Less than a week is left until a much-awaited annual Wialon Local 1904 update. Meanwhile, let’s review Wialon Hosting and web-applications latest releases that have seen the light of the day within the last month. They will get into the new version of the server solution as well.
A short while ago, we taught you how to create a proper accounts hierarchy. The next step is to set up each of them. For you to make it faster, we added the option of configuring several accounts simultaneously:
We work towards one idea – all the information that you add in custom fields should be displayed in reports. This month, we make one more step in this direction – you can report on any custom data that you add to driver/trailer groups.
Summary information on any custom parameters of drivers and trailers will be displayed in the new report table. Use it to compare the characteristics of team drivers to custom parameters of their vehicles. For example, if they have a proper driving license category.
Earlier, the system automatically unbound passengers within 10 hours after assignment. Now you can set up the period of up to 99 hours or even switch off automatic unbinding by entering «0».
Use it for passengers that need to be assigned to a means of transport for longer periods. For example, if they’re traveling the longest overland route from Liberia to China.
Last month, we added the new “Registration time” parameter in the “Messages” panel. It shows the date and time when the message was received on the server. In March, it also becomes a parameter to be used for sensor creation. Such a sensor becomes a tool to visualize the black box of a tracker – create a report and view all the desired data.
The number of engaged units is displayed on the right side of the screen:
Actual number: how many vehicles are on the linear scheme now and if they visited at least one stop.
Planned number: how many units should be on the linear scheme.
*Those units are considered that are assigned to active rides being carried out at the present moment.
Units actual/planned percentage: this figure will show when it’s time to add extra vehicles to the route.
Not long ago, we added the option of receiving Fleetrun notifications in Telegram, on email, and on external servers. Now you can check if it is possible to send a notification with current settings.
“Test” option appeared in the notifications settings interface. Upon clicking on the corresponding button, the system will check the settings and if all mandatory fields are filled in, and will let you know if you can send the notification. If the answer is negative, you will see the error code and its description – enough info to make corrections.
Fleetrun can send Service notifications to an e-mail. But sometimes the mail service rejects them and sends errors.
After 20 ‘sending notification to email’ errors, we block their triggering. You will see the number of errors and successful sendings if you hover the cursor on the corresponding icon in the notification setup field. The error text will specify what's wrong, you can copy it and Google-search the solution.
Now you know what changed in Wialon Hosting, NimBus, and Fleetrun in March. The article on Wialon Local 1904 will be published next week. Follow the news on the blog, use new functionality in your projects, and update the server-based solution! See you soon!