Iridium Extreme

Number of units

Features Iridium Extreme:
  • Satellite terminal
  • Voice calls
Supported in Wialon:
  • Remote management via IridiumSBD
  • Alarm button

The following data should also be added to Iridium Extreme unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: Iridium Extreme
Unique ID: imei

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration Iridium Extreme for use in Wialon Hosting :

Server port: 21533

26 units of Iridium Extreme device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0.13% of all Personal trackers connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units

MO Message type:
0: Emergency
1: Emergency Cancel
2: Automatic Position Report
3: Manual Position Report
4: Response to Location (Ping) Request
5: Switch On
6: System Test Request (End to End)
7: Diagnostics Response
8: Request Device Identifier Response
9: Synchronising Data Over the Air
10: Free Text
11: Geofence Crossed By Device
12: Begin Monitoring
13: End Monitoring
14: Check In
15: Canned Message Send
16: Message Acknowledgement
17: Deregistration
18: Power Down


Message sequence number


Emergency state flag:
0: Device not in an emergency state
1: Device in an emergency state


Velocity direction:
0: Ascending
1: Descending
2: Level (Neither Ascending nor Descending)
3: Not Valid/No Reading


Location source:
0: GPS
1: Glonass (not currently supported)
2: Doppler


Latitude accuracy measurement:
0: Meters
1: Kilometres


Latitude accuracy

m or km

Longitude accuracy measurement:
0: Meters
1: Kilometres


Longitude accuracy

m or km

Altitude accuracy measurement:
0: Meters
1: Kilometres


Altitude accuracy

m or km

Indicates validity of location:
0: Invalid
1: Valid

rfr Frequency rate for sending automated GPS position reports

Reporting Frequency Rate Units:
0: Minutes
1: Hours
2: Days
3: Weeks
4: No Update
5: Start-up Only


Emergency Destination:
0: Message
1: Call
2: Message & Call

emg_call_rec Emergency Call Recipient

Message Encoding:
0: Standard Header, Standard Location Block
1: Standard Header, Reduced Location Block (when possible)
2: Reduced Header, Reduced Location Block (when possible)


Battery voltage
(MO 7: Diagnostics Response)


Charger status:
0: Charger Absent
1: Charger Present and Charging
2: Charger Present and not Charging
(MO 7: Diagnostics Response)


Number of visible GPS satellites
(MO 7: Diagnostics Response)


Intended recipient of the SBD message.
N - the serial number of the recipient, if the message is intended for several recipients.


Geofence status:
0: Outside Geofence
1: Inside Geofence


MT Message Type (commands sent to SBD portal):
0: Emergency Acknowledge
1: Emergency Cancel Request
2: Location (Ping) Request
3: System Test Response
4: Diagnostic Request
5: Request Device Identifier
6: Synchronise Data to Device
7: Free Text
8: Geofence Activate
9: Geofence Cancel
10: Portal Status Message
11: Confirmed Check In


MT Message Status (command status on SBD portal):
1 –50: Successful, order of message in the MT message queue
0: Successful, no payload in message
-1: Invalid IMEI –too few characters, non-numeric characters
-2: Unknown IMEI –not provisioned on the GSS
-3: Payload size exceeded maximum allowed
-4: Payload expected, but none received
-5: MT message queue full (max of 50)
-6: MT resources unavailable
-7: Violation of MT DirectIP protocol error
-8: Ring alerts to the given IMEI are disabled
-9: The given IMEI is not attached (not set to receive ring alerts)


Distribution List Hash
(MO 5: Switch On)


1: Distribution List Hash matches saved Distribution List Hash (Device Configutation)
(MO 5: Switch On)


Distribution List (saved in Device Configuration)
(MO 5: Switch On)


Canned Messages Hash
(MO 5: Switch On)


Canned Messages Hash matches saved Canned Messages Hash (Device Configuration)
(MO 5: Switch On)

lang_code Language Code
cdr_ref Call Data Record

Reference (Auto ID)
records unique identifier assigned by GSS


0: The SBD session completed successfully.
1: The MO message transfer, if any, was successful. The MT message queued at the GSS is too large to be transferred within a single SBD session.
2: The MO message transfer, if any, was successful. The reported
location was determined to be of unacceptable quality. This
value is only applicable to IMEIs using SBD protocol revision 1.
10: The SBD session timed out before session completion.
12: The MO message being transferred by the IMEI is too large to
be transferred within a single SBD session.
13: An RF link loss occurred during the SBD session.
14: An IMEI protocol anomaly occurred during SBD session.
15: The IMEI is prohibited from accessing the GSS.

momsn mobile-originated message sequence number (MOMSN) associated with the SBD session
mtmsn mobile-terminated message sequence number (MTMSN) associated with the SBD session
ir_time time of session between the IMEI and the GSS

Device identifier
(MO 8: Request Device Identifier Response)


Canned Message Identifier
(MO 15: Canned Message Send)


Canned Message Name
(MO 15: Canned Message Send)


Canned Message Description
(MO 15: Canned Message Send)

For assistance in configuration of LBS service you can contact Mobile satellite communication company, the certified developer of Iridium hardware.

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