Smarty BX2000

Smarty BX2000
Manufacturer: D-TEG
Forum Discussion

Number of units

Features Smarty BX2000:
  • 3G
Supported in Wialon:
  • Camera connection
  • Remote management via GPRS
  • Driver identification
  • Digital sensors
  • Alarm button
  • Communication via TCP

The following data should also be added to Smarty BX2000 unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: Smarty BX2000
Unique ID: DRID

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration Smarty BX2000 for use in Wialon Hosting :

Server port: 21409

0 units of Smarty BX2000 device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0% of all Video monitoring connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units
event_type Event which triggered message
ign Ignition. 1 - ON, 0 - OFF.
camera The number of the camera from which photo/video was received
photo_uri Link to photo
video_uri Link to video

Prefixed value corresponding to event_type:

1 - AlarmIn
2 - Signal
3 - Turn
4 - Accelerate
5 - Brake
6 - Shock
7 - Stationary
8 - Speed
9 - Ecall (severe G-Force event)
10 - GEOFence
11 - ServerForce
12 - PanicButton
13 - ManualBackup
14 - FirmwareUpdate
15 - SettingsBackup
16 - SettingsUpdate
17 - MediaFormat
18 - GSensorCalibration
19 - DeviceReboot
20 - AlarmOutControl
21 - DeviceUpdate
22 - NetConfigUpdate
23 - DeviceInitialized
24 - MediaError
25 - DeviceOffline
26 - DeviceOnline
27 - DeviceFault
28 - InstallationValidated
29 - LocationChanged
30 - IgnitionOn
31 - IgnitionOff
32 - LiveTrack
33 - Moving
34 - ManualBackupJPG
35 - TripCompleted

Allows for immediate event-based data transfer. Video file (up to 20 sec) request from the device internal storage is also available.

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