Queclink GL33CG

Queclink GL33CG
Forum Discussion

Número de unidades

Features Queclink GL33CG:
  • 2G

The following data should also be added to Queclink GL33CG unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: Queclink GL33CG
ID único: custom

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration Queclink GL33CG for use in Wialon Hosting :

Porta do servidor: 22682

7 units of Queclink GL33CG device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0% of all AVL Hardware connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units

Report type of the message


Shows if the message was buffered
+BUFF header = buffer: 1

+RESP header = buffer: 0


Mobile country code of the base station [NUM]


Mobile Network code of the base station [NUM]


Location area code of the base station [NUM]


Cell tower ID of the base station [NUM]

  • +RESP:GTGEO: indicates the ID of the Geo-Fence.
  • For other messages, it is always 0.

rep_type has several meanings for the different packages

    • 0 - The state of the device changes from motion to rest.
    • 1 - The state of the device changes from rest to motion.
    • 0 - Exit the corresponding Geo-Fence.
    • 1 - Enter the corresponding Geo-Fence.
    • 1 - Reboot device message for time based working mode.
    • 2 - Reserved
    • 3 - Reserved
    • 4 - Reboot device message for network watchdog
    • 5 - Reboot device message for EGPRS/LTE watchdog
    • 6 - Reboot device message for send failure watchdog
    • Always 0 - This message is a common scheduled position report.


The current volume of the battery in percentage.


Indicate status of the RF radio

  • 0 - RF433 is off
  • 1 - RF433 is on


A number to indicate the transmit channel frequency of the RF433.


Radio Access Technology.

  • 0 - NO SERVICE mode
  • 1 - EGPRS mode
  • 2 - Reserved
  • 3 - Reserved
  • 4 - LTE Cat1 mode

  • 0 means invalid band
  • 1-5/7-8/20/28 mean band number, and others mean GSM number.

The current motion status of the device

  • 0x41 (Sensor Rest) - The device attached vehicle is motionless without ignition signal detected.
  • 0x42 (Sensor Motion) - The device attached vehicle is moving without ignition signal detected.


The ICCID of the SIM card.


The signal strength level

  • For 2G/3G network
rx_level ⠀⠀⠀Signal Strength (dBm)
0 < -113
1 -111
2 - 30 -109 - -53
31 > -51
99 Unknown

  • For 4G Network
rx_level ⠀⠀⠀Signal Strength (dBm)
0 < -140
1 -140
2 - 96 -139 - -44
97 > -44
255 Unknown


The quality of the GSM signal. The range is 0-7, and 99 is for unknown strength of signal


The type of the mobile network the device is currently registered on.

  • 0 - Unregistered
  • 1 - EGPRS
  • 2 - Reserved
  • 3 - LTE


The voltage of the backup battery. The value of this field is valid only when the external power is not connected.


Whether the backup battery is charging when the main power supply is connected.

  • 0 - Not charging.
  • 1 - Charging.


A numeral to indicate the working status of all LED lights.

  • 1 - All LEDs turn on as configured.
  • 2 - All LEDs work 5 minutes after powering on and then will be off. And all LEDs will work 5 minutes again after the power key is pressed shorter than 2 seconds.


The UTC time of the latest successful GNSS fix.

It has following format: HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YYYY


Time zone offset from the UTC-0 Time


The current setting of the daylight saving.

  • 0 - Daylight saving is disabled.
  • 1 - Daylight saving is enabled.


The type of the device


Firmware Version


Hardware Version


A numeral to indicate whether to check GNSS UTC time with network time.

  • 0 - Only correct device time when the device can't get GNSS UTC time.
  • 1 - Always correct device time with network time.


Total packets of GTALM packages


Current packet of GTALM package


The full configuration of the device from +RESP:GTALM


The phone number of the incoming call which triggers the report message.


Bitwise mask to configure the composition of a report message, especially the composition of GNSS information.

  • Bit 0 - for <Speed>
  • Bit 1 - for <Azimuth>
  • Bit 2 - for <Altitude>
  • Bit 3 - for Cell information, including <MCC>, <MNC>, <LAC>, <Cell ID>.
  • Bit 4 - for <Send Time>, the time when the report message is generated.
  • Bit 5 - for <Device Name>

For each bit, set it to 1 to enable the corresponding component in the report, and 0 to disable the corresponding component in the report. This mask is valid for all report messages. Bit3 is invalid for the +RESP:GTGSM message.


Satellite power of satellite [ID]. If there is no satellite, the field is filled with zero


A string to indicate what kind of GNSS fix this cell information is for.

  • "RTL": This cell information is for RTL request.
  • "FRI": This cell information is for FRI request.
  • "GIR": This cell information is for the sub command "F" in the (AT+GTRTO) command.

upd_code | eud_code


It indicates the download information.

  • 1x0 - The update command is confirmed by the device.
  • 1x1 - The update command is refused by the device.
  • 1x2 - The update process is cancelled by the backend server or refused because of an incorrect URL.
  • 1x3 - The update process is refused because the external power supply is not inserted.
  • 1x4 - Reserved.
  • 1x5 - The update process is refused because the upgraded unit is not working.
  • 2x0 - The device starts to download the package.
  • 2x1 - The device finishes downloading the package successfully.
  • 2x2 - The device fails to download the package.
  • 3x0 - The device starts to update the firmware.
  • 3x1 - The device finishes updating the firmware successfully.
  • 3x2 - The device fails to update the firmware.
  • 3x3 - The update process does not start because the battery is low.
  • 3x4 - Serial Number does not match, firmware upgrade fails.


  • 1x0 - The device confirms this update command.
  • 1x1 - The device refuses this update command.
  • 1x2 - The backend server cancels this update process.
  • 1x3 - The device refuses this request because the battery is low.
  • 1x4 - The update process is refused because the upgraded unit is not working.
  • 2x0 - The device starts to download the package.
  • 2x1 - The device downloads the package successfully.
  • 2x2 - The device fails to download the package.
  • 3x0 - The device starts to update the firmware.
  • 3x1 - The device updates the firmware successfully.
  • 3x2 - The device fails to update the firmware.
  • 3x3 - The device cancels the firmware update because the battery is low.
  • 3x4 - Serial Number does not match, firmware upgrade fails.


The count number of the package download.


The current jamming status of the device.

  • 1 - Quit the jamming state.
  • 2 - Enter the jamming state.


Battery Voltage


The type of temperature alarm.

  • 1 - The current temperature is lower than the lower temperature limit defined by <Min Temperature>.
  • 2 - The current temperature is within the temperature threshold range specified by <Min Temperature> and <Max Temperature>.
  • 3 - The current temperature is higher than the higher temperature limit defined by <Max Temperature>.


The current temperature of the device.


The working mode of file transfer

  • 0 - Download file


The type of communication protocol used to obtain data from the backend server

  • 0 - HTTP


It defines the type of file to download from the server.

  • 0 - CA certificate
  • 1 - Client certificate
  • 2 - Client key


It indicates the download information.

  • 100 - The update command is starting.
  • 101 - The update command is refused by the device.
  • 200 - The device starts to download the file.
  • 201 - The device finishes downloading the file successfully.
  • 202 - The device fails to download the file.
  • 301 - The device finishes updating the file successfully.
  • 302 - The device fails to update the file


Identifier Number

A numeral to identify the firmware update request. It will be included in the +RESP:GTEUD message to indicate the request it is related to.


Device type: Always 0x128 for Queclink GL33CG


GNSS Accuracy

A numeral to indicate the GNSS fix status and HDOP of the GNSS position.

  • 0 means the current GNSS fix fails and the last known GNSS position is used.
  • A non-zero value (1 - 50) means the current GNSS fix is successful and represents the HDOP of the current GNSS position.

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