
Manufacturer: Howen Technologies
Forum Discussion

Number of units

Features Hero-ME31-08:
  • 3G
  • Blackbox
Supported in Wialon:
  • ADC sensors
  • Camera connection
  • Event video
  • Remote management via GPRS
  • Digital sensors
  • Live stream
  • Manual video saving
  • Playback
  • Communication via TCP

The following data should also be added to Hero-ME31-08 unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: Hero-ME31-08
Unique ID: custom

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration Hero-ME31-08 for use in Wialon Hosting :

Server port: 21545

243 units of Hero-ME31-08 device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0.69% of all Video monitoring connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units
video_uri video URI
video_type video type: video/mp4
text information message
at Access network. 1-Ethernet 2-WIFI 3-2G
mt Media Type. 1-live view 2-playback 3-audio 4-file transmission 5-serial transmission
ch Media channel. starting from 1, 0 means no need for the channel.
mb mobile phone number
dt Device Type
ver Current version of device
ap The hotspot when MDVR connects to the sever in WiFi mode.
fuel_cons Fuel consumption
balance_fuel Balance fuel
mobile_net Mobile network. 0--unknown 1--normal 2--abnormal 3—not exist
gps_module GPS location module. 0--unknown 1--normal 2--abnormal 3—not exist
wifi_module WIFI module. 0--unknown 1--normal 2--abnormal 3—not exist
gsensor_status GSensor status. 0--unknown 1--normal 2--abnormal 3—not exist

Bit0 - channel 1 is recording
Bit1 - channel 2 is recording
Bit2 - channel 3 is recording
Bit3 - channel 4 is recording
Bit4 - channel 5 is recording


bit0 - ACC (0-invalid, 1-valid)
bit1-break (0-invalid, 1-valid)
bit2 - turn left (0-invalid, 1-valid)
bit3 - turn right (0-invaid, 1-valid)
bit4 - forward (0-invalid, 1-valid)
bit5 - backword (0-invalid, 1-valid)
bit6 - left front door (0-Close, 1-Open)
bit7 - right front door (0-close, 1-Open)


bit0 - left mid door (0-close, 1-open)
bit1 - right mid door(0-close, 1-open)
bit2 - left back door(0-close, 1-open)
bit3 - right back door(0-close, 1-open)

x_accel GSensor acceleration, X axis g
y_accel GSensor acceleration, Y axis g
z_accel GSensor acceleration, Z axis g
gsensor_tilt GSensor tilt g
gsensor_impact GSensor impact g
position_accuracy Positioning accuracy m
location_type Location type. 0—location invalid; 1--GPS; 2--BD; 3--Glonass; 4--AGPS; 5--base station location; 6 - WIFI
mob_signal Mobile signal intensity

Mobile network type:
0 - unknown
3 - 2G
4 - 3G
5 - 4G
6 - 5G

wifi_signal Wi-Fi signal intensity
wifi_net_addr Wi-Fi network address
wifi_gateway Wi-Fi gateway address
wifi_subnet Wi-Fi subnet mask
ssid Wi-Fi ssid

Hard disk N (disk index) status:
0 - unknown
1 - recording
2 - idle
3 - abnormal
4 - full

hdN_size Hard disk N (disk index) size Mega Bytes
hdN_capacity Hard disk N (disk index) balance capacity Mega Bytes

Alarm status:
bit0—video loss (0: data invalid, 1: data valid)
bit1—motion detection (0: data invalid, 1: data valid)
bit2—video blind (0: data invalid, 1: data valid)
bit3—alarm input trigger(0: data invalid, 1: data valid)
bit4—over speed alarm (0: no trigger, 1: trigger)
bit5—low speed alarm (0: no trigger, 1: trigger)
bit6—emergency alarm (0: no trigger, 1: trigger)
bit7—over time stop (0: no trigger, 1: trigger)
bit8—vibration alarm (0: no trigger, 1: trigger)
bit9—out of GEO fencing alarm (0: no trigger, 1: trigger)
bit10—enter GEO fencing alarm (0: no trigger, 1: trigger)
bit11—exist line alarm (0: no trigger, 1: trigger)
bit12-enter line alarm (0: no trigger, 1: trigger)
bit13—fuel level alarm (0: no trigger, 1: trigger)


bit0 - channel 1 video loss indicator (0: no video loss, 1: video loss)
bit1 - channel 2 video loss indicator (0: no video loss, 1: video loss)
bit2 - channel 3 video loss indicator (0: no video loss, 1: video loss)


Motion detection:
bit0 - channel 1
bit1 - channel 2


Video blind:
bit0 - channel 1
bit1 - channel 2


Alarm inputs triggered:
bit0 - input 1
bit1 - input 2

in_veh_temp Temperature in vehicle
out_veh_temp Temperature outside of vehicle
motor_temp Motor temperature
device_temp Device temperature
in_veh_hum Humidity in vehicle
out_veh_hum Humidity outside of vehicle


type code:
0 - unknown
1 - video lost
2 - motion detection
3 - video blind
4 - input trigger
5 - emergency alarm
6 - low speed alarm
7 - over speed alarm
8 - low temperature alarm
9 - high temperature alarm
10 - humidity alarm
11 - parking over time
12 - acceleration alarm
13 - GEO fencing
14 - electronic route
15 - abnormal openclose the door
16 - storage abnormal
17 - fatigue driving
18 - fuel consumption abnormal
19 - illegal ACC
20 - GPS module abnormal
21 - front panel open
22 - Swipe card
24 - Harsh acceleration
25 - Harsh braking
26 - Low speed warning
27 - High speed warning
28 - Voltage alarm. Depending on dt value, the meaning is the following:
1 - low voltage; 2 - high voltage; 3 - Power off; 4 - Power on; 5 - Power off when moving; 6 - Low voltage shutdown; 7 - Start up.
29 - People counting
30 - ADAS alarm
31 - “Acc on”. Report once at boot
32 Idle
33 Gps antenna break
34 Gps antenna short
35 IO output
36 CAN Bus connection abnormal
37 Towing <
38 Free wheeling
39 RPM exceeds
40 Vehicle Move
41 Trip start(st/et/dtu time same)
42 In trip
43 Trip ends (periodically report after acc off)
44 GPS location recover
45 Video abnormal
768 Trip notification
769 Upgrade notification
1280 Alarm file
1281 Timer Snapshot
1282 Alarm file (in visible partition)
1283 ftp file upload notification

alarm_st Event start time
alarm_et Event end time
device_tm Event device time
swipe_card Swipe card number

Swipe card information. Onboard/offboard:
1 — Onboard (check in)
2 — Off board (check out)
Else — invalid


Swipe card information. History:
1 — Historical data
2 — Real time data
Else — invalid



1 - Forward collision alarm
2 - Lane departure warning
3 -Car distance too near
4 - Pedestrian collision alarm
5 - Frequent lane change alarm
6 - Road sign violate alarm
7 - Harsh Acceleration
8 - Harsh Breaking
9 - Safety Distance
16 - Traffic Sign Recognition
17 - FCW: Forward collision warning
18 - HMW: Headway monitoring warning
19 - Left Lane departure warning
20 - Right Lane departure warning
21 - VB Forward Collision Warning

33 - Fatigue driving alarm
34 - Phone call alarm
35 - Smoking alarm
36 - Distracted driving alarm
37 - Driver abnormal alarm
49 - Driver change event
65 - Eye closed
66 - Yawning
67 - Camera cover
68 - Distracted Driving
69 - Seat belt not fastened
70 - No driver
72 - Driver shift
73 - Driver back
80 - Infrared sunglasses
81 - Driver ID identified successfully
82 - Driver ID identified failed
83 - No Driver face detected

85 - Mask not worn

  • Live streaming is available.
  • Allows for automatic recording and uploading to Wialon a video file (20 seconds post the event/request).
  • Video file (up to 20 sec) request from the device internal storage is available.

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