dev_type |
Queclink device type
*HEX mode only
proto_ver |
Queclink protocol version
*HEX mode only
fw_ver |
Firmware version
*HEX mode only
battery |
Battery level, 0-100
pwr_ext |
External power source voltage
adc_mode |
Analog Input Mode
adc1 |
Analog Input 1 voltage
din_status |
Digital Input (bit mask)
dout_status |
Digital Output (bit mask)
motion_status |
17 (0x11) Ignition off Rest: The vehicle is ignition off and motionless.
18 (0x12) Ignition off Motion: The vehicle had been moving before this action was regarded as car-towing event after ignition off.
33 (0x21) Ignition On Rest: The vehicle is ignition on and motionless.
34 (0x22) Ignition On Motion: The device is ignition on and moving.
65 (0x41) Sensor Rest: The vehicle is motionless and no ignition signal is detected.
66 (0x42) Sensor Motion: The vehicle is moving and no ignition signal is detected.
22 (0x16) Tow: The vehicle was towed after ignition off.
26 (0x1A) Fake Tow: The vehicle might have been towed after ignition off.
ibutton |
Parameter available only for hex +RESP:GTIDA
Ibutton value
ges_enabled |
Only available for hex +RESP:GTGES
The current parking-fence is active or inactive.
- 0: The current parking-fence is inactive.
- 1: The current parking-fence is active.
ges_mode |
Only available for hex +RESP:GTGES A numeral to indicate the working mode of the geo-fencing function.
- 0: Disable auto trigger mode.
- 21: Automatically set up a Geo-Fence after the ignition is turned off. In this mode, the device will automatically set up a Geo-Fence with the current location as the center point of the Geo-Fence when the ignition is off. It will only send the alarm report when exiting the Geo-Fence zone. The Geo-Fence will be cancelled after the device exits the
- 22: Manually enable Geo-Fence after the ignition is turned off. In this mode, the device will automatically set up a Geo-Fence with the current location as the center point of the Geo-Fence when the ignition is off. It will only send the alarm report when exiting the Geo-Fence zone. When the device exits this Geo-Fence, it will cancel this Geo-Fence and disable the trigger mode at the same time. If the driver wants to use this trigger mode again, he has to manually set the trigger mode again.
ges_radius |
Only available for hex +RESP:GTGES The radius of the circular Geo-Fence zone. The value range is (50 – 6000000) and the unit is meter.
ges_dt |
Only available for hex +RESP:GTGES
The interval of GNSS checking position information against Geo-Fence alarm.
upc_cmd_id |
The command ID in the update configuration file. It is always 0 before the device starts to update the configuration. It indicates the total number of the commands when the result code is 301 or 306. It indicates the ID of the command in wrong format when the result code is 302
upc_result |
A numeral to indicate whether the configuration is updated successfully. - 100: The update command is starting.
- 101: The update command is confirmed by the device.
- 102: The update command is refused by the device.
- 103: The update process is refused because the battery is low.
- 200: The device starts to download the package.
- 201: The device finishes downloading the package successfully.
- 202: The device fails to download the package.
- 300: The device starts to update the device configuration
- 301: The device finishes updating the device configuration successfully.
- 302: The device fails to update the device configuration.
- 303: Reserved.
- 304: <Command Mask>, <GEO ID Mask>, <Stocmd ID Mask> or <Group ID Mask>check fails.
- 305: The update process is interrupted by abnormal reboot.306: The update process is interrupted by MD5 verification error.
url |
The complete URL to download the configuration. It includes the file name.
[x y z]_forward |
The factors to calculate the new acceleration in forward direction. The formula to calculate the accelerationin Forward direction Xnew is Xnew = x_forward* X + y_forward * Y + z_forward* Z.
[x y z]_side |
The factors to calculate the new acceleration in side direction. The formula to calculate the acceleration in Side direction Ynew is Ynew = x_side * X + y_side * Y + z_side * Z.
[x y z]_vert |
The factors to calculate the new acceleration in vertical direction. The formula to calculate the acceleration in Vertical direction Znew is Znew = x_vert * X + y_vert * Y + z_vert * Z.
onewire[i]_id |
It indicates the device ID read from the 1-wire device.
onewire[i]_type |
It indicates the type of the 1-wire device - Temperature Sensor
- Reserved
- HTDZ sensor
onewire[i]_data |
Depending on type of 1-wire device - onewire_[i]_type = 1: Temperature
- onewire_[i]_type = 3: First two numbers: Data mask
- if Data Mask = 00, No data
- if Data Mask = 01, Second 4 numbers - Humidity
- if Data Mask = 02, Second 4 numbers - Temperature.
- if Data Mask = 03, Second 4 numbers - Humidity, Third 4 numbers - Temperature
pwr_int |
Internal power voltage
jamming_status |
The current jamming status of the device. - 1: Quit the jamming state.
- 2: Enter the jamming state.
crash_counter |
A parameter to indicate the crash sequence. It combines the report +RESP:GTCRA and +RESP:GTCRD into one crash event. It rolls from 0x00 to 0xFF.
upd_code |
Only available for hex +RESP:GTUPD Information code. 0x10: Confirm ok. Start to upgrade. 0x11: Baud rate error. UART does not work for CAN100. Stop upgrade. 0x12: The download process is refused because of low power or an incorrect URL. 0x13: Other upgrade commands are being executed. Stop upgrade. 0x14: CAN chipset response is abnormal. 0x15: The backend server cancels this update process. 0x20: Start to download package. 0x21: Package download succeeds. 0x22: Package download fails. 0x30: Start to upgrade. 0x31: Upgrade succeeds. The reserved parameter is used as follows.
upd_retry |
Number of retries of updating
wave1_out_id |
The ID of the wave shape 1 output
wave1_out_active |
The status of the wave shape 1 output.
temp_alarm_id |
Only available for hex +RESP:GTTMP The id of temperature alarm
temp_status |
The status of current temperature. 0 means “Outside the predefined temperature range”. 1 means “Inside the predefined temperature range”
temp_device_id |
The ID of the temperature sensor
temp_device_data |
The current temperature the sensor detects.
roaming_state |
A numeral to indicate the roaming status.
curr_mileage |
Current Trip Mileage
*HEX mode only
total_mileage |
Total Mileage
*HEX mode only
curr_hourmetercount |
Current Trip Hour Meter Count (accumulative ignition time)
*HEX mode only
total_hourmetercount |
Total Hour Meter Count (accumulative ignition time)
*HEX mode only
hw_ver |
The hardware version of the device.
resp_report_mask |
Mask that was set to hex +RSP
ign_dt |
Ignition ON interval
igf_dt |
Ignition off interval
bat_status |
Indicates whether the external power supply is connected - 1: Connected
- 0: Disconnected
iccid |
ICCID value
csq_ber |
CSQ BER,0-7/99
daylight_saving |
Enable/disable daylight saving time.
- 0: Disable daylight saving time.
- 1: Enable daylight saving time
time_zone |
Time offset from UTC-0
mnc[i] |
Mobile network code. It is 3 digits in length and ranges from 000–999.
lac[i] |
Location area code in hex format.
cell_id[i] |
Cell ID in hex format.
ledon |
- 1 - Cell LED anf GNSS LED turn on as configured
- 2 - Both LEDs work 10 minutes after tge device is powered on and then will be off.
charging |
Wheter the backup battery is charging when the main power supply is connected |
pwr_s |
whether the external power supply is connected. |
csq_rssi |
the level of signal strength |
id |
The ID which is currently read |
id_reptype |
- The ID is unauthorized or the ID authorization (IDA) function is disabled;
- The ID is authorized
indx |
- The index of Bluetooth accessory defined in AT+GTBAS which triggers the +RESP:GTBAA message
- 0xFF for WKF300
alarm_type |
- 0 - the voltage of the Bluetooth accessory is low
- 1 - the temperature alarm: current temperature value is below
- 2 - the temperature alarm: current temperature value is upper
- 3 - the temperature alarm: current temperature value is within the range defined by <low temperature> and <high temperature>
- 4 - Push button event on WKF300 is detected
bt_name |
Bluetooth accessory name |
bt_mac |
Bluetooth accessory mac |
bt_status |
- 0 - the accessory is not available
- 1 - the accessory is available
bt_battery_lvl_[i] |
The voltage of Bluetooth accessory |
bt_temp |
Temperature data fo Bluetooth accessory |
can_eng_torgue |
Engine Torgue |
rep_id |
Report ID has different meanings in different messages as listed below.
- The ID of digital input port which triggers the message +RESP:GTSOS. The range is 1 – 2.
- The ID of the bound IO which triggers the message +RESP:GTIOB. The value is 0.
- The ID of the digital input port which triggers the reboot message +RESP:GTDOG. The valid value is 1.
- The speed level at which the harsh behavior is detected in the message +RESP:GTHBM. 3 indicates high speed, 2 indicates medium speed and 1 indicates low speed.
- The value of <Virtual Ignition Mode> which indicates the trigger source of the message +RESP:GTVGL.
2: External power voltage mode (virtual ignition detection) 3: Reserved 4: Accelerometer mode (virtual ignition detection) 7: Combined detection mode (virtual ignition detection) - The ID of Digital Input status which triggers the report message +RESP:GTDIS. The rangeis 1 or 2.
- For other messages, it will always be 0.
- 1: Fixed time report.
- 2: Fixed distance report.
- 3: Fixed mileage report.
- 4: Fixed time and mileage report.
- 5: Fixed time or mileage report.
- The ID of the analog input port which triggers the report message +RESP:GTEPS. The value is 0
- The ID of the analog input port which triggers the report message +RESP:GTAIS. The value is or 5.
- The ID of temperature alarm. The range is 0 – 3.
- The ID of humidity alarm. The range is 0 – 3.
- GEO-Fence / PEO-Fence event triggered report ID. It is in HEX format.
rep_type |
Report Type has different meanings in different messages: - Position related packages (GTTOW, GTDIS, GTIOB, GTSPD, GTSOS, GTRTL, GTDOG, GTIGL,GTHBM, GTVGL)
In the message +RESP:GTDIS generated by a digital input (0: The current logic status of the input port is Disable status; 1: The current logic status of the input is Enable status.) In the message +RESP:GTIOB generated by bound IO (0: The current logic status of the bound IO does not meet the alarm condition; 1: The current logic status of the bound IO meets the alarm condition.) In the speed alarm message +RESP:GTSPD (0: Outside the predefined speed range; 1: Inside the predefined speed range) In the protocol watchdog message +RESP:GTDOG (1: Reboot device message for time based working mode 2: Reboot device message for ignition on working mode 3: Reboot device message for input triggered 4: Reboot device message for network watchdog 5: Reboot device message for EGPRS/LTE watchdog 6: Reboot device message for send failure watchdog 7: Reboot RF message for network watchdog 8: Reboot RF message for EGPRS/LTE watchdog 9: Reboot RF message for send failure watchdog) In the harsh behavior monitoring message +RESP:GTHBM (0: Harsh braking behavior 1: Harsh acceleration behavior) In the (virtual) ignition on/off location messages +RESP:GTIGL and +RESP:GTVGL (0: Ignition on 1: Ignition off) For other messages, it will always be 0.
- 0: Outside the predefined range.
- 1: Inside the predefined range.
- 0 means “Outside the predefined temperature range”.
- 1 means “Inside the predefined temperature range”.
- 2: External power voltage mode (virtual ignition detection)
- 4: Accelerometer mode (virtual ignition detection)
- 7: Combined detection mode
- 0: The current Parking-Fence is inactive.
- 1: The current Parking-Fence is active.
- 0 means outside the predefined humidity range.
- 1 means inside the predefined humidity range.
- 0: Timer event triggered.
- 1: GEO-Fence event triggered.
- 2: PEO-Fence event triggered.
- 1: Reserved
- 2: AT+GTDAT from Bluetooth
- 3: AT+GTDAT from over the air
- 4: AT+GTDAT triggered by events in AT+GTUDF
0: Periodic report. 1: RTO CAN report 2: Ignition event report
gnss_trigger_type |
The trigger type of GNSS point has the following meanings. 0: Time point 1: Corner point 2: Distance point 3: Mileage point 4: Optimum point (time & mileage)
mileage |
The current total mileage.
duration_ign_on |
If the message is GTVGF and report_type does not equal 5, then this parameter will be added. Duration of ignition on
s |
duration_ign_off |
If the message is GTVGN and report_type does not equal 5, then this parameter will be added. Duration of ignition off
s |
mcc |
Mobile country code
mnc |
Mobile network code
lac |
Location area code in hex format
cell_id |
Cell ID in hex format
rx_level |
The signal strength
fix_type |
Fix type registrated only in +RESP:GTGSM or +BUFF:GTGSM A string which indicates the type of GPS fix this cell information is for.
- "FRI" | "ERI": This cell information is for FRI\ERI request.
- "RTL": This cell information is for RTL request.
- “GIR”: This cell information is for RTO (GIR) request