Terminal GPRS S8.3

Terminal GPRS S8.3
Manufacturer: Albatross System
Forum Discussion

Number of units

Supported in Wialon:
  • ADC sensors
  • CAN-bus support
  • Remote management via GPRS
  • Digital sensors
  • SMS sending of data
  • Alarm button
  • Communication via TCP

The following data should also be added to Terminal GPRS S8.3 unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: Terminal GPRS S8.3
Unique ID: serial

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration Terminal GPRS S8.3 for use in Wialon Hosting :

Server port: 21267

83 units of Terminal GPRS S8.3 device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0% of all AVL Hardware connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units
seq_num Sequence number
gsm Gsm signal strength (range: 0 - 33)
gsm_op Identification number of network GSM operator
evt_id Event ID
can_vsp Vehicle speed from CAN bus kmh
mileage Mileage counter based on GPS device
can_tdist Total mileage of the vehicle from CAN bus m
can_tfuel Total fuel consumed by the vehicle from the installation of CAN Module device ml
can_tifuel Total fuel used when idle value read from CAN device ml
can_flp Current fuel level of the vehicle (CAN data) %
can_fll Current fuel level of the vehicle (CAN data) l
fuel_flag Information about can_fll source
can_fc Current fuel consumption of the vehicle (CAN data)
can_a Current acceleration pedal position (CAN data) %
can_espd Engine speed from CAN bus rpm
can_etmp Temperature of the engine (CAN data) °C
can_ehrs Engine total work time (CAN data) min
can_eit Engine total idle time (CAN data) min
can_oilt Current Oil temperature (CAN data) °C
can_hdrot Current hydraulic oil temperature (CAN data) °C
can_tchgr Tachograph data (CAN data)
can_axlew1 Current axle 1 weight (CAN data) kg
can_axlew2 Current axle 2 weight (CAN data) kg
can_axlew3 Current axle 3 weight (CAN data) kg
can_axlew4 Current axle 4 weight (CAN data) kg
can_indsc Set of various indicators status
wire_t1 Temperature read from first one-wire temperature sensor °C
wire_c1 Identification number of Dallas thermometer 1
wire_t2 Temperature read from second one-wire temperature sensor °C
wire_c2 Identification number of Dallas thermometer 2
wire_t3 Temperature read from third one-wire temperature sensor °C
wire_c3 Identification number of Dallas thermometer 3
wire_t4 Temperature read from fourth one-wire temperature sensor °C
wire_c4 Identification number of Dallas thermometer 4
wire_t5 Temperature read from fifth one-wire temperature sensor °C
wire_c5 Identification number of Dallas thermometer 5
wire_t6 Value that inform about CME/CMS error, Jamming and CREG state
wire_c6 Identification number of Dallas thermometer 6
can_rpp Time counter of pressure above configured for Eco driving (CAN data) s
can_ra Counter of dynamic accelerations. Value for Eco driving (CAN data)
can_rb Counter of dynamic brakes. Value for Eco driving (CAN data)
can_esoc Counter of reached engine speed limits. Value for Eco driving (CAN data)
can_r Actual car range value (CAN data)
can_dtorpml Total time of drive with over engine speed limit for Eco driving (CAN data) min
can_dtosl Total time of drive with over speed limit for Eco driving (CAN data) min
drvr1_idt Driver 1 card ID (Tachograph CAN data)
drvr2_idt Driver 2 card ID (Tachograph CAN data)
driver_code Unique driver code read from 1-wire identification device, presented as hexadecimal chars
3dx 3D sensor X axis acceleration
3dy 3D sensor Y axis acceleartion
3dz 3D sensor Z axis acceleration

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