Queclink GV350CEU

Queclink GV350CEU
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Nombre des unités

En ligne
Nombre total
Caractéristiques Queclink GV350CEU:
  • 2G
  • 4G/LTE
  • Boîte à mémoire
  • BLE enabled
Compatible avec Wialon:
  • Accéléromètre
  • Capteurs analogiques (ADC)
  • Données remontées du CANbus
  • Gestion à distance via GPRS
  • Identification du conducteur
  • Capteurs numériques
  • LBS
  • Communication via TCP
  • Communication via UDP

Afin d'identifier le boîtier Queclink GV350CEU les détails suivants sont à utiliser dans les réglages de l'unité sur Wialon :

Type du boîtier GPS: Queclink GV350CEU
ID unique: imei

Précisez les paramètres suivants dans le programme de configuration ou dans la configuration Queclink GV350CEU pour les utiliser dans Wialon Hosting :

Port du serveur: 22282

1591 unités Queclink GV350CEU connectées au le centre de données Wialon — Ça fait 0.07% de nombre total des boîtiers GPS connectés.

Le diagramme ci-dessous représente la dynamique des connexions dans le centre de données Wialon au cours des 30 derniers jours:

Nom du paramètre Description Unités

Queclink device type
*HEX mode only


Queclink protocol version
*HEX mode only


Firmware version
*HEX mode only


Battery level, 0-100


External power source voltage


Analog Input Mode


Analog Input 1 voltage


Digital Input Mode
Ignition Detection 0x01
Digital Input1 0x02
Digital Input2 0x04
Digital Input3 0x08


Digital Output Mode
Digital Output1 0x01
Digital Output2 0x02
Digital Output3 0x04


Current Trip Mileage
*HEX mode only


Total Mileage
*HEX mode only


Current Trip Hour Meter Count (accumulative ignition time)
*HEX mode only


Total Hour Meter Count (accumulative ignition time)
*HEX mode only


CSQ BER,0-7/99

adcf fuel level in percent

1-Wire temperature #, where # - number

can_total_brakes The total number of braking processes initiated by brake pedal
ign_off_duration Duration since last time the ignition is off
adc# Sensor Type

Total time when the vehicle engine speed is effective


The bitwise mask for trigger condition composition of the corresponding GEO ID. Each bit, from bit 0 to bit 19, represents the logical state of the corresponding GEO ID to trigger the entering or exiting event. 1 means “The event of the GEO ID set is triggered”, and 0 means “The event of the GEO ID set is not triggered”.

bt#_index Index of the Bluetooth device

Vehicle total distance measured in Impulses (if distance from dashboard is not available)

head Report head
can_rapid_brakings Number of total rapid brakings since installation
ext_gps_ant External gps antena

<Accessory Type>: The type of the Bluetooth accessory which is defined in the <Index>. The following is supported now:

  • 0: No Bluetooth accessory.
  • 1: Escort Bluetooth Accessory.
  • 2: Beacon temperature sensor
  • 6: Beacon Multi-Functional Sensor.
  • 7: Technoton accessory

adc3 Analog input 3
can_fuel_consumpt Fuel consumption
can_ign_key Ignition key, 0-no, 1-yes
can_total_accel_kickdown_time Total time when accelerator pedal is pressed over 90%
eio100_inputs The status of EIO100 inputs. For each bit, 0 means “Disable status”, and 1 means “Enable status”.
can_fuel_level_p The level of fuel in vehicle tank
onewire#_id 1-Wire ID #, where # - number
can_tacho_drv2_name The name of driver 2 from the tachograph

<Digital Fuel Sensor Data>: The raw data read from the digital fuel sensor. If Bit 0 of <ERI Mask> in AT+GTFRI is enabled, this field will be displayed; otherwise, this field will not be displayed.

can_tacho_motion_sign The vehicle motion signal in the tachograph. 0: Motion is not detected 1: Motion is detected.
can_speed CAN speed value
onewire#_data 1-Wire data #, where # - number
onewire#_type 1-Wire type #, where # - number
pwr_int Internal Battery voltage

Vehicle overspeed signal from the tachograph.

0: Overspeed is not detected.

1: Overspeed is detected.


Total number of engine starts

can_fuel_level_l The level of fuel in vehicle tank
can_fuel_consumpt_unit Indicates the unit. The unit L/100km is represented as FE, and the unit L/H is represented as FF
can_eng_cool_temp Engine coolant temperature
mnc Mobile network code
serial_num Tracker serial number
can_range The number of kilometers to drive on remaining fuel

The sensor type for the currently set table.

1: LLS 20160
2: DUT-E
3: QFS100
4: UFSxxx
5: Reserved
20: ADC1
21: Reserved


Duration of Ignition

Duration of ignition ON (Report GTIGF)

Duration of ignition OFF (Report GTIGN)


Count events when handbrake is pulled-up while driving (speed is greater than 5 km/h)

can_ad_blue_lvl The level of Ad-Blue
can_tacho_drv2_card_number The card number of driver 2 from the tachograph
mcc Mobile Country Code
can_total_cruise_cntrl_time Weight of vehicle’s second axle
can_axle_weight_2 Weight of vehicle’s second axle
adc2 ADC2 input current value
can_ain1 The value of analog input

If the device is connected with the Bluetooth accessory, and the

Bit 8 (for <Bluetooth Accessory Data>) of <ERI Mask> is set to 1, the device will report

+RESP:GTERI instead of +RESP:GTFRI. This mask is used to configure the accessory data fields to be reported in the +RESP:GTERI and +RESP:GTBAR messages.

  • Bit 0: <Accessory Name>
  • Bit 1: <Accessory MAC>
  • Bit 2: <Accessory Status>
  • Bit 3: <Accessory Battery Level>
  • Bit 4: <Accessory Temperature>
  • Bit 5: <Accessory Humidity>

: When <Accessory Type> is set to 7, Bit 3-5 will be blocked. And when <Accessory Type> is set to 1 or 2, Bit 5 will be blocked.

fuel_sensor#_volume Fuel sensor volume
ges_radius The radius of the circular Geo-Fence region
can_total_eng_idle Total Engine Idle Time
can_eng_braking_factor Counts of braking with brake pedal or with engine
eio100_outputs 1-Wire Driver ID button
ibutton 1-Wire Driver ID button

Total driving time with cold engine (engine coolant temperature below 70 C)

can_total_eng_hours Time of engine running since vehicle manufacture or device installation
can_axle_weight_3 Weight of vehicle’s third axle.

Vehicle driving direction from the tachograph.

0: Driving forward.

1: Driving backward.

can_rapid_accels Number of total rapid accelerations since installation
csq_rssi The network signal strength level
report Name of the report (+INF, +BNF, etc)

A hexadecimal parameter to indicate the time of the data (before crash or after crash) and crash direction (+X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z or several of them).

msg_type_EVT Type of +EVT or + BVT messages
can_total_distance <Total Distance>: Vehicle total distance. The number is always increasing. The unit is hectometer (H)
can_total_driv_time Time of engine running (non-zero speed) since vehicle manufacture or device installation

The number of liters of fuel used since vehicle manufacture or device installation


Weight of vehicle’s fourth axle.


It takes up two bytes. Each bit contains information of

one indicator.

Bit 0: FL – fuel low indicator (1 – indicator on, 0 – off).

Bit 1: DS – driver seatbelt indicator (1 – indicator on, 0 – indicator off).

Bit 2: AC – air conditioning (1 – on, 0 - off).

Bit 3: CC – cruise control (1 – active, 0 - disabled).

Bit 4: B – brake pedal (1 – pressed, 0 – released).

Bit 5: C – clutch pedal (1 – pressed, 0 – released).

Bit 6: H – handbrake (1 – pulled-up, 0 – released).

Bit 7: CL – central lock (1 – locked, 0 – unlocked).

Bit 8: R – reverse gear (1 – on, 0 – off).

Bit 9: RL – running lights (1 – on, 0 – off).

Bit 10: LB – low beams (1 – on, 0 – off).

Bit 11: HB – high beams (1 – on, 0 – off).

Bit 12: RFL – rear fog lights (1 – on, 0 – off).

Bit 13: FFL – front fog lights (1 – on, 0 – off).

Bit 14: D – doors (1 – any door opened, 0 – all doors closed).

Bit 15: T – trunk (1 – opened, 0 – closed).


Each bit contains information of one particular light

Bit 0: Running Lights (1 – on, 0 – off).
Bit 1: Low Beam (1 – on, 0 – off).
Bit 2: High Beam (1 – on, 0 – off).
Bit 3: Front Fog Light (1 – on, 0 – off).
Bit 4: Rear Fog Light (1 – on, 0 – off).
Bit 5: Hazard Lights (1 – on, 0 – off).
Bit 6: Reserved.
Bit 7: Reserved.


Fuel sensor percentage


Counts of braking with brake pedal or with engine


Each bit contains information of one door:

Bit 1: Driver Door (1 – opened, 0 – closed).

Bit 2: Passenger Door (1 – opened, 0 – closed).

Bit 3: Rear Left Door (1 – opened, 0 – closed)

Bit 4: Rear Right Door (1 – opened, 0 – closed).

Bit 5: Trunk (1 – opened, 0 – closed).

Bit 6: Boot (1 – opened, 0 – closed).

Bit 7: Reserved.

Bit 8: Reserved.


Total number of engine starts by ignition

can_vin Vehicle identification number

The total time when vehicle engine speed is greater than the limit defined in CAN100's configuration


Ad-Blue level P-type


Weight of vehicle’s first axle

can_total_idle_fuel Total Idle Fuel Used
can_total_eng_ovspd The total time when vehicle engine speed is greater than the limit defined in CAN100's configuration

It indicates the temperature measured by Bluetooth accessory.


The MAC address of the Bluetooth accessory


Number of cold engine starts

can_acc_pedal_press Accelerator pedal pressure

Detailed Information/Indicators:
Bit 1: W – webasto (1 – on, 0 – off or not available).
Bit 2: BFL – brake fluid low indicator (1 – on, 0 – off or not available).
Bit 3: CLL – coolant level low indicator (1 – on, 0 – off or not available).
Bit 4: BAT – battery indicator (1 – on, 0 – off or not available).
Bit 5: BF – brake system failure indicator (1 – on, 0 – off or not available).
Bit 6: OP – oil pressure indicator (1 – on, 0 – off or not available).
Bit 7: EH – engine hot indicator (1 – on, 0 – off or not available).
Bit 8: ABS – ABS failure indicator (1 – on, 0 – off or not available).
Bit 9: R – reverse.
Bit 10: CHK – check engine indicator (1 – on, 0 – off or not available).
Bit 11: AIR – airbags indicator (1 – on, 0 – off or not available).
Bit 12: SC – service call indicator (1 – on, 0 – off or not available).
Bit 13: OLL – oil level low indicator.

can_reg_number The vehicle registration number
can_total_accel_kickdowns Total time when accelerator pedal is pressed over 90%
can_tacho_drv1_card_number The card number of driver 1 from the tachograph

The name of driver 1 from the tachograph


DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code) codes are used to diagnose malfunctions in a vehicle or heavy equipment


Two bytes. The high byte describes driver 2, and the low byte describes driver 1.

can_eng_rpm Engine speed (from CAN)

AdBlue Level L type


Alarm Mask 1-3 from the +RESP:GTCLT message


Cell Identifier


+RESP:GTCLT message Identifier


A numeral to indicate the GNSS fix status and HDOP of the GNSS position.
0 means the current GNSS fix fails and the last known GNSS position is used. A non-zero.
value (1 - 50) means the current GNSS fix is successful and represents the HDOP of the current GNSS position.


The ID of the CANBUS alarm group. A total of 20 groups are supported.


Location Area Code


Message Type Name (FRI, ERI etc.)


Report header (GTFRI, GTERI)


The decimal value for the Bluetooth accessory raw data. N is the Bluetooth accessory number in a queue.


Escort Bluetooth Accessory (bt_type is 1):

  • 0 - TD_BLE fuel sensor
  • 3 - Angle sensor

Beacon Temperature Sensor (bt_type is 2):

  • 0 - WTS300 (Temperature sensor)
  • 1 - Temperature ELA

Multi-functional Beacon Sensor (bt_type is 6):

  • 2 - WTH300 (Temperature and Humidity Sensor)
  • 3 - RHT ELA (Temperature and Humidity Sensor)
  • 4 - WMS301 (Door Sensor with embedded Temperature and Humidity Sensor)
  • 5 - WTH301 (Temperature and Humidity Sensor)

Technoton Accessory (bt_type is 7):

  • 0 - DUT-E S7 (Fuel Level Sensor)
  • 1 - DFM 100 S7 (Fuel Flowmeter Sensor)
  • 2 - DFM 250D7 (Fuel Flowmeter Sensor)
  • 3 - GNOM DDE S7 (Axle Load Sensor)
  • 4 - GNOM DP S7 (Axle Load Sensor)

External Input Output Bluetooth Accessory (bt_type is 8):

  • 0 - WBC300

Mechatronics Accessory (bt_type is 10):

  • 0 - Fuel sensor
  • 1 - Angle sensor

Magnet Sensor (bt_type is 11):

  • 0 - MAG ELA (Used to check whether the door is open or closed)

TPMS Sensor Accessory (bt_type is 12):

  • 0 - MLD BLE TPMS (ATP100/ATP102)

Relay Sensor (bt_type is 13):

  • 0 - WRL300 sensor

Movement-Angle BLE Sensor (bt_type is 15):

  • 0 - W1D320G (Used to check the motion/crash/tilt/fall status)

IO ELA Sensor:

  • 1 - MOV ELA (Used to check motion and tilt status)


This mask is used to configure the accessory data fields to be reported

  • Bit 0 - Accessory Name
  • Bit 1 - Accessory MAC
  • Bit 2 - Accessory Bluetooth connection Status
  • Bit 3 - Accessory Battery Level
  • Bit 4 - Accessory Temperature
  • Bit 5 - Accessory Humidity
  • Bit 6 - Reserved
  • Bit 7 - Includes Accessory Output status, Accessory Digital Input status, Accessory Analog Input voltage
  • Bit 8 - Includes Accessory Mode, Accessory Event
  • Bit 9 - Tire pressure
  • Bit 10 - Timestamp
  • Bit 11 - Enhanced Temperature
  • Bit 12 - Includes Magnet ID, MAG Event Counter, Magnet state
  • Bit 13 - Accessory Battery Percentage
  • Bit 14 - Includes Relay Config Result, Relay state
  • Bit 15 - Expansion Mask for Bit 16 - Bit 31
  • Bit 16 - Tri-axial Acceleration Data
  • Bit 17 - Angle Values
  • Bit 18 - Includes Event Mask, Tilt Event, Motion Event, Crash Event, Falling Event
  • Bit 19 - Move ELA Data
  • Bit 20 - Bit 30 - Reserved


It indicates the connection status of the Bluetooth accessory.
0 - Disconnected
1 - Connected


Accessory Data version


Accessory PGN frame


Accessory PGN frame data


GNSS Trigger Type The trigger type of GNSS point has the following meanings.
0 - Time point
1 - Corner point
2 - Distance point
3 - Mileage point
4 - Optimum point (time and mileage)

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