Queclink GL501 LTE

Queclink GL501 LTE
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Afin d'identifier le boîtier Queclink GL501 LTE les détails suivants sont à utiliser dans les réglages de l'unité sur Wialon :

Type du boîtier GPS: Queclink GL501 LTE
ID unique: imei

Précisez les paramètres suivants dans le programme de configuration ou dans la configuration Queclink GL501 LTE pour les utiliser dans Wialon Hosting :

Port du serveur: 21948

69 unités Queclink GL501 LTE connectées au le centre de données Wialon — Ça fait 0% de nombre total des boîtiers GPS connectés.

Le diagramme ci-dessous représente la dynamique des connexions dans le centre de données Wialon au cours des 30 derniers jours:

Nom du paramètre Description Unités

Current volume of the battery


Current mode of the device:

0: Power saving mode

1: Continuous nide


the movement status of the device

0: Stillness

1: Motion


The real time temperature value of the terminal


The light sensor tamper state

0: Normal state

1: Tamper alarm state


The ICCID of the installed SIM card


The network signal strength leveel


The quality of the network signal


Bitwise mask to configue which data item is reported

bit 0: Bluetooth accessory name

bit 1: Bluetooth accessory MAC

bit 2: Bluetooth accessory connection status: 1 - connected | 0 - disconnected

bit 3: Bluetooth accessory battery voltage

bit 4: Bluetooth accessory temperature

bit 5: Bluetooth accessory humidity


The number of bluetooth accessory. If it is 0, the accessory
fields from bt_index to bt[bt_index]_hum will not display. I


The index of bluetooth accessory. Takes values 0-9


The type of the bluetooth accessory. Possible types:

0: No Bluetooth accessory.
6: Beacon temperature/humidity sensor.


The data is read from Bluetooth accessory


The humidity data of Bluetooth accessory


The Temperature data of the Bluetooth accessory


The battery level of Bluetooth accessory


The alarm type of the bluetooth accessory:

0: The voltage of the Bluetooth accessory is low

1: The temperature alarm: Current temperature value is below low temperature limit

2: The temperature alarm: Current temperature value is upper high temperature limit

3: The temperature alarm: Current temperature value is within the range defined by temperature limit

7: Humidity alarm: Current Humidity value is below low humidity limit

8: Humidity alarm: Current Humidity valueis upper high humidity limit

9: Humidity alarm: Current Humidity values is within the range defined by humidity limit

A: The available alarm: The connection status of Bluetooth accessory has changed

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