Granit v6

Granit v6
Manufacturer: Santel Navigation
Forum Discussion

Number of units


The following data should also be added to Granit v6 unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: Granit v6
Unique ID: serial

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration Granit v6 for use in Wialon Hosting :

Server port: 20314

345 units of Granit v6 device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0.01% of all AVL Hardware connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units
adcX Analog sensor, X - number of sensor
call Status of the call for voice communication
bat_voltage Battery voltage
cX Number of pulses to digital input, X - number of inputs
odo_track Track length from the date of first inclusion
gsm_power GSM signal strength
gprs_state GPRS connection status
acc Accelerometer
sos SOS status
granit_alarm_info Flag of alarming information
sensorX_odometer Circular speedometer, X - number of sensor
sensorX_zone Number of zone, X - number of sensor
intellectual_sensorX Intelligent sensor, X - number of sensor
fuel_sens_stateX State of the fuel sensor, X - number of sensor
fuel_level_mmX Fuel level in the tank, X - number of sensor mm
fuel_level_litresX Fuel level in the tank, X - number of sensor l
fuel_tempX Temperature of the tank, X - number of sensor °C
driver_id The value of the RFID reader
registrator_idX ID Registrar, X - number of registrar
sec_flag_statusX Flag a device performance and security, X - number of sensor
engine_hoursX complete operating time of the engine h
mileageX Full mileage of vehicle, X - number of sensor km
fuel_consumptionX Full fuel consumption, X - number of sensor l
fuel_levelX Fuel level, X - number of sensor
fuel_volumeX Fuel level, X - number of sensor
engine_rpmX Speed engine speed, X - number of sensor rpm
engine_tempX Engine temperature °C
axis_weightX_Y Pressure on the axisr, X - number of sensor, Y - number of axis
alarm_flagX Accident status, X - number of sensor
rfid RFID key
product_density Product density
product_temp Temperature of the product
product_level Product level
product_level_unit Unit of measurement
status User status
stay_balance Status of balance
tempX Temperature sensor, X - number of sensor °C
time_valid Time valid status
tpX Fuel sensor, X - number of sensor
ver Firmware version
volta_X The RMS voltage, X - number of phase

0 - ignition on,
1 - ignition off

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