GPS Padlock G-300 (New Protocol)

GPS Padlock G-300 (New Protocol)
Forum Discussion

Number of units

Features GPS Padlock G-300 (New Protocol):
  • 4G/LTE
  • Blackbox
  • BLE enabled
  • E-seal
Supported in Wialon:
  • Communication via TCP

The following data should also be added to GPS Padlock G-300 (New Protocol) unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: GPS Padlock G-300 (New Protocol)
Unique ID: serial

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration GPS Padlock G-300 (New Protocol) for use in Wialon Hosting :

Server port: 22460

36 units of GPS Padlock G-300 (New Protocol) device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0.03% of all Asset trackers connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units
status_cmd_[CMD ID]

Status of the command if it was successful.
CMD ID — id of the parameter that was sent via command platform_cmd

odometer Odometer of the vehicle

Total mileage of the vehicle


Fuel tank capacity


Tank oil volume


ID of the load [NUM] sensor, up to 4 groups of load sensors


AD Blue value of the [NUM] sensor, corresponding to load_sens_id. Up to 4 groups of sensors


Wi-fi MAC address of the [NUM] point. When the satellite positioning is invalid, the terminalactively uploads the current WIFI DATA to the platform for auxiliary positioning. The WIFI_MAC information does not exceed 10 groups


WiFi signal strength of the [NUM] point. When the satellite positioning is invalid, the terminalactively uploads the current WIFI DATA to the platform for auxiliary positioning. The WIFI_RSSI information does not exceed 10 groups


BLE MAC address of the [NUM] point. When the satellite positioning is invalid, the terminalactively uploads the current BLE DATA to the platform for auxiliary positioning. The BLE_MAC information does not exceed 10 groups


BLE signal strength of the [NUM] point. When the satellite positioning is invalid, the terminalactively uploads the current BLE DATA to the platform for auxiliary positioning. The BLE_RSSI information does not exceed 10 groups


ID of the Event


Event Type:

  • 0x00 — Normal event
  • 0x01 — Alarm Event


Lora save lock slave ID of [NUM] lock


Battery percentage of the [NUM] LORA lock


Seal status of the [NUM] LORA lock.

  • 0X30 — Unseal
  • 0x31 — Seal


Physical state of the [NUM] LORA lock

  • 0X31 — Bound
  • 0x32 — Shackle closed
  • 0x33 — Shackle opened
  • 0x34 — Shell opened
  • 0x35 — Communication timeout
  • 0x36 - Shacle/Wire rope is cut;


Wireless strength of [NUM] LORA lock signal


Lora temperature and humidity sensor ID of [NUM] sensor


Internal voltage of the [NUM] LORA sensor.


Real time temperature of the [NUM] LORA sensor


Minimum temperature which triggers alarm on [NUM] Lora sensor


Maximum temperature which triggers alarm on [NUM] Lora sensor


Continuous over temperature alarm time threshold of the LORA sensor

lora_real_tm_hum_[NUM] Real time humidity of the [NUM] LORA sensor %
​ low_hum_alm_val_[NUM]

Minimum humidity which triggers alarm on [NUM] Lora sensor


Maximum humidity which triggers alarm on [NUM] Lora sensor

real_tm_overhum_alm_stat_[NUM] continuous over humidity alarm time threshold of the LORA sensor

signal strength of the [NUM] LORA sensor


Keypads unlock dynamic password (with P model support, such as G300P, the device will automatically generate random passwords after unlocking each time)


Battery level


Battery voltage


Network CSQ Signal


IMSI Code of the SIM Card. The upload is triggered when the network is reonnected


Client ID


Terminal upgrade result: Upgrade result of the current version, for example, 0, G4-360_20220301 Upgrade result: 0 - The upgrade succeeds. 1 - The upgrade fails


hardware version information


Software version information


Terminal ICCID code


GNSS module manufacturer.

  • 0X01 - 中科微
  • 0x02 — U-BLOX;


Bluetooth name of the device itself


Bluetooth MAC address of the chip itself


Wifi mac address of the chip itself


Bitwise parameter where each bit means

Bit Status
0 0: ACC OFF; 1:ACC ON(Padlock products don’t need this )
1 0: GPS invalid; 1: GPS valid
2 0: North Latitude; 1: South Latitude
3 0: East Longitude; 1: West Longitude
4 0: Long connection; 1: Short connection
5 0: GPS module OFF; 1: GPS module ON
6 Motion sensor(G-sensor) status
0: motion state; 1: static state
7 0: Travel switch closed 1: Travel switch opened
8 0: Hall sensor connected 1: Hall sensor disconnected
9-13 Reserved field
14 0:Unseal; 1: Seal;
15 0:Shackle opened; 1:Shackle closed;
16-17 00: No charging 01: Charging 10: Fully charged
18-19 00: default; 01:2G; 10:3G; 11:4G
20-21 0: default; 01: SIM 1; 10: SIM 2
22-23 00: Non; 01:WIFI; 10:RJ45
24-31 Reserved


The value depends on event_id parameter

Event ID Event Event Type Event Content
0x0000 Shackle closed 0x00(Normal) 0x00(Default)
0x0001 Shackle opened 0x00(Normal) 0x00(Default)
0x0002 Close shackle auto sealed 0x00(Normal) 0x00(Default)
0x0003 Swipe IC card to seal successful 0x00(Normal) 8 digits card ID
0x0004 Swipe card to unseal successful 0x00(Normal) 8 digits card ID
0x0005 BLE seal successful 0x00(Normal) APP_BLE user name or ID;
0x0006 BLE unseal successful 0x00(Normal) APP_BLE user name or ID;
0x0007 Platform seal successful 0x00(Normal) Platform user name or ID
0x0008 Platform unseal successful 0x00(Normal) Platform user name or ID
0x0009 SMS seal successful 0x00(Normal) SMS mobile phone number
0x000A SMS unseal successful 0x00(Normal) SMS mobile phone number
0x000B Unregistered IC card seal fails 0x00(Normal) 8 digits card ID
0x000C Unregistered IC card unseal fails 0x00(Normal) 8 digits card ID
0x000D IC card seal fails due to outside of the area 0x01(Alarm) 8 digits card ID
0x000E IC card unseal fails due to outside of the area 0x01(Alarm) 8 digits card ID
0x000F Shackle been opened under sealing states 0x01(Alarm) 0x00:(Default)
0x0010 Device Shell was tampered/removed 0x01(Alarm) 0x00:(Default)
0x0011 Shackle /Wire rope been cut 0x01(Alarm) 0x00:(Default)
0x0012 Battery voltage low get offline 0x01(Alarm) 0x00:(Default)
0x0013 Too many incorrect passwords areentered 0x01(Alarm) 0x00:(Default)
0x0014 Auto seal due to after unsealing for long time shackle did not been pull out 0x00(Normal) 0x00:(Default)
0x0015 Short connection handstand activation online 0x00(Normal) 0x00:(Default)
0x0016 Short connection touch activates online 0x00(Normal) 0x00:(Default)
0x0017 User set low battery threshold alarm reminder 0x01(Alarm) 0x00:(Default)
0x0018 Motor got stuck during sealing 0x01(Alarm) 0x00:(Default)
0x0019 Motor got stuck during unsealing 0x01(Alarm) 0x00:(Default)
0x001A GPS antenna open circuit 0x01(Alarm) 0x00:(Default)
0x001B GPS antenna short circuit 0x01(Alarm) 0x00:(Default)
0x001C MCU communication abnormal 0x01(Alarm) 0x00:(Default)
0x001D Full charged 0x00(Normal) 0x00(Default)
0x001E Disconnected charger 0x00(Normal) 0x00(Default)
0x001F Connected charger 0x00(Normal) 0x00(Default)
0x0020 Device/Terminal shut down reminder 0x00(Normal) 0x00(Default)
0x0021 Motion wake up under short connection 0x00(Normal) 0x00(Default)
0x0022 Static passwords unlock events 0x00(Normal) Static unlock password value; (usually 8 digits)
0x0023 APP reports BLE sealing 0x00(Normal) APP_BLE username or ID;(Used when APP is connected to pure Bluetooth lock)
0x0024 APP reports BLE unsealing 0x00(Normal) APP_BLE username or ID;(Used when APP is connected to pure Bluetooth lock)
0x0025 Business data changes 0x00(Normal) 0x00(Default)
0x0026 Dynamic passwords unlock events 0x00(Normal) Dynamic unlock password value;(usually 8 digits)
0x0027 Emergency key unseal event 0x00(Normal) 0x00(Default)
0x0028 Emergency key seal event 0x00(Normal) 0x00(Default)
0x0029 Emergency physical key is not closed, sealing failure event 0x00(Normal) 0x00(Default)
0x002A Scheduled unseal events 0x00(Normal) 0x00(Default)
0x002C Handstand flip (180 degree rotate) 0x01(Alarm) 0x00(Default) This event is only applicable to the use of fixed equipment, such as: smart box, fixed lock, etc.
0x0030 Geo-Fence in invalid date swipe card, unseal failure 0x00(Normal) 8 digits card ID: Format: string
0x0031 Geo-Fence in invalid date swipe card, seal failure 0x00(Normal) 8 digits card ID: Format: string
0x0032 Geo-Fence in invalid time swipe card, unseal failure 0x00(Normal) 8 digits card ID: Format: string
0x0033 Geo-Fence in invalid time swipe card, seal failure 0x00(Normal) 8 digits card ID: Format: string
0x0048 Swipe unregister seal card fail in Geo-Fence 0x00(Normal) 8 digits card ID: Format: string
0x0049 Swipe unregister unseal card fail in Geo-Fence 0x00(Normal) 8 digits card ID: Format: string
0x004A Swipe unseal card successful in Geo-Fence 0x00(Normal) 8 digits card ID: Format: string
0x004B Swipe seal card successful in Geo-Fence 0x00(Normal) 8 digits card ID: Format: string
0x004C Outside Geo-Fence swipe unseal card failure 0x00(Normal) 8 digits card ID: Format: string
0x004D Outside Geo-Fence swipe seal card failure 0x00(Normal) 8 digits card ID: Format: string Password
0x0034 Geo-Fence invalid password, unseal failure 0x00(Normal) Unlock password value usually 8 digits. Format: String
0x0035 Geo-Fence invalid password, seal failure 0x00(Normal) Unlock password value usually 8 digits. Format: String
0x0036 Geo-Fence in invalid date password unseal failure 0x00(Normal) Unlock password value usually 8 digits. Format: String
0x0037 Geo-Fence in invalid date password seal failure 0x00(Normal) Unlock password value usually 8 digits. Format: String
0x0038 Geo-Fence in invalid time password unseal failure 0x00(Normal) Unlock password value usually 8 digits. Format: String
0x0039 Geo-Fence in invalid time password seal failure 0x00(Normal) Unlock password value usually 8 digits. Format: String
0x004E Password unseal successful in Geo-Fence 0x00(Normal) Unlock password value usually 8 digits. Format: String
0x004F Password unseal failure in Geo-Fence 0x00(Normal) Unlock password value usually 8 digits. Format: String
0x0114 Password seal successful in Geo-Fence 0x00(Normal) Unlock password value usually 8 digits. Format: String
0x0115 Password seal failure in Geo-Fence 0x00(Normal) Unlock password value usually 8 digits.Format: String
0x003A Geo-Fence invalid SMS, unseal failure 0x00(Normal) SMS mobile phone number. Format: String
0x003B Geo-Fence invalid SMS, seal failure 0x00(Normal) SMS mobile phone number. Format: String
0x003C Geo-Fence in invalid date SMS unseal failure 0x00(Normal) SMS mobile phone number. Format: String
0x003D Geo-Fence in invalid date SMS seal failure 0x00(Normal) SMS mobile phone number. Format: String
0x003E Geo-Fence in invalid time SMS unseal failure 0x00(Normal) SMS mobile phone number. Format: String
0x003F Geo-Fence in invalid time SMS seal failure 0x00(Normal) SMS mobile phone number. Format: String
0x0100 SMS seal successful in Geo-Fence 0x00(Normal) SMS mobile phone number. Format: String
0x0101 SMS unseal successful in Geo-Fence 0x00(Normal) SMS mobile phone number.Format: String
0x0102 SMS seal failure outside Geo-Fence 0x00(Normal) SMS mobile phone number. Format: String
0x0103 SMS unseal failure outside Geo-Fence 0x00(Normal) SMS mobile phone number. Format: String
0x0040 Geo-Fence invalid BLE, unseal failure 0x00(Normal) Platform user name or ID Format: String
0x0041 Geo-Fence invalid BLE, seal failure 0x00(Normal) Platform user name or ID Format: String
0x0042 Geo-Fence in invalid date BLE seal failure 0x00(Normal) Platform user name or ID Format: String
0x0043 Geo-Fence in invalid time BLE unseal failure 0x00(Normal) Platform user name or ID Format: String
0x0044 Geo-Fence in invalid time BLE seal failure 0x00(Normal) Platform user name or ID Format: String
0x0045 Geo-Fence in invalid date BLE seal failure 0x00(Normal) Platform user name or ID Format: String
0x0104 BLE seal successful in Geo-Fence 0x00(Normal) Platform user name or ID Format: String
0x0105 BLE unseal successful in Geo-Fence 0x00(Normal) Platform user name or ID Format: String
0x0106 BLE unseal failutre outside Geo-Fence 0x00(Normal) Platform user name or ID Format: String
0x0107 BLE seal failutre outside Geo-Fence 0x00(Normal) Platform user name or ID Format: String
0x0046 Geo-Fence in invalid date touch seal failure 0x00(Normal) 0x00(Default)
0x0047 Geo-Fence in invalid time touch sealc failure 0x00(Normal) 0x00(Default)
0x0112 Touch seal successful in Geo-Fence 0x00(Normal) 0x00(Default)
0x0113 Touch seal failure in Geo-Fence 0x00(Normal) 0x00(Default)
0x0051 Web remote access gateway to unseal sub-lock via LORA successfully 0x00(Normal) Slave ID [6] + [Remote unseal operator information] Format: Slave ID [6]: Byte displayed in HEX hexadecimal format Remote operator info: String
0x0052 APP unsealed sub-lock via BLE 0x00(Normal) Slave ID [6] + [APP operatorinformation] Slave ID [6]: Byte displayed in HEX hexadecimal format APP operator info: String
0x0053 APP access gateway through BLE tounseal sub-lock via LORA successfully 0x00(Normal) Slave ID [6] + [APP operator information] Slave ID [6]: Byte displayed in HEX hexadecimal format APP operator info: String
0x0054 SMS remote access gateway to unseal sub-lock via LORA successfully 0x00(Normal) Slave ID [6] + [ mobile phone number that sent SMS] Slave ID [6]: Byte displayed in HEX hexadecimal format Mobile phone number for sending SMS: String
0x0055 Sub-lock shackle closed, auto sealed 0x00(Normal) Slave ID [6] Format: Byte displayed in HEX hexadecimal format
0x0056 Sub-lock shackle opened after unsealing 0x00(Normal) Slave ID [6] Format: Byte displayed in HEX hexadecimal format
0x0057 Sub-lock shell was tampered 0x01(Alarm) Slave ID [6]Format: Byte displayed in HEXhexadecimal format
0x0058 Sub-lock shackle was opened/cut in sealing state 0x01(Alarm) Slave ID [6] Format: Byte displayed in HEX hexadecimal format
0x0059 Sub-lock communicate timeout 0x01(Alarm) Slave ID [6] Format: Byte displayed in HEX hexadecimal format
0x005A Sub-lock low battery alarm 0x01(Alarm) Slave ID [6] Format: Byte displayed in HEX hexadecimal format
0x005B Auto disabled LORA unsealing in moving sate 0x00(Normal) 0x00(device detects motion status and enables automatic sealing, so use 0x00)
0x005C BLE parameter setting unsealed via LORA 0x00(Normal) APP_BLE User Name or ID Format: String
0x005D Web parameter setting sealed via LORA 0x00(Normal) Platform User Name or ID Format: String
0x005E Web parameter setting unsealed viaLORA 0x00(Normal) Platform User Name or ID Format: String
0x005F SMS setting sealed via LORA 0x00(Normal) [ sent SMM Mobile phone number ];Format: String
0x0060 SMS setting unsealed via LORA 0x00(Normal) [sent SMM Mobile phone number];
0x0061 Unsealed sub-lock by own registered card 0x00(Normal) Slave ID [6] + card ID [8] Format: Slave ID [6]: Byte The display uses HEX hexadecimal Card ID [8]: String
0x0062 Sealed sub-lock by own registered card 0x00(Normal) Slave ID [6] + card ID [8] Slave ID [6]: Byte The display uses HEX hexadecimal Card ID [8]: String
0x0063 Sub-lock swiped unregistered unseal card 0x00(Normal) Slave ID [6] + card ID [8] Slave ID [6]: Byte The display uses HEX hexadecimal Card ID [8]: String
0x0064 Sub-lock swiped unregistered seal card 0x00(Normal) Slave ID [6] + card ID [8] Slave ID [6]: Byte The display uses HEX hexadecimal Card ID [8]: String
0x0065 Card unsealed sub-lock through gateway 0x00(Normal) Slave ID [6] + card ID [8] Slave ID [6]: Byte The display uses HEX hexadecimal Card ID [8]: String
0x0066 Card sealed sub-lock through gateway 0x00(Normal) Slave ID [6] + card ID [8] Slave ID [6]: Byte The display uses HEX hexadecimal Card ID [8]: String
0x0067 Web remote unsealed sub-lock through gateway via LORA 0x00(Normal) Slave ID [6] + [Remote unseal operator information] Format: Slave ID [6]: Byte The display uses HEX hexadecimal Remote operator info : String
0x0068 APP BLE sealed sub-lock 0x00(Normal) Slave ID [6] + [APP operator information] Format: Slave ID [6]: Byte The display uses HEX hexadecimal APP operator info : String
0x0069 APP BLE sealed sub-lock via gateway LORA 0x00(Normal) Slave ID [6] + [APP operator information] Format: Slave ID [6]: Byte The display uses HEX hexadecimal APP operator info : String
0x006A SMS remote sealed sub-lock via gateway LORA 0x00(Normal) Slave ID [6] + [ mobile phone number that sent SMS] Format: Slave ID [6]: Byte The display uses HEX hexadecimal Mobile phone number for sending SMS: String
0x006B BLE Parameter setting unsealed via LORA 0x00(Normal) APP_BLE username or ID; Format: String
0x006C Sub-lock shackle not open for a long time after unsealing, auto sealed 0x00(Normal) Slave ID [6] Format: Byte The display uses HEX hexadecimal
0x0070 Temperature exceeded upper limit 0x01(Alarm) Temperature and humidity device ID [6]Format: Byte The display uses HEXhexadecimal
0x0071 Temperature exceeded the lower limit alarm 0x01(Alarm) Temperature and humidity device ID [6] Format: Byte The display uses HEX hexadecimal
0x0072 Humidity exceeded upper limit alarm 0x01(Alarm) Temperature and humidity device ID [6] Format: Byte The display uses HEX hexadecimal
0x0073 Humidity exceeded lower limit alarm 0x01(Alarm) Temperature and humidity device ID [6] Format: Byte The display uses HEX hexadecimal
0x0074 Timeout alarm event 0x01(Alarm) Temperature and humidity device ID [6] Format: Byte The display uses HEX hexadecimal
0x0075 3-axis impact alarm event 0x01(Alarm) Temperature and humidity device ID [6] Format: Byte The display uses HEX hexadecimal
0x0090 Firmware version reported event 0x00 Version number (Upload only after the device is reset and reboot) Format: String
0x00A0 Overspeed alarm 0x01(Alarm) 0x00(Default) If the speed exceeds the set threshold, report an over-speed alarm event. If the speed exceeds continuously or the speed returns to normal, report an over-speed alarm event within 5 minutes.
0x00A1 Overparking alarm 0x01(Alarm) 0x00(Default) 1) If the parking time exceeds the set threshold, only one event will be reported if the parking time is in a stationary state continuously. 2)Only after the movement is changed and the parking timeout threshold is reached again, the event reporting will be triggered again.


Bitwise parameter where each bit means

Bit Definition Process Description
0 1:Shackle been pulled out (Under the sealing state) -
1 1:Shell tampered/damaged alarm -
2 1:Low battery alarm -
3 1:MCU communicate abnormal alarm -
4 1: Shackle / String cable been cut/ disconnected alarm -
5 1:GPS antenna open circuit alarm -
6 1:GPS antenna short circuit alarm -
7 1: Motor is stuck during sealing Only the version with photoelectric switch can support this function
8 1:Motor is stuck during unsealing Only the version with photoelectric switch can support this function
9 1:Over-speed alarm Kept until the alarm condition is cleared
10 1:Timeout parking alarm Kept until the alarm condition is cleared
11 1:GNSS module failure Kept until the alarm condition is cleared
12 1:Main power failure Kept until the alarm condition is cleared
13-31 Reserved (default 0) Reserved (default 0)

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