Wialon and chatbots by Geoservice to fight car thefts

2 April, 2020
Alena Kashkevich

In this article, you’ll get to know how Wialon and chatbots allow fleet management automation.


Moscow and the Moscow region had the highest number of car thefts in 2019. Several taxi service owners addressed Geoservice, our partner in Russia, asking to assist them in protecting their vehicles. Our partner offered the solution utilizing Wialon, the system for GPS monitoring and IoT. With this system, Gurtam can automatically block the engine when the car leaves the Moscow region. It seemed as if the major problem was solved, but actually, it was not.

If a driver needs to go to another region, they have to get the technical support team’s approval, but the team is available during the daytime only. What about night orders? Automated vehicles’ exit approval was the solution to this.


“Everything that can be automated, must be automated,” said Aliaksei Shchurko, chief Gurtam architect, during his TelematiX keynote presentation.

According to the Geoservice team, this quote of the Gurtam CEO inspired them when they were seeking for the right solution.

Our partner faced the challenge of automating the issue of exit permits with the vehicles monitoring system at hand. 

As a result, they got the idea to develop and implement a virtual assistant, a.k.a. chatbot. This assistant would be available 24/7 and could immediately grant an authorized exit to any car during the weekend, holiday, or at night.

Difficulties at the implementation stage

The major challenge was to develop the right algorithm of interaction between the chatbot and the end-user. It was essential to come up with and test the commands necessary for the clients’ tasks. Besides, the virtual assistant was supposed to be user-friendly, which was one of his main features.

How does a chatbot work?

The Geoservice chatbot interacts with the units via Wialon Hosting and modern messengers. This chatbot can be adapted to almost any messenger on any smartphone. The convoy commander, mechanic or another person in charge can instantly get access to the virtual assistant. For this to happen, they just need to take the smartphone and log in to their Viber or Telegram account.

Approval of vehicle exit via chatbot

Approval of vehicle exit via chatbot

Besides exit permits, some other processes were also automated due to chatbots and Wialon utilization:

  • access of vehicles to the high-security facilities;
  • the difference between the amount of fuel specified in the fuel cards transactions and its actual quantity in the fuel tank;
  • units transfer from one group to another for efficient fleet management.

The fuel difference check with chatbot

This is how the chatbot allows checking the fuel difference

The list of tasks performed by chatbots goes beyond the ones mentioned above. You can teach them a huge number of commands depending on the client’s needs. For example:

  • to warn of the fuel theft;
  • to inform of hardware breakages;
  • to remind of scheduled technical maintenance;
  • to search and demonstrate relevant documents;
  • to tell the time a driver starts the ride;
  • to present the solutions developed in the company.

Geoservice says that the set of commands performed by their virtual assistant is almost unlimited. On top of that, the bots’ functionality can be expanded upon the customer’s request.

Chatbot's hints on what to do next

 The chatbot will give you a hint on what to do next


The combination of Wialon monitoring system and Geoservice chatbot resulted in the solution that provides the fleet owners with many advantages, as it helps to: 

  • automate the processes aimed at vehicles control;
  • save time and other resources;
  • eliminate human factor errors;
  • promptly inform of breakdowns and other issues;
  • is available 24/7 and performs tasks flawlessly and quickly;
  • while developing the virtual assistant, the specialists take into consideration the needs and peculiarities of each client's business;
  • you can easily access chatbot from any smartphone with an installed messenger.

If you need a virtual employee that automates operations in your transportation company, you can contact the Geoservice specialists directly. They will develop a chatbot tailored to your business. 

Do you have a success story to share? Contact us at marketing@gurtam.com. We’ll be glad to know about it. The most interesting cases about fleet taxi management implementation will be published on our blog.

Alena Kashkevich
Alena Kashkevich
Alena is a Senior Copywriter at Gurtam. Her posts are always packed with data and real-life examples that Wialon partners can put straight into action.


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