TrackPro TR140

TrackPro TR140
Manufacturer: TrackPro
Forum Discussion

Number of units


The following data should also be added to TrackPro TR140 unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: TrackPro TR140
Unique ID: serial

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration TrackPro TR140 for use in Wialon Hosting :

Server port: 22016

0 units of TrackPro TR140 device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0% of all AVL Hardware connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units

32bits represent 32 alarm statuses:
0 - Emergence/Anti-hijack
1 - Speeding alarm
2 - Field alarm
3 - Device fault alarm
4 - Help
5 - Speeding in field
6 - Stop overtime
7-16 - Reserved
17 - Anti-theft
18-23 - Reserved
24 - Fatigue driving
25 - Enter field
26 - Out field
27 - Temperature alarm
28 - Crash alarm
29-30 - Reserved
31 - Not positioned

trailer_id Trailer ID or card number

32bits represent 32 device statuses:
0 - Trailer Connect
1 - Reserved
2 - Fuel refill
3 - Fuel low
4 - Fuel lost
5-7 - Reserved
8 - Positive input
9 - Arm
10 - ACC
11 - Idle
12 - Anti-hijack
13 - PTO
14 - Course turn
15 - Over speed
16-20 - Reserved
21 - Power cut
22 - GPS antenna CUT
23 - GPS antenna short
24-30 - Reserved
31 - Brake

mileage Mileage of vehicle km
adc1 Analog value 1

Fuel percent
61166 - Fuel sensor error
65535 - Fuel sensor not exist


Fuel percent
61166 - Fuel sensor error
65535 - Fuel sensor not exist


Fuel percent
61166 - Fuel sensor error
65535 - Fuel sensor not exist

version Product name and firmware version

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