“Description” column for the fillings registered as events.
The “Retrieve intervals” option for “Summary by” filter: splitting of the table data that get on shifts/days/weeks crossing.
Temperature and positioning data columns.
Positioning data column.
Columns “Consumed by… in m/h in movement”, “Avg consumption by… in m/h in movement”, “Avg consumption by… when idling” in “Statistics” table.
Data retrieval for the periods when no messages were received, or they were received without positioning data.
Tracing of text values.
The system works with the devices by Servision, Howen, Neotech Electronics, Сamera telematics, Streamax and offers the streaming option alongside with the event-based video monitoring. The video is displayed in mini-windows that can be open upon the click on the icon in the monitoring panel or on the mini-map.