Updates: what’s new in Wialon in August 2024

16 September, 2024
Elizaveta Guliaeva

This is our traditional update article, and we’re excited to share the key system improvements that were released in August 2024. Without further ado, let’s dive in!

Bulk import of fuel fillings, drivers, and units from CSV/XLSX files 

Partners can now import data on fuel fillings, drivers, and units into Wialon from CSV/XLSX files in CMS Manager. 

This improvement speeds up the process of mass-creating elements — there is no need to add them individually. During the import process, the system verifies the data and automatically adds the correct fuel fillings, units, or drivers.

The bulk import of fuel fillings is beneficial for units without fuel level sensors and for generating reports on fuel fillings using fuel cards. The ability to quickly upload all the information into Wialon simplifies the analysis and comparison of actual data with system-recorded data.

The mass creation of elements is especially useful in transferring existing driver and unit databases into Wialon from other systems all at once. As a result, Wialon partners no longer need to request technical support for assistance with this process.

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Here you can import CSV or XLSX files. Please note that the maximum allowed size is 64 MB

Sensor recommendations in the Unit properties

We recently released a feature that allows users to create popular sensors automatically when adding new units. Since then, many of you have tested this feature and given us positive feedback. 

Now, we have introduced the ability to create sensors based on recommendations in the Unit properties. 

Thus, the sensor recommendations feature works for all units, whether newly created or already existing, and functions as follows: the system analyzes messages received from the unit and then suggests various sensors that are suitable for it but not yet configured. Just a few clicks are all that’s required from you to create a sensor.

Consequently, we have further simplified the process of working with sensors, thereby saving users’ time on routine tasks.

Unsubscribe feature for notification and job emails

Wialon users receive emails when notifications are triggered or jobs are carried out according to their schedule. In August, we introduced an Unsubscribe link at the bottom of such emails, giving users the opportunity to opt out of receiving these messages if they choose. 

Unsubscribing is a standard feature for mass email communications, designed to improve user convenience. With this option, users no longer need to constantly delete unnecessary emails, mark them as spam, or accumulate dozens of unread messages in their inboxes — simply clicking 'Unsubscribe' ensures they receive only the emails they want. 

This feature also enhances the reliability of email delivery for all recipients, particularly those using public email services such as Gmail and Hotmail. When users mark emails as spam, it can adversely affect the delivery rates of messages from specific senders. By offering a simple way to adjust email preferences and unsubscribe, we help minimize this risk.

We’ve also given partners the option to disable the feature if it conflicts with their client management or integrations. In CMS Manager, partners can uncheck the Unsubscribe feature box for a specific account or resource. However, we recommend keeping this box checked to let users manage their incoming messages themselves. 

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Check or uncheck the Unsubscribe feature box in the Account properties

Updated unit tooltip on the Monitoring tab

Earlier this year, we began to introduce various improvements to the Wialon interface, making it more up-to-date and user-friendly. One of these updates is the redesigned unit tooltip. Since then, we’ve refreshed the unit tooltip on key system tabs, including Jobs, Notifications, Drivers, Trailers, Passengers, Video, and Routes.

The latest update introduces the redesigned tooltip on the Monitoring tab. It appears in the work list when you click on a unit icon or hover over its name.

Thus, the new tooltip has been seamlessly integrated throughout the system, maintaining consistency with the overall UI/UX design.

In addition to these features, we consistently make numerous subtle improvements that enhance the system’s reliability and stability, all behind the scenes for the users. The Development Center is committed to keeping Wialon as the leading choice for fleet management, effectively meeting the business needs of our partners and their clients.

And here’s a little teaser for those reading to the end: this fall, we’re introducing several noteworthy Wialon updates. To ensure you don’t miss out, please subscribe to our blog.

Elizaveta Guliaeva
Elizaveta Guliaeva
Elizaveta is a Content Marketer at Wialon. She keeps the Wialon community informed with the latest news and creates marketing materials that showcase the best Wialon features for various business niches.


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