Think Power TE604E

Think Power TE604E
Manufacturer: Think Power
Forum Discussion

Number of units

Features Think Power TE604E:
  • 2G
  • 3G
  • 4G/LTE
Supported in Wialon:
  • CAN-bus support
  • Digital sensors
  • Communication via TCP

The following data should also be added to Think Power TE604E unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: Think Power TE604E
Unique ID: imei

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration Think Power TE604E for use in Wialon Hosting :

Server port: 22716

141 units of Think Power TE604E device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0.01% of all AVL Hardware connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units

GPS location alarm state:
0x00 = lost location
0x01 = location success


Geo-fence shape attribute: 1-byte
0x01 = circle
0x02 = rectangle
0x03 = polygon

geo_fence_id Geo-fence ID number

Geo-fence event:
0x01 = inside
0x02 = outside

acc_x Accelerometer X-axis value mG
acc_y Accelerometer Y-axis value mG
acc_z Accelerometer Z-axis value mG

Collision alarm state:
0x00 = Not active
0x01 = Active


Drop alarm state:
0x00 = Not active
0x01 = Active


Towed away alarm state:
0x00 = Not active
0x01 = Active


Rapid deceleration alarm state:
0x00 = Not active
0x01 = Active


Rapid acceleration alarm state:
0x00 = Not active
0x01 = Active

pwr_int Battery voltage V

Battery low battery alarm state:
0x00 = Not active
0x01 = Active

battery Percentage of remaining battery %
temp Temperature C
hum Humidity %
high_temp High Temperature C
high_hum High Humidity %

Car B+ cut alarm state:
0x00 = Not active
0x01 = Active


Ignition input state:
0x00 = Not active
0x01 = Active


Speeding alarm state:
0x00 = Not active
0x01 = Active

car_shrt_mileage Car Short mileage value km
shrt_drive_time Short drive time value min
fuel_lvl Fuel level %
ibutton Driver identifier
mileage Car total mileage km
car_spd Car speed km/h
eng_load Engine load
fuel_cons Car short fuel consumption L
tot_fuel_cons Car total fuel consumption L
eng_idl_work_tm Car idle work time h
eng_tot_work_tm Car total work time h
car_pwr_in Car battery voltage V
car_air_temp Car air temperature C
car_cool_temp Car coolant temperature %
car_cool_lvl Car coolant level %
oil_press Car engine oil pressure level kPa

Car ACC status:1-byte
0x00 = Not active
0x01 = Active

hold_time Hold time min
eng_spd Engine speed RPM
eng_hours Elapsed Engine Hours h
dist_last_v_coord Distance Since Last Valid Coordinates miles
malf_stat Malfunction Indicator Status
data_diag_stat Data Diagnostic Event Indicator Status
time_zone_offs_utc Time Zone Offset from UTC
car_tot_work_tm Car total work time: h

Theft alarm state:
0x00 = Not active
0x01 = Active


Light alarm state:
0x00 = Not active
0x01 = Active


Door alarm state:
0x00 = Closed
0x01 = Open

tire_seq Tire state by sequence
tire_comp Tire Comparisions
tire_press Tire Pressure kPa
ble_id_X ID of iBeacon
ble_rssi_X Measured RSSI of BLE iBeacon

LBS location state:
0x00 = lost location
0x01 = location success

csq CSQ of cellular network

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