At the end of March, a manager, a tech-savvy, and an expert headed for Tashkent to showcase Wialon. Sounds like the beginning of a funny story, but it happened in reality: today we’ll tell about GPS tracking business in Uzbekistan, local end-users, integrators and their interests.
International Monitoring Group, Gurtam partner in Uzbekistan, gathered 300 professionals at its “Transport under control 2018” conference. They invited fleet owners, integrators, hardware manufacturers, and even competitors.
Despite the fact that there were specialists from various business spheres at the venue, they listened attentively to each presentation and asked lots of questions after the talks. They were especially concerned about:
How to control assets beyond GSM coverage?
How to track engine hours and the actual work of stationary and slow-moving units?
How to work with FLS in case of low-quality fuel usage and control fuel consumption under temperature variations?
Two companies at once demonstrated Wialon at the conference.
1. Gurtam. Denis Grebennikov, CIS Sales Director, and Dmitry Posadski, Wialon implementation consultant, explained how to increase business revenue with the help of GPS monitoring. They elaborated on where the finances are usually spent and made clear the use of Wialon tool in each point:
Fuel control;
Mileage optimization;
Maintenance management;
Eco-driving analysis.
During the second part of their talk, through the real case-studies, our specialists taught the audience to organize business-processes. At the end of their presentation, they told how to solve specific tasks with the help of Gurtam web-applications and SDK-based solutions. Throughout coffee breaks, Sergey Serdechny addressed the issues of Wialon implementation in large-scale and complicated projects.
2. Navoi Mining and Metallurgy Combinat shared the case of Wialon implementation at the ore mining and processing enterprise. It was an excellent example of the complex implementation with the application of SDK-based developments, enterprise management system integration, and the complicated equipment solutions. Just imagine:
Buses and trucks, construction machinery, fuel servicing trucks, compressor units, and haulage motors are connected to the system. 3,000 tracking units total.
The data is received from trackers, CAN-bus, sensors, counters, and control systems responsible for single units and the entire territories.
160 people get the information in four cross-sectional centers.
Thanks to Wialon the enterprise works as a single entity, but this topic is worth a separate article. For now, we can tell that this project is contrary to the major regional trend which is to offer basic monitoring.
Among the most prominent equipment novelties, there were video solutions by OMNICOMM, personal trackers for the staff by Neomatika, and Teltonika devices for insurance telematics, agricultural sector, and taxi companies.
The event took place with the active support from Gurtam. It wasn’t the first time when we spoke at our partner’s conference and assisted in event management. We have the conferences in Kiev, Tyumen, and now in Tashkent under our belt. Want to organize the partner conference? You know where to address for help.