Update: what’s new in June 2019?

8 July, 2019
Olga Voytikhovich

Starting from June 2019, custom SMTP server usage in Wialon Hosting, data export in NimBus, and new Hecterra features are on the go. Read the details down below.

Wialon Hosting

Custom SMTP server

In your billing plan settings, you can define the email address responsible for sending reports, notifications, etc. Previously, Gurtam SMTP (mail) server was always used in this case. Now, you can use any third-party SMTP server. To do so, specify the server, port, login, and password in the corresponding fields. If done right, it will help avoid delivery failures and getting emails into the “Spam” folder.

Wialon Hosting

Passenger report

A new “Mileage” column appeared in the passenger and passenger group reports. It allows discovering how many kilometers/miles the passenger traveled. It is useful if you charge passengers based on the mileage.

Wialon Hosting

CMS login page redesign

We changed the design of the CMS login page and its logo. Thanks to a new favicon, you will easily find the CMS page among many other opened tabs.

Message types in the Log

In the Log at the bottom of the map, different types of messages were displayed simultaneously. Now, you can sort and view them according to their category: incoming messages, user actions. This will save time while looking for a particular message.

Wialon Hosting

Notifications and jobs import

From now on, jobs and notifications import will be successfully executed, even if the system doesn’t have access to the unit specified in the notification or the job.

Before the update, an error was shown, and the import didn’t occur.

However, we do recommend editing the notifications and jobs after importing and adding the existing units into them. It is necessary for the further correct operation of the jobs and notifications.

There is a special topic where the Gurtam forum users can learn about the new Wialon Hosting features. 


Data export in GTFS format

We implemented the option of all data export from Nimbus (stops, routes, schedules, and operation patterns) in GTFS format. Now the app users can:

  • integrate with the third-party platforms, for example, with Google, where passengers can build routes using the schedules uploaded by the carrier;

  • quickly and easily transfer data from one account to another (we’re currently working on the data import feature, too);

  • ensure that backup storage is available for the data from NimBus.

GTFS format (General Transit Feed Specification) is the most popular protocol of public transport schedules description. It allows using transportation companies’ data on maps, in routes planning software, and other services, as well as mobile apps for improving the quality of service for passengers.

For businesses heavily involved in transportation, using GTFS for data transfer is of vital importance today. Now it’s available in Nimbus for your convenience.

Route groups reports

We added the new “Route group rides” type of report. Now you can receive the summarized info based on several routes on a single page. Use it when you need to receive data not on a single object or route, but a carrier. Manage your route groups and build the new reports on the Administration tab.

Wialon Hosting

Delete selected stops

Now you can delete several stops at a time (or all the stops if needed).

Note! The app won’t let you delete a stop if it’s the first or the last one of the route. In that case, you’ll need to remove the route first.

Use this feature to get rid of the stops which appeared by error, for example, after a file import, and also for editing your routes.

Wialon Hosting

Visit our forum and discover more. You can leave your comments and suggestions there as well.


Search by fields description

Often users put such info as the type of ownership, the owner, the cadastral number, etc. in the field description. Now, you can quickly find a field by this info, if you don’t remember the field name.

Wialon Hosting

Fields export in .kmz

Fields export to .kmz files is now available in Hecterra. With this feature, the users can download backup data or transfer it to another resource or platform, such as Wialon Hosting, for example. The file contains the external contour of the fields, and the sections of uncultivated areas if any.

All cultivations report

A new type of report is added; get the reports for a certain period, with no filter based on a unit or a field. The report shows all the cultivations approved for the period selected. By default, the period is set as the current month.

Wialon Hosting

Maps localization

From now on, the maps will be shown in the language selected in the resource settings (if the cartographic information is available in this language).

API to work with multi-cultivations

Use the API methods for multi-cultivations to combine several separate cultivations which were executed on the same field at different times (by various units, drivers, or within several days). Thus, you will be able to calculate the total cultivated area, overlaps, and fuel consumption for multi-cultivations.

More details on the Hecterra new features are in this topic.

This is all so far. In a month, we will prepare the review of July features. Good news for the TelematiX visitors: you’ll get to visit the presentations on Wialon Hosting, NimBus, and Hecterra and to talk to the development teams in person. Don’t forget to mark the speeches you’d like to visit in our agenda.


Olga Voytikhovich
Olga Voytikhovich
Olga is a content editor at Gurtam. She proofreads and reviews other authors' materials, also writes about Gurtam products, presents partner use cases in the best way possible, and tells about the system updates. In fact, Olga helps out with the content of almost all Gurtam resources.


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