength of the strongest satellite being tracked by the GPS receiver
iccid The ICCID of the modem SIM card
idle_time Duration of idling (speed < STOP_SPEED and ignition on) min

Ignition state

  • 0 - off
  • 1 - on

j_battery Battery voltage V
j_br_app_pres Brake Application Pressure kPa​
j_br_ped_pos J1939 Brake Pedal Position %​
j_eng_cool_lvl Engine Coolant Level %​
j_eng_cool_press Engine Coolant Pressure kPa​
j_fuel_del_pres Fuel Delivery Pressure kPa​
j_park_br_sw Parking Brake Switch
j_throttle_pos Throttle Position %​
j_trans_oil_temp Transmission Oil Temperature
j_trip_dist Trip Distance
j_trip_fuel Trip Fuel
j1708_ambient_temp Temperature of air surrounding vehicle
j1708_auxioN Auxiliary I/O Status #N
j1708_cargo_temp Temperature of air inside vehicle container used to accommodate cargo
j1708_coolant_temp Temperature of liquid found in engine cooling system
j1708_d_fuel_cons Delta Fuel Used from prior event
j1708_d_fuel_cons_n Delta Natural Gas Fuel Used from prior event
j1708_drv_odometer Odo derived from speed integration - accumulating
j1708_dtc J1708/J1939 DTC Event. The JBox detected a change in the J1708/J1939 Diagnostic Trouble Codes
j1708_eng_load Ratio of current output torque to maximum torque available at the current engine speed %
j1708_eng_speed Rotation velocity of crankshaft rpm
j1708_eng_throttle Ratio of actual accelerator pedal position to maximum pedal position %
j1708_fuel_cons Derived Fuel Usage
j1708_fuel_cons_ng Derived Natural Gas Fuel Usage
j1708_fuel_econ Instantaneous Fuel Economy
j1708_fuel_econ_ng Instantaneous Natural Gas Fuel Economy
j1708_odometer Odometer
j1708_pto_engag_st PTO Engagement Control Status
j1708_pto_st Power Takeoff Status
j1708_speed The speed of the vehicle
j1708_status Current Vehicle Bus Status
j1939_auxadc0 Auxiliary ADC #1
j1939_auxadc1 Auxiliary ADC #2
j1939_auxio0 Auxiliary I/O (00 = Off, 01 = On, Else = NA): 4-1
j1939_auxio1 Auxiliary I/O (00 = Off, 01 = On, Else = NA): 8-5
j1939_auxio2 Auxiliary I/O (00 = Off, 01 = On, Else = NA): 12-9
j1939_auxio3 Auxiliary I/O (00 = Off, 01 = On, Else = NA): 16-13
j1939_ccs Cruise Control State
j1939_pto_st J1939 PTO State
j1939_wtr_fuel Water in fuel Indicator
jbus_seat_belt_st Seat Belt Status (Unbuckled, Buckled, Error, NA)
jfuel_level0 Primary Fuel Level %
jfuel_level1 Secondary Fuel Level %
jidle_hours Total Idle Hours
jtotal_fuel Total Fuel Used
jtotal_hours Total Engine Hours
jtotal_idle_fuel Total Idle Fuel Used
jtotal_idle_ng_fuel Total Natural Gas Idle Fuel Used
jtotal_ng_fuel Total Natural Gas Fuel Used
landmark_bearing Bearing from above landmark °
landmark_dist Distance from above landmark km
landmark Name of closest landmark, if one is defined
lion The current voltage of the internal LiIon battery V
loc_age Age of the position fix at the time of recording the event, 0-240. 0-position fix was current and good. min
odometer GNX odometer km
oil_press Oil Pressure kPa
oil_temp Oil Temperature
pdop PDOP (Position Dilution of Precision)
phone_number The phone number of the cellular modem (or SIM card)
pwr_supply GNX primary power supply voltage level V
reason The reason that caused the GNX to queue this event (text)
region Name of region (boundary) in which the GNX is located
rssi Current received signal strength of the cellular modem dBm
sec_cnt Linear second count of the number of seconds since the GNX last powered on
serial_num 12 digit GenX Mobile assigned serial number. A unique identifier for a GNX
sid Current serving system identifier of the cellular modem
state MOVING, IDLING, or PARKED, based on parameters STOP_SPEED, MOVE_SPEED, STOP_TIMER, MOVE_TIMER, and the ignition input
stop_dur Stop duration min
switch_N Current state of switch input (ON/OFF). N - number of input
temp Internal GNX temperature °C
unique_id Integer that increments with each position sent, to allow unique identification of each position
wire_ext_tempN External 1 wire temperature sensor value °C or °F (depends on the 1 Wire configuration)

The reason that caused the GNX to queue this event (number)

  • 0 - GNX powers up
  • 1 - Brief power glitch or GNX reset
  • 2 - Ignition goes off
  • 3 - Ignition goes on
  • 4 - GNX alarm is tripped
  • 5 - GNX powers off
  • 6 - Timer expiry event
  • 7 - GNX restarts unexpectedly
  • 8 - Remote user requests location of GNX
  • 10 - GPS has not made a position fix in N minutes during which the ignition has been on
  • 11 - GPS has been reacquired and GPS_LOST event was previously queued
  • 12 - GNX arrived at a landmark
  • 13 - GNX departed from the landmark at which it previously arrived
  • 14 - GNX entered a region (boundary)
  • 15 - GNX left a region (boundary)
  • 16 - GNX has been in state IDLING for N minutes, and has tripped a timer set in parameter IDLE_TIMER
  • 17 - GNX has been in state PARKED for N minutes, and has tripped a timer set in parameter PARK_TIMER
  • 18 - GNX speed has been above value specified by parameter HIGH_SPEED_ALERT_THRESHOLD for SPEED_HYSTERESIS_TIME
  • 19 - GNX speed has been below value specified by parameter LOW_SPEED_ALERT_THRESHOLD for SPEED_HYSTERESIS_TIME
  • 20 - External switch1 goes active
  • 21 - External switch2 goes active
  • 22 - External switch3 goes active
  • 23 - External switch4 goes active
  • 24 - External switch1 goes inactive
  • 25 - External switch2 goes inactive
  • 26 - External switch3 goes inactive
  • 27 - External switch4 goes inactive
  • 28 - GNX speed has been below value specified by parameter STOP_SPEED for STOP_TIMER seconds
  • 29 - GNX speed has been above value specified by parameter MOVE_SPEED for MOVE_TIMER seconds
  • 30 - GNX has traveled DISTANCE_INTERVAL meters since last DISTANCE event was queued
  • 31 - GNX main supply voltage has been below POWER_DOWN_VOLTAGE for at least 2 minutes
  • 32 - User application on UART or Ethernet interface sent a text message
  • 33 - GNX received a RESETGNX10 command
  • 34 - GNX received a RESETPVTQ command
  • 35 - GNX started OTAP process, triggering the sending of its position queue
  • 36 - Magnetic card reader input detected
  • 37 - Indicates that a PTO is active while the vehicle is moving, and that this has been the case for a period of time
  • 38 - Must follow the previous PVT. Indicates that either the PVT went inactive, OR the vehicle stopped moving
  • 39 - Indicates that the GPS module is signaling a short-circuit on the antenna connection
  • 40 - Indicates that the GPS module is signaling a open-circuit on the antenna connection
  • 41 - Indicates that the cellular modem signal strength (RSSI) has been above the defined threshold RSSI_IN_COVERAGE for the hysteresis time
  • 42 - Indicates that the cellular modem signal strength (RSSI) has been below the defined threshold RSSI_OUT_COVERAGE for the hysteresis time
  • 43 - Indicates that the SIM was removed from the GNX (GPRS modems only)
  • 44 - Caused by pushing of external panic button which can be configured to be connected to any of the four switch inputs
  • 45 - If external tempsensor is connected this indicates a high-temperature condition (levels are parameterized)
  • 46 - As above, but a low temperature event
  • 48 - If a backup battery is fitted this PVT indicates that main power was restored
  • 49 - If a backup battery is fitted this PVT indicates that main power was disconnected
  • 50 - If a backup battery is fitted this PVT indicates that backup power was restored
  • 51 - If a backup battery is fitted this PVT indicates that main power was disconnected or fell to a low level (discharged)
  • 54 - If the GNX is not making a current GPS position fix when the ignition goes from off to on (e.g. when parked in a garage) then this event captures the first position fix made following the ignition change
  • 55 - If the analog A2D input is configured to act as a voltage based PTO (see param 164) then this event captures the transition from below the specified voltage to above the specified voltage
  • 56 - If the analog A2D input is configured to act as a voltage based PTO (see param 164) then this event captures the transition from above the specified voltage to below the specified voltage
  • 57 - GNX speed has been above value specified by parameter HIGH_SPEED_ALERT_THRESHOLD[2] for SPEED_HYSTERESIS_TIME
  • 58 - GNX speed has been below value specified by parameter LOW_SPEED_ALERT_THRESHOLD[2] for SPEED_HYSTERESIS_TIME
  • 59 - Recorded when the GNX next comes on, prior to recording ILLEGAL_PWRUP, this shows when and where the GNX10 lost power
  • 60 - If the GNX is configured with parameters 172 and 173 then this event records a change in heading. This can be useful for tracing a path through an urban area without having excessive data usage
  • 61 - If a GPS acceleration limit (param 174) is set then this alert is generated when the acceleration limit is exceeded for two consecutive seconds
  • 62 - If a deceleration limit (param 175) is set then this alert is generated when the deceleration limit is exceeded for two consecutive seconds
  • 65 - Driver ID iButton was detected on the 1 wire interface
  • 66 - Driver ID iButton was removed from the 1 wire interface
  • 67 - occurs if the GNX detects that diagnostic trouble codes are present on the vehicle (the check engine light is on)
  • 70 - Attempt to establish a data call failed (for diagnostics)
  • 71 - Garmin PND is connected
  • 72 - Garmin PND is Disconnected
  • 77 - An alarm condition (movement, power disconnection, panic button) ended
  • 87 - Marks start of customizable condition (see section 4.1.1)
  • 88 - Marks end of customizable condition
  • 95 - Network Assisted GPS position fix (where supported by hardware)
  • 96 - External UART application sent a short binary string using AT!GXAPP SENDSHORTBIN (see 3.3.8)
  • 97 - Indicates modem was switched off by driver (special firmware build to allow modem switching for flammable/explosive environments)
  • 98 - Indicates modem was switched on by driver (special firmware build to allow modem switching for flammable/explosive environments)
  • 99 - If a port expander or Jbox peripheral is connected to a GNX5P then this indicates that the peripheral was connected or disconnected, or that the supplementary PTO inputs on the port expander changed. Connection and disconnection can be due to the GNX powering and de-powering the peripheral according to parameters 56, 60
  • 100 - Indicates that the accelerometer detected harsh cornering (see GNX accelerometer application note). Not supported on all hardware
  • 102 - Indicates the ID ibutton checksum did not match any of the entries in parameter 506
  • 103 - On hardware with 3 axis accelerometer fitted this event can be configured to occur when a parked vehicle is tilted (e.g. Being towed). See accelerometer application note
  • 104 - Indicates GNX attempted to send location via Iridium Short Burst Data modem
  • 106 - On GNX devices equipped with some Ublox GSM/HSPA modems this event signifies that the modem has detected interference that is preventing a data connection
  • 107 - Input summary event: gives summary of action on the ignition and PTO inputs since the last event. Can be a useful daily summary of activity
  • 108 - On GNX devices with a ublox GPS receiver with software version 7 and above this event will show if the GPS receiver thinks that the lack of position fix may be for jamming reasons. This has been found to be prone to false positives so please bear this in mind
  • 109 - occurs if the GNX reads the VIN code of the vehicle. The VIN code is appended to the reason code/reason text column (9 or 10)
  • 110 - See parameter 113: indicates start of towing
  • 111 - See parameter 113: indicates end of towing
  • 112 - See parameter 113: indicates ongoing towing
  • 113 - See parameter 112 (TEMP_INTERVAL). Optional event code indicating that the server has enabled a temporary higher reporting rate from the GNX
  • 115 - Indicates that one of the relay drive outputs has changed state. Examine report column 79 (Relays)
  • 116 - Event generated when data from attached Bosch Rexroth CS440 compuspread changes. Contact GenX for further details
  • 117 - Event indicating possible tampering with the GNX while the vehicle is parked. Enabled by parameter 177
  • 118 - currently only supported on OBD: this event occurs when the fuel level changes by more than 25%
  • 119 - Gxxx.08.xx and newer firmware: indicates that the GNX has reached its MAXDATAUSAGE limit
  • 120 - Gxxx.08.xx and newer firmware: indicates a change in status of the connection to the vehicle’s bus (J1939, OBD)
  • 121 - Experimental. This is an attempt to capture large excursions from the mean in RPM and engine load without requiring
    configuration on a per-vehicle basis (since all vehicles have different RPM ranges). Just enable the
    event 121 and it should be sent when the RPM exceeds 2xaverage RPM, or when engine calculated
    load exceeds 80%: in the event the reported RPM (column 77) and Engine load (column 76) values
    are the maximum detected during the excursion
  • 122 - (DLO – driver log out) – can be optionally triggered by CANCEL_DRIVER_ID or by
    ONE_WIRE_ENABLE=a.b.x55 – this event is disabled by default for backward compatibility
  • 123 - Gxxx.08.xx and newer firmware: indicates a peak in RPM or engine load


Status of Bluetooth connection

Please, note: if the serial number of your devices starts with zeros, you should enter Wialon unit ID without these symbols.

For example, serial number 0000123456 should be entered as 123456.

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