Control of dashboard camera operation with telematics

IoT project of the year 2021


Servisavtotrans LLC is engaged in passenger transportation using light motor vehicles. Dashboard cameras were installed on all of the company’s vehicles and kept recording 24/7, even when a car was at standstill. Because of this, car batteries ran low faster and memory cards ran out of storage too often so older footage had to be overwritten with a new one. Footages used to be retrieved once every three days.

If, after a car accident, the footage was needed but it wasn’t saved by the dashcam, the company would have to pay a fine to its customer.

Servisavtotrans LLC wanted to get a solution that would:

  • eliminate the possibility of losing video clips;
  • solve the problems with dashboard cameras and related time expenditure both for drivers and the company in general.


In this project, the integrator was the Wialon partner, 76 Oil Tyumen. The integrator reconnected CARCAM F3 dashboard cameras to the vehicles through Galileosky 7.0 Lite GPS terminals.

The power supply circuit of dashboard cameras was modified by adding a relay connected to the chain. Using this relay, the integrator configured the on-off control for the customer’s dashcam power supply chain.

To specify when exactly the circuit should be open, the integrator created an algorithm using EasyLogic. When certain conditions are met, the navigation module switches the relay over, and the power supply to the dashboard camera stops, thus blocking its operation. For example, the solution switches off dashboard cameras in this manner at night, and while the car is in the parking lot, no video is recorded.


The customer got a ready-to-use solution that automates on-off control operations for dashboard cameras on all vehicles. As a result, all problems related to the non-stop operation of dashboard cameras have been solved.

Saving on fines

All videos are available at any time, and the company does not have to pay fines anymore for the absence of dashcam footage in case of a traffic accident.


Now, the data is to be uploaded once a week. The employees and drivers do not have to waste time on solving problems related to the uncontrolled 24/7 operation of the dash cams. Late arrivals due to an empty battery are also ruled out.


The solution was developed in such a way as to minimize manual handling of the dashboard cameras.

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Company profile

IoT project of the year nomination: Public transport
Business sphere: Passenger transportation
Monitoring unit: Passenger vehicle

Implemented products

Wialon Hosting

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