You think I’m showing off? Yeap? Really? No, how could I… We’re not boasting, we simply outline the naked facts. Bare truth and nothing else. Wialon is recognized as a leading GPS tracking and fleet management sWystem in Russia and CIS.
Where has it come from? A well-known analytical company Berg Insight, which last year predicted the unprecedented growth period of the telematics market, has conducted another research. A new report confirmed the forecasts of the world experts and revealed the main market players.
Well, what’s new? The Russian telematics market continues its steady growth, but the major triggers today, according to the analysts, are state projects, such as ERA-GLONASS and massive tachograph installation under a special mandate.
It is assumed that number of vehicles successfully supervised by GPS tracking systems will increase from 2.9 million units as for the end of 2013 to 5.9 million in 2018. The average annual growth rate comprises 15,7 %. So, there is absolutely no doubt — the interest towards fleet management solutions heats up.
According to Berg Insight there are several leading companies from different countries, providing professional solutions for GPS tracking and fleet management in Russia and Eastern Europe. Gurtam keeps its position and occupies the top line. And if last year in general Wialon solutions connected a bit more than 300 000 vehicles, now this number exceeded 500 000 units tracked.
Right after Gurtam the experts mention ENDS and NIS group, followed by Arvento Mobile Systems and Russian TechnoKom. Additional significant players include: SCOUT, Mobiliz, Omnicomm and Fort Telecom.
World experts couldn’t help mentioning telematics market dynamics and flexibility in Eastern Europe. The FM vendor landscape is extremely fragile — old players die, new ones born. М2М Telematics and Russian Navigation Technologies have lost many employees and the latter even filed for bankruptcy in 2014. Particularly the experts mention the Russian newcomer SpaceTeam, who has established a strong position after only one year on the market. In general the experts still expect further convergence of the East European and West European fleet management markets.