Queclink GV300

Número de unidades

Features Queclink GV300:
  • Compteur kilométrage intégré
Supported in Wialon:
  • Capteurs analogiques (ADC)
  • Connexion de caméra
  • Données remontées du CANbus
  • ECO driving
  • Compatibilité avec Garmin
  • Gestion à distance via GPRS
  • Capteurs numériques
  • LBS
  • Gestion à distance via SMS
  • Communication via TCP
  • Communication via UDP

The following data should also be added to Queclink GV300 unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: Queclink GV300
ID único: imei

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration Queclink GV300 for use in Wialon Hosting :

Porta do servidor: 20479

17466 units of Queclink GV300 device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0.74% of all AVL Hardware connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units

1wire device data

adc_alarm Analog input alarm value V
avl_trailer_N The ID of connected trailer
battery The current volume of the backup battery %

The buffer flag:
0 - actual message
1 - message from buffer


Whether the backup battery is charging when the main power supply is connected.
0 - not charging
1 - charging

csq_ber The quality of the GSM signal. The range is 0-7, 99 for unknown
csq_rssi The GSM signal strength level. The range is 0-31, 99 for unknown
curr_hour_meter The current hour meter count h
curr_mileage The current mileage km
dev_type The type of device

Diesel sensor status of the level in the tanks:
0 - level is OK,
C - charge in the tanks,
D - discharge in the tanks.

dsl_tankN Diesel sensor fuel level in the tank number N L
dsl_total Diesel sensor total liters in the tanks L

External GPS antenna status:
0 - is working
1 - is detected in open circuit state
3 - is in unknown state

fuel_level The nominal fuel tank liquid fill capacity as a percent of maximum %
gps_acc GPS accuracy

Whether to close GPS chip after retrieving GPS position information:
0 - never close GPS chip
1 - close GPS chip after retrieving GPS information every time.


GPS signal status:
0 - lost GPS signal or no successful GPS fix
1 - GPS signal recovered and successful GPS fix

hard_ver The hardware version

Harsh behavior:
0 - harsh braking behavior
1 - harsh acceleration behavior
2 - harsh turn behavior
3 - harsh braking and turn behavior
4 - harsh acceleration and turn behavior
5 - Unknown harsh behavior


The speed level of which the harsh behavior is detected:
0 - unknown speed
1 - low speed
2 - medium speed
3 - high speed

hour_meter_count The total hour meter count h
iccid The ICCID of the SIM card
idling The time that the vehicle has been in idling status s
ign Ignition state: 0 - off, 1 - on
ign_off_fuel_level The fuel level saved before last ignition off %
ign_off_time Duration since last time the ignition is off s
ign_on_fuel_level The fuel level after current ignition on %
ign_on_time Duration since last time the ignition is on s
input_id ID of the input to which the fuel sensor is connected to, 0 means connected with serial port

The current logical status of the input port number N:
0 - is disable status
1 - is enable status


Whether the external power supply is connected.
0 - not connected
1 - connected


The current Jamming status of the device.
1 - quit the jamming
2 - enter the jamming

lls Digit Fuel Sensor Data
led_on Indicate whether the LED’s are turned on
mileage The total mileage km
msg_type The ID of HEX report message
pin15_mode The current working mode of pin 15
pwr_ext The voltage of the external power supply V
pwr_int The voltage of the backup battery. The value of this field is only valid when the external power is not connected V
rfid RFID

The current motion state of device:
16 - Tow
1A - Fake Tow
11 - Ignition Off Rest
12 - Ignition Off Motion
21 - Ignition On Rest
22 - Ignition On Motion
41 - Sensor Rest
42 - Sensor Motion

soft_ver The software version
tempN The temperature sensor number N value °C
trailer_N_input Last know Tag's input switch status of trailer number N
ufs_proto_ver UFS Protocol Version
ufs_soft_ver UFS Firmware Version
ufs_hard_ver UFS Hardware Version
ufs_calc_fuel_level UFS Calculated Fuel Level mm

UFS Signal Strength

ufs_soft_status UFS Software Status Code
ufs_hard_fault UFS Hardware Fault Code
ufs_rt_fuel_level UFS Real-time Fuel Level mm

CANBUS Device State:
0 - Abnormal. It fails to receive data from the external CANBUS device.
1 - Normal. It is OK to receive data from the external CANBUS device.

can_vin Vehicle identification number

Ignition status:
0 - ignition off.
1 - ignition on.
2 - engine on.

can_total_dist_hect Vehicle total distance Hectometer (H)
can_total_dist_imp Vehicle total distance Impulse (I)
can_total_fuel_used Number of liters of fuel used since vehicle manufacture or device installation L
can_engine_rpm The revolutions per minute rpm
can_vehicle_speed The vehicle speed based on wheel km/h
can_eng_cool_temp Engine coolant temperature °C

The fuel consumption. The consumption is calculated depending on values read from vehicle.
Note: The CAN100 device cannot get this value and the value is invalid.

can_fuel_level_l The level of fuel in vehicle tank L
can_fuel_level_p The level of fuel in vehicle tank %
can_range The number of hectometer to drive on remaining fuel Hectometer (H)
can_acc_pedal_press Accelerator pedal pressure %
can_total_eng_hours Time of engine running since vehicle manufacture or device installation h
can_total_driv_time Time of engine running (non-zero speed) since vehicle manufacture or device installation h
can_eng_idle_time Time of engine running during idling status (vehicle stopped) since vehicle manufacture or device installation h
can_idle_fuel_used Total idle fuel used. Number of liters of fuel used since vehicle manufacture or device installation L
can_axle_weight Vehicle axle weight kg

Driver N time related states:
0 - normal/no limits reached.
1 - 15 min before 41 h.
2 - 41 h reached.
3 - 15 min before 9 h.
4 - 9 h reached.
5 - 15 minute before 16 h (not having 8h rest during the last 24h).
6 - 16 h reached.
7 - other limit.


Driver N card state:
1 - card inserted,
0 - no card inserted


Driver N work state:
0 - normal / no limits reached.
1 - rest / sleeping.
2 - driver available / short break.
3 - drive / behind wheel.


Detailed Information/Indicators:
Bit 1: FL – fuel low indicator (1 – indicator on, 0 – off).
Bit 2: DS – driver seatbelt indicator (1 – indicator on, 0 – off).
Bit 3: AC – air conditioning (1 – on, 0 - off).
Bit 4: CC – cruise control (1 – active, 0 - disabled).
Bit 5: B – brake pedal (1 – pressed; 0 – released).
Bit 6: C – clutch pedal (1 – pressed; 0 – released).
Bit 7: H – handbrake (1 – pulled-up, 0 – released).
Bit 8: CL – central lock (1 – locked, 0 – unlocked).
Bit 9: R – reverse gear (1 – on, 0 – off).
Bit 10: RL – running lights (1 – on, 0 – off).
Bit 11: LB – low beams (1 – on, 0 – off).
Bit 12: HB – high beams (1 – on, 0 – off).
Bit 13: RFL – rear fog lights (1 – on, 0 – off).
Bit 14: FFL – front fog lights (1 – on, 0 – off).
Bit 15: D – doors (1 – any door opened, 0 – all doors closed).
Bit 16: T – trunk (1 – opened, 0 – closed).


Each bit contains information of particular light:
Bit 1: Running Lights (1 – on, 0 – off).
Bit 2: Low Beam (1 – on, 0 – off).
Bit 3: High Beam (1 – on, 0 – off).
Bit 4: Front Fog Light (1 – on, 0 – off).
Bit 5: Rear Fog Light (1 – on, 0 – off).
Bit 6: Hazard Lights (1 – on, 0 – off).
Bit 7: Reserved.
Bit 8: Reserved.


Each bit contains information of one door:
Bit 1: Driver Door (1 – opened, 0 – closed).
Bit 2: Passenger Door (1 – opened, 0 – closed).
Bit 3: Rear Left Door (1 – opened, 0 – closed)
Bit 4: Rear Right Door (1 – opened, 0 – closed).
Bit 5: Trunk (1 – opened, 0 – closed).
Bit 6: Boot (1 – opened, 0 – closed).
Bit 7: Reserved.
Bit 8: Reserved.

GV300VC should be configured like Queclink GV300.

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