10 facts about Gurtam telematics community

26 novembro, 2019
Alexandra Solonaya

Gurtam community is a complicated structure where a partner can, at the same time, be a software developer, a hardware manufacturer can become a partner, and a Gurtam competitor can top the GPS Hardware Manufacturers TOP 10 rating. This is one of the peculiar facts that can hardly be attributed to any other area of people or companies.

In this article, we gathered ten more fascinating and thought-provoking facts about the Gurtam community so you can better understand the environment of the business we’re all in. Got you interested? Go on reading.

Fact 1. A typical Gurtam partner is the Wialon Hosting user from Russia with 10-year experience in business

Fact 1. A typical Gurtam partner is the Wialon Hosting user from Russia with 10-year experience in business

We have around 30,000 contacts in our CRM system. Based on this data, we came up with a picture of a typical Gurtam partner. Let’s imagine it is a real person, the one and only Gurtam partner. 

Please, meet Carlos (the most widespread name is the partner community)! He is the Wialon Hosting user from Russia who has been working in the fleet management business for 10 years (4 years with Gurtam). Other things about Carlos:

  • works under a personal brand;
  • has 1,500 vehicles connected to Wialon;
  • uses Teltonika;
  • uses at least one third-party application;
  • has 9 employees in the company

We have over 1,600 partners globally, and the partner profile varies from region to region. What about you? How different are you from Carlos?

Fact 2. Americas specialize in asset tracking, while APAC is in personal monitoring

Fact 1. A typical Gurtam partner is the Wialon Hosting user from Russia with 10-year experience in business

The dominant sphere for the vast majority of our partners is definitely GPS fleet management. But each region with its unique market conditions dictates its rules making telematics companies offer solutions in other domains as well. Business verticals by region look like that:

  • Russia and other post-Soviet countries (CIS) – agriculture;
  • Both Americas – asset tracking (11% of partners in North America and 7% in Latin America);
  • APAC (East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Oceania) – personal monitoring;
  • The Middle East and Africa are the security-oriented regions.

Fact 3. Russia and post-Soviet countries have the oldest businesses

Fact 1. A typical Gurtam partner is the Wialon Hosting user from Russia with 10-year experience in business

When it comes to the age of telematics businesses, the regional markets are on the different stages of development here. Some of our partners knew the terms ‘telematics’ and ‘IoT’ 10 years ago, while others got acquainted with these concepts only in 2012. 

The CIS partners have the oldest businesses in our community, as many of the companies here were founded as early as 2006. At the same time, APAC companies are 6 or so years younger as a rule. On average, Gurtam partners have been working in the industry since 2008.

Fact 4. The Middle East partners have the biggest companies

Fact 1. A typical Gurtam partner is the Wialon Hosting user from Russia with 10-year experience in business

In terms of the company size, the Middle East partners are undisputed leaders of the community. Normally, they have at least 25 people working in the company. The smallest businesses are in North America – the average number of employees here is 4 (companies tend to outsource developers’ and installers’ functions). Other regions fall in between these two extremes.

Fact 5. Three leading hardware brands cover 35% of the community

Fact 1. A typical Gurtam partner is the Wialon Hosting user from Russia with 10-year experience in business

Currently, we have three hardware manufacturers with over 100,000 devices connected to Wialon: Teltonika (more than 200,000 devices actually), Galileosky, and Navtelecom. The trio covers up to 35% of the community hardware needs globally.

In other words, 56% of our partners tried Teltonika, 27% of them worked with Galileosky, and 17% used Navtelecom. While Teltonika has the biggest geographical coverage being the most popular brand in all business regions, Galileosky is especially popular in Russia, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Navtelecom focuses its efforts on Russia and CIS with ambitious plans for further expansion.

View the list of the top 10 hardware manufacturers with the biggest number of devices on Wialon (results as of TelematiX 2019) on my.gurtam.com or Gurtam blog. The gurtam.com page will show the current results in dynamics.

Fact 6. 13% of partners tried video telematics

Fact 1. A typical Gurtam partner is the Wialon Hosting user from Russia with 10-year experience in business

MDVRs, ADAS, and other tech of the kind are gaining more and more popularity today. Our partners do not want to stay behind and started supporting the trend – about 13% of them have already offered video monitoring solutions to their clients. Howen, Streamax, and SmartWitness are the top three hardware manufacturers for this area.

Fact 7. Russian and CIS companies actively use Wialon brand in their business 

Many partners prefer a White Label model of cooperation with Gurtam. It gives them an opportunity to develop their own brands. At the same time, there are multiple companies that use Wialon brand equity for their purposes. With it, their end-users rest assured that they get a quality service, rich functionality, fair price, and corresponding level of support. 

Fact 1. A typical Gurtam partner is the Wialon Hosting user from Russia with 10-year experience in business

A Gurtam partner showcasing Wialon brand at wialon-service.de

86% of the companies that made it to the Wialon TOP 50 Global rating in 2019 (over half of them are from Russia and CIS) use the power of Wialon brand. 

Fact 8. CIS is the most active region in Wialon API development

Fact 1. A typical Gurtam partner is the Wialon Hosting user from Russia with 10-year experience in business

Software development is a competence that not every company has under the belt. There are some Gurtam partners that are extremely good at it. They create Wialon-based solutions that other members of the community can implement as well. The most active and experienced region in this respect is Russia and CIS. Local companies here create half of all Wialon-based solutions globally.

Fact 9. Half of the partner solutions are integrations with other platforms and reporting systems

Despite the fact that the developers of Gurtam partners deliver their Wialon-based solutions in a wide range of business areas, the significant part of the developments are integrations with third-party platforms and reporting systems – 48,4%. Developments in other spheres are distributed in the following way:

Fact 1. A typical Gurtam partner is the Wialon Hosting user from Russia with 10-year experience in business

Fact 10. Gurtam partner conferences are the only live platform for industry experts from 130 countries

Every year, Telematics conferences in Minsk, Los Angeles, Dubai, and Mexico bring together service providers, hardware manufacturers, and connectivity providers from around the world for reviewing the yearly results, networking, discussions, best practices sharing, and entertainment. 

Fact 1. A typical Gurtam partner is the Wialon Hosting user from Russia with 10-year experience in business

At the end of July in 2019, over 560 telematics and IoT professionals visited Minsk to take part in TelematiX, the Gurtam 10th anniversary partner conference. Regional partner conferences are smaller in size but no less informative and productive. There is hardly any other similar platform in the world where industry experts can share their experiences and get fresh ideas so freely.

This article is based on Anastasiya Eroho’s (Head of Marketing, Gurtam) keynote at TelematiX. Feel free to watch her speech and other presentations by Gurtam team members in the playlist.

Alexandra Solonaya
Alexandra Solonaya
A Alexandra é colaboradora do blog Gurtam. Ela cria todo tipo de conteúdo para agregar valor à comunidade de parceiros Wialon, seja através de artigos, casos de uso ou materiais informativos.


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