VIONEER GROUP, a holding corporation incorporated for over 13 years owning subsidiaries and manufactueres such as Shenzhen Vioneer Telematics Co., Ltd, Shenzhen Vioneer IoT Co., Ltd, Shenzhen Vioneer Energy Co., Ltd, Shenzhen Zonysun Technology Co., Ltd, Guangdong Tai Sek Hei Medical Equipment Co., Ltd, Chongqi COE Display Technology Co., Ltd, and Heyuan COE Communication Technology Co., Ltd, with its principal office at special economic zone Shenzhen, China, is the leading designer and manufacturer of IoV (Internet of Vehicle) and IoT (Internet of Things) products,medical equipments, TFT-LCD modules etc.
Number of units
№ | Device | Total units |
1 | Vioneer VG01 | 69 |