Syrus Pegasus Gateway

Syrus Pegasus Gateway
Manufacturer: DCT
Forum Discussion

Number of units


The following data should also be added to Syrus Pegasus Gateway unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: Syrus Pegasus Gateway
Unique ID: custom

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration Syrus Pegasus Gateway for use in Wialon Hosting :

Server port: 20851

210 units of Syrus Pegasus Gateway device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0.22% of all Protocols and retranslators connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units
valid_position GPS availability True: GPS is valid. False: GPS is not valid.
ac Instant acceleration measured in Miles/(h*s) or MPH*s.
hdop GPS Horizontal Dilution of Precision x100
vdop GPS Vertical Dilution of Precision x100
pdop GPS Position Dilution of Precision x100

GPS Source:
&nbsp &nbsp 0: 2D GPS
&nbsp &nbsp 1: 3D GPS
&nbsp &nbsp 2: 2D DGPS
&nbsp &nbsp 3: 3D DGPS
&nbsp &nbsp 9: Unknown


Age of data used for the report:
&nbsp &nbsp 0: Not available
&nbsp &nbsp 1: Older than 10 seconds
&nbsp &nbsp 2: Fresh, less than 10 seconds
&nbsp &nbsp 9: GPS Failure

mgrs Location in MGRS coordinates.
cv Counters state. Device counter 00-19
re_sense True: Enter. False: Exit.

Region event's type:
&nbsp &nbsp K = Circular Region
&nbsp &nbsp R = Polygonal Region


Region event's index:
&nbsp &nbsp 0 - 49 Polygonal
&nbsp &nbsp 0 - 99 Circular


This is the Event Number that the device generated. It varies depending on the configuration.

c00 = Periodic test (Reports every 2 hours when the vehicle's ignition is off)
c01 = Track Point (Periodic Report with Ignition On, editable on Pegasus Interface)
c02 = Vehicle ON
c03 = Vehicle OFF
c04 = Speeding (The vehicle has exceeded the speed limit set, continuously for over 10 seconds or time set.)
c05 = Idle (The vehicle has remained still with the ignition ON for over 10 minutes.)
c06 = Out of idle state
c08 = Slow traffic (The vehicle has not traveled more than 500 meters in the last 5 minutes)
c10 = Assistance button (The button connected to input 1 has been pressed)
c11 = Input 2 activated (Input 2 has been activated. The activation has a 2 second persistence check)
c12 = Input 2 deactivated (Input 2 has been deactivated. The deactivation has a 2 second persistence check.)
c13 = Input 3 activated
c14 = Input 3 deactivated
c15 = Output 1 activated
c16 = Output 1 deactivated
c17 = Output 2 activated
c18 = Output 2 deactivated
c19 = Output short-circuit (A short circuit was detected in a standard output.)
c20 = Output short-circuit Restored (A standard output was restored from a short circuit.)
c21 = Low Back-up Power (Internal battery is below 20 percent of its total capacity.)
c22 = Power Loss (Disconnection from vehicle's power.)
c23 = Power restored (Re-connection to vehicle's power.)
c24 = GPS antenna failure (The GPS antenna is in short circuit.)
c25 = GPS antenna restored (GPS antenna restored from a short circuit.)
c26 = Simcard removed (This event will report the next time a SIM Card is introduced)
c27 = Simcard inserted
c28 = Board critical temp. (Board temperature reached the operation limit.)
c29 = Board critical temp. restored (Board temperature restored from critical level)
c30 = No GPS fix > 5 mins (GPS signal lost for more than 5 minutes.)
c31 = Immobilization ON (Report when the unit is instructed to cut off the engine. The engine will be cut off after some safety conditions are met.)
c32 = Immobilization OFF (The unit was instructed to end any cut off procedures in progress.)
c33 = Engine cut done (The safety conditions are met and the engine has been cut off (Set output 1 to high).)
c34 = Engine enabled (The unit was instructed to enable the engine again (Set output 1 to low).)
c35 = Cut pending (Report generated every 5 minutes while the unit waits for the safety conditions to cut the engine off.)
c36 = Power saving on (The unit is in power saving mode, this mode is activated after 36 hours of no movement with the ignition Off.)
c37 = Power saving off (The unit woke up from the power saving mode. The power saving mode is activated after 36 hours of no movement, ignition off and no input changes. While on power saving mode,this event is reported only every 2 hours until movement, ignition on, or an input change.)
c38 = Power saving canceled (The power saving mode was cancelled due to either a change in thyt e Power Supply, Ignition, Inputs, or Movement)
c39 = Positive acceleration threshold
c40 = Negative acceleration threshold
c41 = Voice call in progress
c42 = Position response event


Event classification type:
0: unknown
1 - 99: GPS Event:
&nbsp &nbsp 10: EV TAIP regular events
&nbsp &nbsp 11: PV TAIP position & velocity
&nbsp &nbsp 12: RXAIT driving metrics
&nbsp &nbsp 13: GPS BackLog
&nbsp &nbsp 20: empty GPS Event (gps time = 0)
100-199: Connection Event:
&nbsp &nbsp 100: Keep-alive
&nbsp &nbsp 110: XART TAIP
&nbsp &nbsp 111: XARS SIM Card Operator Info
&nbsp &nbsp 150: Message
300: Others:
&nbsp &nbsp 301: Duplicate GPS Event

short_desc Managed configuration's event name.

Number associated with the driving metrics
&nbsp &nbsp 0 - Max. Acceleration
&nbsp &nbsp 1 - Max. Deacceleration
&nbsp &nbsp 2 - Max. Speed

metric_value Actual driving metric value.
metric_units Driving metric units: Miles/(h*s) or MPH*s. This key is not sent via RPC.
id Event's record ID (unique)
garm_sent Messages which were sent to GARMIN
garm_received Messages which were received from GARMIN

0 display off,
1 for display on.

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