Xexun TK103-2

Xexun TK103-2
Manufacturer: Xexun
Forum Discussion

Number of units


The following data should also be added to Xexun TK103-2 unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: Xexun TK103-2
Unique ID: imei

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration Xexun TK103-2 for use in Wialon Hosting :

Server port: 20462

346 units of Xexun TK103-2 device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0.01% of all AVL Hardware connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units
ac_alarm Acceleration alarm
acc_alarm Acceleration alarm
battery Battery charge level %
door_alarm Door alarm
door Door alarm
event Event that initiated the message
fortify Fortification alarm
fuel_level Fuel level %
help_me SOS button pressed
ign Ignition on/off
ignition Ignition on/off
low_battery Low battery alarm
move_alarm Movement alarm
over_speed Over speed alarm
param_1 Additional param 1 value
param_2 Additional param 2 value
power_fail External power failure
pwr_int Internal battery voltage Volt
rfid RFID
shake Shake alarm
temp Temperature °C
trigger Trigger alarm

In order to configure the object, you have to follow these steps by sending SMS commands to the tracker:

  • "begin123456" - resets all controller's settings, password 123456 is set by default
  • make a call to the controller, which should wait untill two beeps, break the call and send SMS with it's coordinates
  • "apn123456 mts" - sets the required apn for gprs configuration
  • "apnuser123456 mts" - sets the user for gprs configuration
  • "apnpasswd123456 mts" - sets the password for gprs configuration. For new equipment versions user and password are set with one command "admin123456 mts mts"
  • "GPRS123456" - we're setting GPRS mode
  • "adminip123456 <IP> 20462" - sets the server's address for packages sending, <IP> replace for IP of monitoring system
  • "t030s***n123456" - sets the interval of messages sending to 30 seconds. For new equipment versions this command can have the following format "fix030s***n123456"

You can also download an example of object configuration file for Xexun TK103-2 to be used in Wialon GPS tracking software. When creating an object, import this configuration file by selecting "Import from File" option. This way you will create a pre-configured object with some sensors. Do not forget to specify the unique Id of Your device.

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